上一节我们成功将 nfs 的volume挂载到 Service上,本节验证 Failover时,数据会不会丢失。
Scale Up
root@host03:~# docker service update --replicas 4 my_web
overall progress: 4 out of 4 tasks
1/4: running   [==================================================>]
2/4: running   [==================================================>]
3/4: running   [==================================================>]
4/4: running   [==================================================>]
verify: Service converged
root@host03:~# docker service ps my_web
ID                  NAME                IMAGE               NODE                DESIRED STATE       CURRENT STATE            ERROR               PORTS
a2v73m955o9j        my_web.1            httpd:latest        host01              Running             Running 13 minutes ago                       
uzdfouv3s2bz        my_web.2            httpd:latest        host02              Running             Running 13 minutes ago                       
f4tg54ze3hgg        my_web.3            httpd:latest        host02              Running             Running 14 seconds ago                       
znf4m0jpa0r5        my_web.4            httpd:latest        host01              Running             Running 14 seconds ago              
root@host01:~# docker inspect my_web.4.znf4m0jpa0r5p3fklp1hgdwhu | jq .[0].Mounts
    "Type": "volume",
    "Name": "volume-nfs",
    "Source": "/var/lib/docker/volumes/volume-nfs/_data",
    "Destination": "/usr/local/apache2/htdocs",
    "Driver": "local",
    "Mode": "z",
    "RW": true,
    "Propagation": ""
root@host01:~# docker exec my_web.4.znf4m0jpa0r5p3fklp1hgdwhu cat /usr/local/apache2/htdocs/index.html
docker swarm nfs volume test
root@host02:~# docker inspect my_web.3.f4tg54ze3hggppy96jldhtdxs | jq .[0].Mounts
    "Type": "volume",
    "Name": "volume-nfs",
    "Source": "/var/lib/docker/volumes/volume-nfs/_data",
    "Destination": "/usr/local/apache2/htdocs",
    "Driver": "local",
    "Mode": "z",
    "RW": true,
    "Propagation": ""
root@host02:~# docker exec my_web.3.f4tg54ze3hggppy96jldhtdxs cat /usr/local/apache2/htdocs/index.html
docker swarm nfs volume test
root@host03:~# echo "add test str" >> /var/nfs/index.html
root@host03:~# cat /var/nfs/index.html
docker swarm nfs volume test
add test str
root@host03:~# curl
docker swarm nfs volume test
add test str
root@host03:~# curl
docker swarm nfs volume test
add test str
root@host03:~# curl
docker swarm nfs volume test
add test str
root@host03:~# docker service ps my_web
ID                  NAME                IMAGE               NODE                DESIRED STATE       CURRENT STATE            ERROR               PORTS
a2v73m955o9j        my_web.1            httpd:latest        host01              Running             Running 17 minutes ago                       
uzdfouv3s2bz        my_web.2            httpd:latest        host02              Running             Running 17 minutes ago                       
f4tg54ze3hgg        my_web.3            httpd:latest        host02              Running             Running 4 minutes ago                        
znf4m0jpa0r5        my_web.4            httpd:latest        host01              Running             Running 4 minutes ago       
root@host01:~# docker exec my_web.1.a2v73m955o9js3fbihf0dwei6 cat /usr/local/apache2/htdocs/index.html
docker swarm nfs volume test
add test str
root@host01:~# docker exec my_web.4.znf4m0jpa0r5p3fklp1hgdwhu cat /usr/local/apache2/htdocs/index.html
docker swarm nfs volume test
add test str
root@host02:~# docker exec my_web.2.uzdfouv3s2bz0ohyahjeeyqao cat /usr/local/apache2/htdocs/index.html
docker swarm nfs volume test
add test str
root@host02:~# docker exec my_web.3.f4tg54ze3hggppy96jldhtdxs cat /usr/local/apache2/htdocs/index.html
docker swarm nfs volume test
add test str
Failover 验证,host01关机
root@host03:~# docker service ps my_web
ID                  NAME                IMAGE               NODE                DESIRED STATE       CURRENT STATE            ERROR               PORTS
a2v73m955o9j        my_web.1            httpd:latest        host01              Running             Running 9 seconds ago                        
uzdfouv3s2bz        my_web.2            httpd:latest        host02              Running             Running 21 minutes ago                       
f4tg54ze3hgg        my_web.3            httpd:latest        host02              Running             Running 8 minutes ago                        
znf4m0jpa0r5        my_web.4            httpd:latest        host01              Running             Running 9 seconds ago                        
root@host03:~# docker service ps my_web
ID                  NAME                IMAGE               NODE                DESIRED STATE       CURRENT STATE                  ERROR               PORTS
i4j8tplkkq34        my_web.1            httpd:latest        host02              Ready               Ready less than a second ago                       
a2v73m955o9j         \_ my_web.1        httpd:latest        host01              Shutdown            Running 10 seconds ago                             
uzdfouv3s2bz        my_web.2            httpd:latest        host02              Running             Running 21 minutes ago                             
f4tg54ze3hgg        my_web.3            httpd:latest        host02              Running             Running 8 minutes ago                              
ve0j4of1m1ao        my_web.4            httpd:latest        host02              Ready               Ready less than a second ago                       
znf4m0jpa0r5         \_ my_web.4        httpd:latest        host01              Shutdown            Running 10 seconds ago                             
root@host03:~# docker service ps my_web
ID                  NAME                IMAGE               NODE                DESIRED STATE       CURRENT STATE            ERROR               PORTS
i4j8tplkkq34        my_web.1            httpd:latest        host02              Running             Ready 4 seconds ago                          
a2v73m955o9j         \_ my_web.1        httpd:latest        host01              Shutdown            Running 15 seconds ago                       
uzdfouv3s2bz        my_web.2            httpd:latest        host02              Running             Running 21 minutes ago                       
f4tg54ze3hgg        my_web.3            httpd:latest        host02              Running             Running 8 minutes ago                        
ve0j4of1m1ao        my_web.4            httpd:latest        host02              Running             Ready 4 seconds ago                          
znf4m0jpa0r5         \_ my_web.4        httpd:latest        host01              Shutdown            Running 15 seconds ago                    
root@host02:~# docker ps | grep my_web
e46bd42b6fda        httpd:latest        "httpd-foreground"   About a minute ago   Up About a minute   80/tcp              my_web.4.ve0j4of1m1aosbmpg9yew8dxr
5338df22fc68        httpd:latest        "httpd-foreground"   About a minute ago   Up About a minute   80/tcp              my_web.1.i4j8tplkkq348ae0tcdcrl38r
426a79228471        httpd:latest        "httpd-foreground"   10 minutes ago       Up 10 minutes       80/tcp              my_web.3.f4tg54ze3hggppy96jldhtdxs
5c5fffec6de6        httpd:latest        "httpd-foreground"   23 minutes ago       Up 23 minutes       80/tcp              my_web.2.uzdfouv3s2bz0ohyahjeeyqao
root@host02:~# docker exec my_web.1.i4j8tplkkq348ae0tcdcrl38r cat /usr/local/apache2/htdocs/index.html
docker swarm nfs volume test
add test str
root@host02:~# docker exec my_web.4.ve0j4of1m1aosbmpg9yew8dxr cat /usr/local/apache2/htdocs/index.html
docker swarm nfs volume test
add test str
root@host03:~# curl    #    因为host01 关机了,所有host01的ip也访问不了了
curl: (7) Failed to connect to port 80: No route to host
root@host03:~# curl
docker swarm nfs volume test
add test str
root@host03:~# curl
docker swarm nfs volume test
add test str


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