

# """
# This is Sea's API interface.
# You should not implement it, or speculate about its implementation
# """
#class Sea(object):
# def hasShips(self, topRight: 'Point', bottomLeft: 'Point') -> bool:
#class Point(object):
# def __init__(self, x: int, y: int):
# self.x = x
# self.y = y class Solution(object):
def countShips(self, sea: 'Sea', topRight: 'Point', bottomLeft: 'Point') -> int:
if topRight.x == bottomLeft.x and topRight.y == bottomLeft.y and sea.hasShips(topRight,bottomLeft):
return 1
if sea.hasShips(topRight,bottomLeft):
mid_h = (topRight.y + bottomLeft.y)//2
mid_w = (topRight.x + bottomLeft.x)//2
a = self.countShips(sea,Point(mid_w,topRight.y),Point(bottomLeft.x,mid_h+1)) if mid_h != topRight.y else 0
b = self.countShips(sea,topRight,Point(mid_w+1,mid_h+1)) if mid_h != topRight.y and mid_w != topRight.x else 0
c = self.countShips(sea,Point(mid_w,mid_h),bottomLeft)
d = self.countShips(sea,Point(topRight.x,mid_h),Point(mid_w+1,bottomLeft.y)) if mid_w != topRight.x else 0
return a + b + c + d
return 0


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