

  /// <summary>

  ///   Contains the parsed command line arguments. This consists of two

  ///   lists, one of argument pairs, and one of stand-alone arguments.

  /// </summary>

  public class CommandArgs




      private readonly Dictionary<string, string> mArgPairs = new Dictionary<string, string>();




      private readonly List<string> mParams = new List<string>();


      /// <summary>

      ///   Returns the dictionary of argument/value pairs.

      /// </summary>

      public Dictionary<string, string> ArgPairs


          get { return this.mArgPairs; }



      /// <summary>

      ///   Returns the list of stand-alone parameters.

      /// </summary>

      public List<string> Params


          get { return this.mParams; }






  /// <summary>

  ///   Implements command line parsing

  /// </summary>

  public class CommandLine




      /// <summary>

      ///   Parses the passed command line arguments and returns the result

      ///   in a CommandArgs object.

      /// </summary>

      /// The command line is assumed to be in the format:


      /// CMD [param] [[-|--|\]&lt;arg&gt;[[=]&lt;value&gt;]] [param]


      /// Basically, stand-alone parameters can appear anywhere on the command line.

      /// Arguments are defined as key/value pairs. The argument key must begin

      /// with a '-', '--', or '\'. Between the argument and the value must be at

      /// least one space or a single '='. Extra spaces are ignored. Arguments MAY

      /// be followed by a value or, if no value supplied, the string 'true' is used.

      /// You must enclose argument values in quotes if they contain a space, otherwise

      /// they will not parse correctly.


      /// Example command lines are:


      /// cmd first -o outfile.txt --compile second \errors=errors.txt third fourth --test = "the value" fifth

      /// <param name="args"> array of command line arguments </param>

      /// <returns> CommandArgs object containing the parsed command line </returns>

      public static CommandArgs Parse(string[] args)


          var kEqual = new char[] {'='};


          var kArgStart = new char[] {'-', '\\'};


          var ca = new CommandArgs();


          var ii = -1;


          var token = NextToken(args, ref ii);


          while (token != null)


              if (IsArg(token))


                  var arg = token.TrimStart(kArgStart).TrimEnd(kEqual);


                  string value = null;


                  if (arg.Contains("="))


                      // arg was specified with an '=' sign, so we need


                      // to split the string into the arg and value, but only


                      // if there is no space between the '=' and the arg and value.


                      var r = arg.Split(kEqual, 2);


                      if (r.Length == 2 && r[1] != string.Empty)


                          arg = r[0];


                          value = r[1];




                  while (value == null)


                      var next = NextToken(args, ref ii);


                      if (next != null)


                          if (IsArg(next))


                              // push the token back onto the stack so


                              // it gets picked up on next pass as an Arg




                              value = "true";



                          else if (next != "=")


                              // save the value (trimming any '=' from the start)


                              value = next.TrimStart(kEqual);





                  // save the pair


                  ca.ArgPairs.Add(arg, value);



              else if (token != string.Empty)


                  // this is a stand-alone parameter. 





              token = NextToken(args, ref ii);



          return ca;





      /// <summary>

      ///   Returns True if the passed string is an argument (starts with 

      ///   '-', '--', or '\'.)

      /// </summary>

      /// <param name="arg"> the string token to test </param>

      /// <returns> true if the passed string is an argument, else false if a parameter </returns>

      private static bool IsArg(string arg)


          return (arg.StartsWith("-") || arg.StartsWith("\\"));





      /// <summary>

      ///   Returns the next string token in the argument list

      /// </summary>

      /// <param name="args"> list of string tokens </param>

      /// <param name="ii"> index of the current token in the array </param>

      /// <returns> the next string token, or null if no more tokens in array </returns>

      private static string NextToken(string[] args, ref int ii)


          ii++; // move to next token


          while (ii < args.Length)


              var cur = args[ii].Trim();


              if (cur != string.Empty)


                  // found valid token


                  return cur;






          // failed to get another token


          return null;




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