void CMfcFontDlgDlg::OnBtnFont()
// Show the font dialog with all the default settings.
CFontDialog dlg;
} void CMfcFontDlgDlg::OnBtnFontSpecial()
// Show the font dialog with 12 point "Times New Roman" as the selected font.
memset(&lf, , sizeof(LOGFONT)); CClientDC dc(this);
lf.lfHeight = -MulDiv(, dc.GetDeviceCaps(LOGPIXELSY), );
strcpy(lf.lfFaceName, "Times New Roman"); CFontDialog dlg(&lf);
// The code fragment creates a font based on the information we got from CFontDialog::m_cf variable.
if (dlg.DoModal() == IDOK)
// Create the font using the selected font from CFontDialog.
memcpy(&lf, dlg.m_cf.lpLogFont, sizeof(LOGFONT)); CFont font;
VERIFY(font.CreateFontIndirect(&lf)); // Do something with the font just created...
CClientDC dc(this);
CFont* def_font = dc.SelectObject(&font);
dc.TextOut(, , "Hello", );
dc.SelectObject(def_font); // Done with the font. Delete the font object.
} void CMfcFontDlgDlg::OnBtnFontProperty()
// Get the characteristics
CFontDialog dlg;
if (dlg.DoModal() == IDOK)
// Get the characteristics of the currently selected font, if any.
TRACE("Face name of the selected font = %s\n", lf.lfFaceName);
// Get the face name of the selected font, if any.
CString facename = dlg.GetFaceName();
TRACE("Face name of the selected font = %s\n", facename);
// Get the style name of the selected font, if any.
CString stylename = dlg.GetStyleName();
TRACE("Style name of the selected font = %s\n", stylename);
// Get the size of the selected font, if any.
int size = dlg.GetSize();
TRACE("The size of the selected font = %d\n", size);
// Get the color of the selected font, if any.
COLORREF color = dlg.GetColor();
TRACE("Color of the selected font = %8x\n", color);
// Get the weight of the selected font, if any.
int weight = dlg.GetWeight();
TRACE("Weight of the selected font = %d\n", weight);
// Is the selected font displayed with strikeout?
BOOL strikeout = dlg.IsStrikeOut();
TRACE("Is the selected font displayed with strikeout? %d\n", strikeout);
// Is the selected font underlined?
BOOL underline = dlg.IsUnderline();
TRACE("Is the selected font underlined? %d\n", underline);
// Is the selected font bold?
BOOL bold = dlg.IsBold();
TRACE("Is the selected font bold? %d\n", bold);
// Is the selected font italic?
BOOL italic = dlg.IsItalic();
TRACE("Is the selected font italic? %d\n", italic);


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