// 每个资源最大锁定10秒自动过期,只有60个资源(并发),在3秒内获取不到锁抛出异常
->then(function () {
// 获取锁成功,执行业务
}, function () {
// 获取锁失败
return false;



namespace Illuminate\Redis\Limiters;

use Illuminate\Contracts\Redis\LimiterTimeoutException;

class ConcurrencyLimiter
* The Redis factory implementation.
* @var \Illuminate\Redis\Connections\Connection
protected $redis; /**
* The name of the limiter.
* @var string
protected $name; /**
* The allowed number of concurrent tasks.
* @var int
protected $maxLocks; /**
* The number of seconds a slot should be maintained.
* @var int
protected $releaseAfter; /**
* Create a new concurrency limiter instance.
* @param \Illuminate\Redis\Connections\Connection $redis
* @param string $name
* @param int $maxLocks
* @param int $releaseAfter
* @return void
public function __construct($redis, $name, $maxLocks, $releaseAfter)
$this->name = $name;
$this->redis = $redis;
$this->maxLocks = $maxLocks;
$this->releaseAfter = $releaseAfter;
} /**
* Attempt to acquire the lock for the given number of seconds.
* @param int $timeout
* @param callable|null $callback
* @return bool
* @throws \Illuminate\Contracts\Redis\LimiterTimeoutException
public function block($timeout, $callback = null)
$starting = time(); while (! $slot = $this->acquire()) {
if (time() - $timeout >= $starting) {
throw new LimiterTimeoutException;
} usleep(250 * 1000);
} if (is_callable($callback)) {
return tap($callback(), function () use ($slot) {
} return true;
} /**
* Attempt to acquire the lock.
* @return mixed
protected function acquire()
$slots = array_map(function ($i) {
return $this->name.$i;
}, range(1, $this->maxLocks)); return $this->redis->eval($this->luaScript(), count($slots),
...array_merge($slots, [$this->name, $this->releaseAfter])
} /**
* Get the Lua script for acquiring a lock.
* KEYS - The keys that represent available slots
* ARGV[1] - The limiter name
* ARGV[2] - The number of seconds the slot should be reserved
* @return string
protected function luaScript()
return <<<'LUA'
for index, value in pairs('mget', unpack(KEYS))) do
if not value then'set', ARGV[1]..index, "1", "EX", ARGV[2])
return ARGV[1]..index
} /**
* Release the lock.
* @param string $key
* @return void
protected function release($key)



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