

Given two strings A and B, find the minimum number of times A has to be repeated such that B is a substring of it. If no such solution, return -1.

For example, with A = "abcd" and B = "cdabcdab".

Return 3, because by repeating A three times (“abcdabcdabcd”), B is a substring of it; and B is not a substring of A repeated two times ("abcdabcd").

The length of A and B will be between 1 and 10000.



若没有再append次A. 若B能是substring, 这个长度已经可以包含所有可能性. B的开头在0到A.length()-1的任何位置都足够盖住B.

Time Complexity: O(A.length()+B.length()). create个长度为A.length()+B.length()的string. 再用B找index.

Space: O(A.length()+B.length()).

AC Java:

class Solution {
public int repeatedStringMatch(String A, String B) {
int count = 0;
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
while(sb.length() < B.length()){
} if(sb.indexOf(B) >= 0){
return count;
}else if(sb.append(A).indexOf(B) >= 0){
return count+1;
return -1;


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