Docker CE for CentOS

Docker CE for CentOS distribution is the best way to install the Docker platform on CentOS distribution based Linux environments. Simplify provisioning and setup of Docker and accelerate your time to value in building and deploying container based applications.

Docker for CentOS distribution is available for free Community Edition (CE) and as a subscription in Enterprise Edition (EE) and can be installed on bare metal or cloud infrastructure.

Features and Benefits

  • Easy installation and setup of an optimized Docker environment for CentOS distribution on bare metal servers and VMs.
  • Latest Docker platform version with built in orchestration (clustering and scheduling), runtime security, container networking, and volumes.
  • Docker CE is available as a free download with a monthly Edge or quarterly Stable release with community support.
  • Docker EE subscription includes a quarterly release with one year of maintenance per version and enterprise class support with SLAs.

Get Docker CE on CentOS

For more details or alternative installation procedures, including how to install edge builds, see

Kinds of Docker available editions


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  6. centos 6.5源码编译安装subversion 1.8.10
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  4. Sqoop帮助文档
  5. javascript-es6学习笔记
  6. LARK BOARD开发板试用第一篇-上电测试学习
  7. 【MVC】 小问题
  8. 【APUE】Chapter10 Signals
  9. 08-Mysql数据库----完整性约束
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