name: Ryan Petrello
irc: ryanpetrello
email: ryan.petrello@dreamhost.com
irc-channel: astara
mission: >
To provide an integrated network service orchestration (routing, firewall,
load balancing, vpn) for connecting and security multi-tenant OpenStack
url: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Astara 2.cloudkitty:
name: Stephane Albert
irc: sheeprine
email: sheeprine-ml@nullplace.com
irc-channel: cloudkitty
service: Rating service
mission: >
CloudKitty is a rating component for OpenStack. Its goal is to process data
from different metric backends and implement rating rule creation. Its role
is to fit in-between the raw metrics from OpenStack and the billing system
of a provider for chargeback purposes.
url: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/CloudKitty 3.ec2-api:
name: Alexandre Levine
irc: alexandrelevine
email: alexandrelevine@gmail.com
irc-channel: openstack-ec2api
service: EC2 API compatibility layer for OpenStack
mission: >
To provide an EC2-compatible API for accessing OpenStack features.
url: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/EC2API 4.fuel:
name: Vladimir Kozhukalov
irc: kozhukalov
email: vkozhukalov@mirantis.com
irc-channel: fuel
service: Deployment service
mission: >
To streamline and accelerate the process of deploying, testing and
maintaining various configurations of OpenStack at scale.
url: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Fuel 5.murano:
name: Kirill Zaitsev
irc: kzaitsev_mb
email: kzaitsev@mirantis.com
irc-channel: murano
service: Application Catalog service
mission: >
To provide an application catalog service so that users can compose and
deploy composite environments on an application abstraction level
while managing the application lifecycle.
url: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Murano 6.OpenStack Charms:
name: James Page
irc: jamespage
email: james.page@ubuntu.com
service: Juju Charms for deployment of OpenStack
mission: >
Develop and maintain Juju Charms for deploying and managing
OpenStack services.
url: http://docs.openstack.org/developer/charm-guide 7.OpenStackSalt:
name: Ales Komarek
irc: cznewt
email: ales.komarek@tcpcloud.eu
service: SaltStack formulas for OpenStack deployment
irc-channel: openstack-salt
mission: >
This project provides scalable and reliable SaltStack
based IT automation for installing and operating
OpenStack deployments.
url: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/OpenStackSalt 8.rally:
name: Boris Pavlovic
irc: boris-42
email: bpavlovic@mirantis.com
irc-channel: openstack-rally
service: Benchmark service
mission: >
To provide a framework for performance analysis and benchmarking of
individual OpenStack components as well as full production OpenStack
cloud deployments.
url: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Rally 9.solum:
name: Devdatta Kulkarni
irc: devkulkarni
email: devdatta.kulkarni@rackspace.com
irc-channel: solum
service: Software Development Lifecycle Automation service
mission: >
To make cloud services easier to consume and integrate with your
application development process by automating the source-to-image
process, and simplifying app-centric deployment.
url: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Solum 10.vitrage:
name: Ifat Afek
irc: ifat_afek
email: ifat.afek@nokia.com
irc-channel: openstack-vitrage
service: RCA (Root Cause Analysis) service
mission: >
To organize, analyze and visualize OpenStack alarms & events, yield
insights regarding the root cause of problems and deduce their existence
before they are directly detected.
url: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Vitrage 11.winstackers:
name: Claudiu Belu
irc: claudiub
email: cbelu@cloudbasesolutions.com
irc-channel: openstack-hyper-v
mission: >
To facilitate the integration of Hyper-V, Windows and related components
into OpenStack. This includes producing projects containing Hyper-V /
Windows related code, commonly used in OpenStack scenarios.
url: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Os-win


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