Boost Variant resembles union. You can store values of different types in a boost::variant.


#include <boost/variant.hpp>
#include <string> int main() {
boost::variant<double, char, std::string> v;
v = 3.14;
v = 'A';
v = "Boost";

boost::variant is a template, at least one parameter must be specified. One or more template parameters specify the supported types.

2. accessing values in boost::variant with boost::get()

#include <boost/variant.hpp>
#include <string>
#include <iostream> int main() {
boost::variant<double, char, std::string> v;
v = 3.14;
std::cout << boost::get<double>(v) << std::endl;
v = 'A';
std::cout << boost::get<char>(v) << std::endl;
v = "Boost";
std::cout << boost::get<std::string>(v) << std::endl;
return ;

to display the stored values of v, use the free-standing function boost::get().


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