OpenSceneGraph-3.3.3, [/b]released on 19th December 2014, key deliverables in this dev release are:

  • New osgTerrain::DisplacementMappingTechnique that uses sharing of geometry tiles and height field textures to render the terrain, reducing main memory and GPU memory usage to less than 40% of previous usage, and reduces GPU costs to around 60% of previous requirements for a terrain.
  • New LAS plugin (depends upon libLAS and Boost)
  • New GStreamer plugin for cross platform video
  • New
    OpenGL extension set-up architecture that reduces both the code
    footprint, library size and runtime memory footprint, as well as make it
    easier to extend.
  • Support for glVertexAttribDivisor via new osg::VertexAttribDivisor StateAttribute
  • Support
    for glBlendEquationi, glBendFunci, glColorMaski and glEnable/glDisablei
    iva new BlendEquationi, BlendFunci, ColorMaski, and Enablei/Disablei
    StateAttributes to better support Multiple Render Target usage.
  • New osg::ShaderStorageBufferObject class and osgssbo example.
  • New osggpucull example that demonstrates culling on the GPU.
  • Threading safety and performance improvements to the DatabasePager
  • Refactor
    of osg::Drawable so that it is no subclassed from osg::Node allow it to
    be directly placed in the scene graph without the need for a Geode
  • Standardization of callbacks in Node, Drawable, StateSet and StateAttributes
  • Improved Android toolchain build
  • Improvements to QT4 and QT5 support in osgQt
  • Improvements to the new osgUI NodeKit and Lua Scripting support
  • Bug and build fixes

source package :

svn tag: svn co OpenSceneGraph


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