#include "stdafx.h"
#include "cv.h"
#include "highgui.h"
#include "cxcore.h"
#include "cvaux.h"
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int otsu2 (IplImage *image);
CvBox2D findRectContours(const IplImage *gray);
void main()
{ IplImage* img =cvLoadImage("mark1.jpg",);
// cvCopyImage(srcImgGrey,img0tsu);
MyTimer mt;
//Sleep(1000); int thre2;
thre2 = otsu2(img);
//cout<<"The Threshold of this Image in Otsu is:"<<thre2<<endl;//输出显示阀值
cvThreshold(img,img,thre2,,CV_THRESH_BINARY); // 二值化 // CvMemStorage * storage = cvCreateMemStorage(0);
// CvSeq * contour = 0; //cvFindContours(img,storage,&contour,sizeof(CvContour),1,2);
CvBox2D box=findRectContours(img);
mt.End(); cout<<box.center.x<<endl<<box.center.y<<endl<<box.size.height<<endl<<box.size.width<<endl<<mt.costTime<<endl;
cvNamedWindow("img", CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE );
cvShowImage( "img", img);//显示图像
cvWaitKey(); } CvBox2D findRectContours(const IplImage *gray)
{ CvBox2D box; CvSeq* firstContour = NULL;
CvMemStorage* storage = cvCreateMemStorage();
IplImage* contourImg = cvCreateImage(cvGetSize(gray), gray->depth, );
cvCopy(gray, contourImg);
cvFindContours(contourImg, storage, &firstContour, sizeof(CvContour), ,);
CvSeq* maxContour = firstContour;
CvSeq* Contour = firstContour;
if(maxContour->total < Contour->total)
maxContour = Contour;
Contour = Contour->h_next;
} if(maxContour)
box = cvFitEllipse2(maxContour);
// CvPoint2D32f cross;
// float radius;
// cout<<cross.x<<endl<<cross.y<<endl;
return box;
/* OTSU global thresholding routine */
int otsu2 (IplImage *image)
int w = image->width;
int h = image->height; unsigned char*np; // 图像指针
unsigned char pixel;
int thresholdValue=; // 阈值
int ihist[]; // 图像直方图,256个点 int i, j, k; // various counters
int n, n1, n2, gmin, gmax;
double m1, m2, sum, csum, fmax, sb; // 对直方图置零...
memset(ihist, , sizeof(ihist)); gmin=; gmax=;
// 生成直方图
for (i =; i < h; i++)
np = (unsigned char*)(image->imageData + image->widthStep*i);
for (j =; j < w; j++)
pixel = np[j];
ihist[ pixel]++;
if(pixel > gmax) gmax= pixel;
if(pixel < gmin) gmin= pixel;
} // set up everything
sum = csum =0.0;
n =; for (k =; k <=; k++)
sum += k * ihist[k]; /* x*f(x) 质量矩*/
n += ihist[k]; /* f(x) 质量 */
} if (!n)
// if n has no value, there is problems...
//fprintf (stderr, "NOT NORMAL thresholdValue = 160\n");
thresholdValue =;
goto L;
} // do the otsu global thresholding method
fmax =-1.0;
n1 =;
for (k =; k <; k++)
n1 += ihist[k];
if (!n1) { continue; }
n2 = n - n1;
if (n2 ==) { break; }
csum += k *ihist[k];
m1 = csum / n1;
m2 = (sum - csum) / n2;
sb = n1 * n2 *(m1 - m2) * (m1 - m2);
/* bbg: note: can be optimized. */
if (sb > fmax)
fmax = sb;
thresholdValue = k;
} L:
for (i =; i < h; i++)
np = (unsigned char*)(image->imageData + image->widthStep*i);
for (j =; j < w; j++)
if(np[j] >= thresholdValue)
np[j] =;
else np[j] =;
} //cout<<"The Threshold of this Image in Otsu is:"<<thresholdValue<<endl;


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