






Problem: 3473
User: idy002
Language: C++
Result: Accepted
Time:728 ms
Memory:120928 kb
****************************************************************/ #include <cstdio>
#include <cstring>
#include <cassert>
#include <algorithm>
#define N 200010
#define S 500010
#define P 18
using namespace std; typedef long long dnt; int n, k;
char buf[N], *shead[N];
int son[S][], pnt[S], val[S], ntot, last;
int head[S], dest[S], next[S], etot;
int dfn[S], dep[S], anc[S][P+], idgr[S], stk[S], qu[S], top, bg, ed, idc;
dnt dp[S], eff[S];
int log[S]; void init() {
ntot = last = ;
pnt[] = -;
void append( int c ) {
int p = last;
int np = ++ntot;
val[np] = val[p]+;
while( p!=- && !son[p][c] )
son[p][c]=np, p=pnt[p];
if( p==- ) {
pnt[np] = ;
} else {
int q=son[p][c];
if( val[q]==val[p]+ ) {
pnt[np] = q;
} else {
int nq = ++ntot;
memcpy( son[nq], son[q], sizeof(son[nq]) );
val[nq] = val[p]+;
pnt[nq] = pnt[q];
pnt[q] = pnt[np] = nq;
while( p!=- && son[p][c]==q )
son[p][c]=nq, p=pnt[p];
last = np;
void make_topo() {
for( int u=; u<=ntot; u++ ) {
for( int c=; c<=; c++ ) {
int v=son[u][c];
if( !v ) continue;
qu[bg=ed=] = ;
while( bg<=ed ) {
int u=qu[bg++];
for( int c=; c<=; c++ ) {
int v=son[u][c];
if( !v ) continue;
if( idgr[v]== )
qu[++ed] = v;
void dodp() {
dp[] = ;
for( int i=; i<=ed; i++ ) {
int u=qu[i];
for( int c=; c<=; c++ ) {
int v=son[u][c];
if( !v ) continue;
dp[v] += dp[u];
void adde( int u, int v ) {
dest[etot] = v;
next[etot] = head[u];
head[u] = etot;
void build() {
for( int u=; u<=ntot; u++ )
adde( pnt[u], u );
void dfs( int u ) {
dfn[u] = ++idc;
for( int p=; p<=P && anc[u][p-]; p++ )
anc[u][p] = anc[anc[u][p-]][p-];
for( int t=head[u]; t; t=next[t] ) {
int v=dest[t];
dep[v] = dep[u]+;
anc[v][] = u;
int lca( int u, int v ) {
if( dep[u]<dep[v] ) swap(u,v);
int t=dep[u]-dep[v];
for( int p=; t; p++,t>>= )
if( t& ) u=anc[u][p];
if( u==v ) return u;
for( int p=log[dep[u]]; anc[u][]!=anc[v][]; p-- )
if( anc[u][p]!=anc[v][p] ) u=anc[u][p],v=anc[v][p];
return anc[u][];
void fetch( char *s ) {
top = ;
int u = ;
for( int i=; s[i]; i++ ) {
int c=s[i]-'a'+;
u = son[u][c];
stk[++top] = u;
bool cmp( int u, int v ) {
return dfn[u]<dfn[v];
void effort( char *s ) {
sort( stk+, stk++top, cmp );
eff[stk[]] += ;
for( int i=; i<=top; i++ ) {
int u=stk[i];
int ca=lca(u,stk[i-]);
eff[u] += ;
eff[ca] -= ;
void bfs() {
qu[bg=ed=] = ;
while( bg<=ed ) {
int u=qu[bg++];
for( int t=head[u]; t; t=next[t] ) {
int v=dest[t];
qu[++ed] = v;
for( int i=ed; i>=; i-- ) {
int u=qu[i];
for( int t=head[u]; t; t=next[t] ) {
int v=dest[t];
eff[u] += eff[v];
dp[] = ;
for( int i=; i<=ed; i++ ) {
int u=qu[i];
if( eff[u]>=k ) {
dp[u] = dp[pnt[u]]+dp[u];
} else {
dp[u] = dp[pnt[u]];
void query( char *s ) {
sort( stk+, stk++top, cmp );
dnt rt = ;
for( int i=; i<=top; i++ ) {
int u=stk[i];
rt += dp[u];
printf( "%lld ", rt );
int main() {
// input and build sam
scanf( "%d%d", &n, &k );
char *buf_cur = buf;
for( int i=; i<=n; i++ ) {
shead[i] = buf_cur;
scanf( "%s", shead[i] );
for( int j=; shead[i][j]; j++ )
append( shead[i][j]-'a'+ );
append( );
buf_cur += strlen(shead[i]) + ;
log[] = -;
for( int i=; i<=ntot; i++ ) log[i] = log[i>>]+;
// dodp to calc the number of real substring
// build parent tree and its dfs order
// calc echo string's effort
for( int i=; i<=n; i++ )
effort( shead[i] );
// bfs to calc the sum of subans
// query the answer of eacho string
for( int i=; i<=n; i++ )
query( shead[i] );
printf( "\n" );


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