At five o'clock, we have afternoon tea, but we don't have it in the kitchen.

Father's Day is the third Sunday of June.

I will be 27 years old. I will live in Sydney, Australia.

Two men went into the bank at nine fifty.

They got into the car and went away in a great hurry.匆匆忙忙地走了。

After lunch we will walk around the old market.

So it's very important for you to remember the place.

What will my life be like in ten years? 十年后我的生活会是什么样?

It's good for the heart, for the lungs, for the muscles and even for the feet.

Jogging, one of the most popular sports in America, is catching on in Britain.

I can't do everything well by myself.

They both have square faces and very short hair.

I will have a sports car and I will drive everywhere.

There are now over 1,000 laughter clubs all around the world.现在全世界有超过一千家笑声俱乐部

If two things are the same except in colour, they will look different.

In less than two minutes they took away the money bag and returned to the street.

The gas in the balloon was escaping.气球在漏气。

People like to get home in time for the 10:15 sports program on television.

For a child, a dog is his friend when he has no other children to play with.

The men threw all their belongings into the water to make the balloon lighter.

In ten years, my English will be great!

A laughter club is the place where you can go to laugh your way to happiness and good health.

You will have time for a cup of coffee before our first visit.

Doctors say jogging is not just fun.

Blue is the colour loved by most people.

It is a day to honor and give special attention to fathers.

People keep dogs for different reasons.人们养狗的原因各不相同。

We always go out for dinner when my husband comes home.

It seems that he is not interested in selling any books at all.

The Olympic Games have a long history.

We start today's news with a happy note.我们今天的新闻在愉快的气氛中开始。

My uncle grows rice and vegetables on the farm.

There was a robbery at the City Bank this morning.今天早晨花旗银行发生了一起抢劫案。

There are a lot of things to see and we will be there for about two hours.

We often swim in the lake in summer and skate on it in winter, too.

I like swimming in summer and skating in winter.

The girl was in good spirits as she met her worried parents.

We can laugh with people all over the world.

It's a nice place for you to swim or surf.

I keep doing morning exercises and I exercise every day.

Would you like to spend your holidays travelling by balloon?

I won't have any pets because I will be so busy.

They will be in London from the twenty-eighth of October to the second of November.

If you are driving to the beach this afternoon, park at the north end of the beach.

Almost every school has sports teams in the United States.

Both the old and young took part in the run.

I get up early and never go to bed late.
You needn't buy anything you don't want.

A 4-year-old girl lost her way yesterday.

The wind is from the west at three miles an hour, and the temperature is 32 degrees.

I'm sorry I missed your call.

It's a very interesting old building and I'm sure you'll enjoy the visit.

The house we live in now is rather big, and there is a lot of work to do every day.

They like warm colours — red, yellow and orange.

You will be able to buy all your presents there.

We have breakfast in the kitchen.

In the old days, no foreigners or women were able to take part in the Olympics.

Children are most interested in colours when they buy things.

I understand that you want some information about the basketball club.

The concert hall is in Trinity Street.

You may try to find out where the book you want is.

After tea we sit there, listening to music.

For young people, a dog is their friend when they are alone at home.

We'll take sandwiches for lunch with us and we will eat together in a park.

Just then, the assistant came up to him and pointed to the book in a corner.

It helps us make friends and understand each other better.

Perhaps a dog is one of the most useful animals in the world.

She is good at washing and cleaning, but she can't cook at all.

One day, he couldn't find the book from its usual place.

For example, a car factory needs to know how many red cars or green ones they should make.

Children give their fathers cards, flowers or presents.

A student found a useful book in a shop, but it was too expensive for him to buy.

You can see bookcases standing in every room.

When you are in London, you should visit the London Museum.

I will take you around to a few places you'll be visiting.

Mrs Green is in the office from nine in the morning until five in the afternoon every day.


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