import datetime, getpass
import sublime, sublime_plugin
import re # 插数字
class InsertNumberCommand(sublime_plugin.TextCommand):
def run(self, edit):
self.view.window().show_input_panel("input start_num and step:", "start:1, step:1", lambda text: self.accumulate(text, edit), None, None)
def accumulate(self, text, edit):
text = re.sub(r"[^\d\+-]*([\+-]?\d+)[,\s\t]+[^\d\+-]*([\+-]?\d+)", r"\1 \2", text)
numbers = text.split(" ")
start_num = int(numbers[0])
diff_num = int(numbers[1])
for region in self.view.sel():
#(row,col) = self.view.rowcol(region.begin())
self.view.insert(edit, region.end(), "%d" %start_num)
start_num += diff_num

Sublime Text 3 版本运行会报错  ValueError: Edit objects may not be used after the TextCommand's run method has returned ,需要把 callback 改成一个独立的 command

 import sublime
import sublime_plugin
import datetime, getpass
import re # 插数字
class InsertNumberCommand(sublime_plugin.TextCommand):
def run(self, edit):
self.view.window().show_input_panel("input start_num and step:", "start:1, step:1", lambda text: self.view.run_command('insert_number_cb', {"text": text}), None, None) class InsertNumberCbCommand(sublime_plugin.TextCommand):
def run(self, edit, text):
# sublime.message_dialog(text)
text = re.sub(r"[^\d\+-]*([\+-]?\d+)[,\s\t]+[^\d\+-]*([\+-]?\d+)", r"\1 \2", text)
numbers = text.split(" ")
start_num = int(numbers[0])
diff_num = int(numbers[1])
for region in self.view.sel():
#(row,col) = self.view.rowcol(region.begin())
self.view.insert(edit, region.end(), "%d" %start_num)
start_num += diff_num


import datetime, getpass
import sublime, sublime_plugin # 求和
class SumCommand(sublime_plugin.TextCommand):
def run(self, edit):
sum_all = 0
for region in self.view.sel():
add = 0
str_region = self.view.substr(region)
add = int(str_region)
except ValueError:
sum_all = sum_all + add sublime.message_dialog(str(sum_all)) class SelectWordCommand(sublime_plugin.TextCommand):
def run(self, edit):
for region in self.view.sel():
reg = self.view.word(region)

写配置文件时,可以根据数据的规律,编写适当的函数。根据 count 计算对应的数据。


  ctrl + ` 打开 command window

  输入 view.run_command('insert_number') 回车



Tools -> New Plugin...


command + s 保存文件为 insertNumber.py   文件名可以随便取~


Sublime Text 2 -> Preferences -> Key Bindings - User

如果打开的文件为空,可以参考 Key Bindings - Default 文件中的格式,添加一条新的配置

{ "keys": ["super+shift+f5"], "command": "insert_number" }

"insert_number" 对应类名 InsertNumberCommand


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