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    var VSHADER_SOURCE=//定点着色器
        'attribute vec4 a_Position;\n'+//定义vec4的变量 并且声明该变量是attribute型的 vec4表示四个float类型的变量的集合
        'attribute float a_PointSize;\n'+//定义float类型的变量a_PointSize
        'void main(){\n'+
        var FSHADER_SOURCE=//片元着色器
        'precision mediump float;\n'+//定义变量精度范围
        'uniform vec4 u_FragColor;\n'+//uniform类型 vec4类型的变量
        'void main(){\n'+
        function main(){
            var canvas=document.getElementById("webgl");//获取dom元素画板
            var gl=getWebGLContext(canvas);//该种方式能隐藏浏览器间的兼容性问题
                console.log("gl load fail!");//在火狐中开发者 控制台可以看到输出
                console.log("fail init shader()!");//在火狐中开发者 控制台可以看到输出
                return ;
            var a_Position=gl.getAttribLocation(gl.program,'a_Position');//获得attribute的变量
            var a_PointSize=gl.getAttribLocation(gl.program,'a_PointSize');//获得attribute的变量
            var u_FragColor=gl.getUniformLocation(gl.program,'u_FragColor');//获得uniform变量在webgl中的存储位置
                console.log("fail get the PointPosition location!");
                return ;
                console.log("fail get the a_PointSize location!");
                return ;
                console.log("failed to get u_FragColor");
             canvas.onmousedown=function(event){//注册canvas的响应函数为鼠标点下的调用函数 该注册方式是匿名函数的调用
             var g_points=[];
             var g_colors=[];
            function click(event,gl,canvas,a_Position,a_PointSize,u_FragColor){
                var x=event.clientX;
                var y=event.clientY;
                var rect=event.target.getBoundingClientRect();
                else if(x<0.0&&y<0){
                var len=g_points.length;
                for(var i=0;i<len;i++){
                    var xy=g_points[i];
                    var rgba=g_colors[i];
  <body onload="main()">
       <canvas id="webgl" width="600" height="400"></canvas>


// cuon-matrix.js (c) 2012 kanda and matsuda
 * This is a class treating 4x4 matrix.
 * This class contains the function that is equivalent to OpenGL matrix stack.
 * The matrix after conversion is calculated by multiplying a conversion matrix from the right.
 * The matrix is replaced by the calculated result.

 * Constructor of Matrix4
 * If opt_src is specified, new matrix is initialized by opt_src.
 * Otherwise, new matrix is initialized by identity matrix.
 * @param opt_src source matrix(option)
var Matrix4 = function(opt_src) {
  var i, s, d;
  if (opt_src && typeof opt_src === 'object' && opt_src.hasOwnProperty('elements')) {
    s = opt_src.elements;
    d = new Float32Array(16);
    for (i = 0; i < 16; ++i) {
      d[i] = s[i];
    this.elements = d;
  } else {
    this.elements = new Float32Array([1,0,0,0, 0,1,0,0, 0,0,1,0, 0,0,0,1]);

 * Set the identity matrix.
 * @return this
Matrix4.prototype.setIdentity = function() {
  var e = this.elements;
  e[0] = 1;   e[4] = 0;   e[8]  = 0;   e[12] = 0;
  e[1] = 0;   e[5] = 1;   e[9]  = 0;   e[13] = 0;
  e[2] = 0;   e[6] = 0;   e[10] = 1;   e[14] = 0;
  e[3] = 0;   e[7] = 0;   e[11] = 0;   e[15] = 1;
  return this;

 * Copy matrix.
 * @param src source matrix
 * @return this
Matrix4.prototype.set = function(src) {
  var i, s, d;

s = src.elements;
  d = this.elements;

if (s === d) {
  for (i = 0; i < 16; ++i) {
    d[i] = s[i];

return this;

 * Multiply the matrix from the right.
 * @param other The multiply matrix
 * @return this
Matrix4.prototype.concat = function(other) {
  var i, e, a, b, ai0, ai1, ai2, ai3;
  // Calculate e = a * b
  e = this.elements;
  a = this.elements;
  b = other.elements;
  // If e equals b, copy b to temporary matrix.
  if (e === b) {
    b = new Float32Array(16);
    for (i = 0; i < 16; ++i) {
      b[i] = e[i];
  for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
    ai0=a[i];  ai1=a[i+4];  ai2=a[i+8];  ai3=a[i+12];
    e[i]    = ai0 * b[0]  + ai1 * b[1]  + ai2 * b[2]  + ai3 * b[3];
    e[i+4]  = ai0 * b[4]  + ai1 * b[5]  + ai2 * b[6]  + ai3 * b[7];
    e[i+8]  = ai0 * b[8]  + ai1 * b[9]  + ai2 * b[10] + ai3 * b[11];
    e[i+12] = ai0 * b[12] + ai1 * b[13] + ai2 * b[14] + ai3 * b[15];
  return this;
Matrix4.prototype.multiply = Matrix4.prototype.concat;

 * Multiply the three-dimensional vector.
 * @param pos  The multiply vector
 * @return The result of multiplication(Float32Array)
Matrix4.prototype.multiplyVector3 = function(pos) {
  var e = this.elements;
  var p = pos.elements;
  var v = new Vector3();
  var result = v.elements;

result[0] = p[0] * e[0] + p[1] * e[4] + p[2] * e[ 8] + e[11];
  result[1] = p[0] * e[1] + p[1] * e[5] + p[2] * e[ 9] + e[12];
  result[2] = p[0] * e[2] + p[1] * e[6] + p[2] * e[10] + e[13];

return v;

 * Multiply the four-dimensional vector.
 * @param pos  The multiply vector
 * @return The result of multiplication(Float32Array)
Matrix4.prototype.multiplyVector4 = function(pos) {
  var e = this.elements;
  var p = pos.elements;
  var v = new Vector4();
  var result = v.elements;

result[0] = p[0] * e[0] + p[1] * e[4] + p[2] * e[ 8] + p[3] * e[12];
  result[1] = p[0] * e[1] + p[1] * e[5] + p[2] * e[ 9] + p[3] * e[13];
  result[2] = p[0] * e[2] + p[1] * e[6] + p[2] * e[10] + p[3] * e[14];
  result[3] = p[0] * e[3] + p[1] * e[7] + p[2] * e[11] + p[3] * e[15];

return v;

 * Transpose the matrix.
 * @return this
Matrix4.prototype.transpose = function() {
  var e, t;

e = this.elements;

t = e[ 1];  e[ 1] = e[ 4];  e[ 4] = t;
  t = e[ 2];  e[ 2] = e[ 8];  e[ 8] = t;
  t = e[ 3];  e[ 3] = e[12];  e[12] = t;
  t = e[ 6];  e[ 6] = e[ 9];  e[ 9] = t;
  t = e[ 7];  e[ 7] = e[13];  e[13] = t;
  t = e[11];  e[11] = e[14];  e[14] = t;

return this;

 * Calculate the inverse matrix of specified matrix, and set to this.
 * @param other The source matrix
 * @return this
Matrix4.prototype.setInverseOf = function(other) {
  var i, s, d, inv, det;

s = other.elements;
  d = this.elements;
  inv = new Float32Array(16);

inv[0]  =   s[5]*s[10]*s[15] - s[5] *s[11]*s[14] - s[9] *s[6]*s[15]
            + s[9]*s[7] *s[14] + s[13]*s[6] *s[11] - s[13]*s[7]*s[10];
  inv[4]  = - s[4]*s[10]*s[15] + s[4] *s[11]*s[14] + s[8] *s[6]*s[15]
            - s[8]*s[7] *s[14] - s[12]*s[6] *s[11] + s[12]*s[7]*s[10];
  inv[8]  =   s[4]*s[9] *s[15] - s[4] *s[11]*s[13] - s[8] *s[5]*s[15]
            + s[8]*s[7] *s[13] + s[12]*s[5] *s[11] - s[12]*s[7]*s[9];
  inv[12] = - s[4]*s[9] *s[14] + s[4] *s[10]*s[13] + s[8] *s[5]*s[14]
            - s[8]*s[6] *s[13] - s[12]*s[5] *s[10] + s[12]*s[6]*s[9];

inv[1]  = - s[1]*s[10]*s[15] + s[1] *s[11]*s[14] + s[9] *s[2]*s[15]
            - s[9]*s[3] *s[14] - s[13]*s[2] *s[11] + s[13]*s[3]*s[10];
  inv[5]  =   s[0]*s[10]*s[15] - s[0] *s[11]*s[14] - s[8] *s[2]*s[15]
            + s[8]*s[3] *s[14] + s[12]*s[2] *s[11] - s[12]*s[3]*s[10];
  inv[9]  = - s[0]*s[9] *s[15] + s[0] *s[11]*s[13] + s[8] *s[1]*s[15]
            - s[8]*s[3] *s[13] - s[12]*s[1] *s[11] + s[12]*s[3]*s[9];
  inv[13] =   s[0]*s[9] *s[14] - s[0] *s[10]*s[13] - s[8] *s[1]*s[14]
            + s[8]*s[2] *s[13] + s[12]*s[1] *s[10] - s[12]*s[2]*s[9];

inv[2]  =   s[1]*s[6]*s[15] - s[1] *s[7]*s[14] - s[5] *s[2]*s[15]
            + s[5]*s[3]*s[14] + s[13]*s[2]*s[7]  - s[13]*s[3]*s[6];
  inv[6]  = - s[0]*s[6]*s[15] + s[0] *s[7]*s[14] + s[4] *s[2]*s[15]
            - s[4]*s[3]*s[14] - s[12]*s[2]*s[7]  + s[12]*s[3]*s[6];
  inv[10] =   s[0]*s[5]*s[15] - s[0] *s[7]*s[13] - s[4] *s[1]*s[15]
            + s[4]*s[3]*s[13] + s[12]*s[1]*s[7]  - s[12]*s[3]*s[5];
  inv[14] = - s[0]*s[5]*s[14] + s[0] *s[6]*s[13] + s[4] *s[1]*s[14]
            - s[4]*s[2]*s[13] - s[12]*s[1]*s[6]  + s[12]*s[2]*s[5];

inv[3]  = - s[1]*s[6]*s[11] + s[1]*s[7]*s[10] + s[5]*s[2]*s[11]
            - s[5]*s[3]*s[10] - s[9]*s[2]*s[7]  + s[9]*s[3]*s[6];
  inv[7]  =   s[0]*s[6]*s[11] - s[0]*s[7]*s[10] - s[4]*s[2]*s[11]
            + s[4]*s[3]*s[10] + s[8]*s[2]*s[7]  - s[8]*s[3]*s[6];
  inv[11] = - s[0]*s[5]*s[11] + s[0]*s[7]*s[9]  + s[4]*s[1]*s[11]
            - s[4]*s[3]*s[9]  - s[8]*s[1]*s[7]  + s[8]*s[3]*s[5];
  inv[15] =   s[0]*s[5]*s[10] - s[0]*s[6]*s[9]  - s[4]*s[1]*s[10]
            + s[4]*s[2]*s[9]  + s[8]*s[1]*s[6]  - s[8]*s[2]*s[5];

det = s[0]*inv[0] + s[1]*inv[4] + s[2]*inv[8] + s[3]*inv[12];
  if (det === 0) {
    return this;

det = 1 / det;
  for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
    d[i] = inv[i] * det;

return this;

 * Calculate the inverse matrix of this, and set to this.
 * @return this
Matrix4.prototype.invert = function() {
  return this.setInverseOf(this);

 * Set the orthographic projection matrix.
 * @param left The coordinate of the left of clipping plane.
 * @param right The coordinate of the right of clipping plane.
 * @param bottom The coordinate of the bottom of clipping plane.
 * @param top The coordinate of the top top clipping plane.
 * @param near The distances to the nearer depth clipping plane. This value is minus if the plane is to be behind the viewer.
 * @param far The distances to the farther depth clipping plane. This value is minus if the plane is to be behind the viewer.
 * @return this
Matrix4.prototype.setOrtho = function(left, right, bottom, top, near, far) {
  var e, rw, rh, rd;

if (left === right || bottom === top || near === far) {
    throw 'null frustum';

rw = 1 / (right - left);
  rh = 1 / (top - bottom);
  rd = 1 / (far - near);

e = this.elements;

e[0]  = 2 * rw;
  e[1]  = 0;
  e[2]  = 0;
  e[3]  = 0;

e[4]  = 0;
  e[5]  = 2 * rh;
  e[6]  = 0;
  e[7]  = 0;

e[8]  = 0;
  e[9]  = 0;
  e[10] = -2 * rd;
  e[11] = 0;

e[12] = -(right + left) * rw;
  e[13] = -(top + bottom) * rh;
  e[14] = -(far + near) * rd;
  e[15] = 1;

return this;

 * Multiply the orthographic projection matrix from the right.
 * @param left The coordinate of the left of clipping plane.
 * @param right The coordinate of the right of clipping plane.
 * @param bottom The coordinate of the bottom of clipping plane.
 * @param top The coordinate of the top top clipping plane.
 * @param near The distances to the nearer depth clipping plane. This value is minus if the plane is to be behind the viewer.
 * @param far The distances to the farther depth clipping plane. This value is minus if the plane is to be behind the viewer.
 * @return this
Matrix4.prototype.ortho = function(left, right, bottom, top, near, far) {
  return this.concat(new Matrix4().setOrtho(left, right, bottom, top, near, far));

 * Set the perspective projection matrix.
 * @param left The coordinate of the left of clipping plane.
 * @param right The coordinate of the right of clipping plane.
 * @param bottom The coordinate of the bottom of clipping plane.
 * @param top The coordinate of the top top clipping plane.
 * @param near The distances to the nearer depth clipping plane. This value must be plus value.
 * @param far The distances to the farther depth clipping plane. This value must be plus value.
 * @return this
Matrix4.prototype.setFrustum = function(left, right, bottom, top, near, far) {
  var e, rw, rh, rd;

if (left === right || top === bottom || near === far) {
    throw 'null frustum';
  if (near <= 0) {
    throw 'near <= 0';
  if (far <= 0) {
    throw 'far <= 0';

rw = 1 / (right - left);
  rh = 1 / (top - bottom);
  rd = 1 / (far - near);

e = this.elements;

e[ 0] = 2 * near * rw;
  e[ 1] = 0;
  e[ 2] = 0;
  e[ 3] = 0;

e[ 4] = 0;
  e[ 5] = 2 * near * rh;
  e[ 6] = 0;
  e[ 7] = 0;

e[ 8] = (right + left) * rw;
  e[ 9] = (top + bottom) * rh;
  e[10] = -(far + near) * rd;
  e[11] = -1;

e[12] = 0;
  e[13] = 0;
  e[14] = -2 * near * far * rd;
  e[15] = 0;

return this;

 * Multiply the perspective projection matrix from the right.
 * @param left The coordinate of the left of clipping plane.
 * @param right The coordinate of the right of clipping plane.
 * @param bottom The coordinate of the bottom of clipping plane.
 * @param top The coordinate of the top top clipping plane.
 * @param near The distances to the nearer depth clipping plane. This value must be plus value.
 * @param far The distances to the farther depth clipping plane. This value must be plus value.
 * @return this
Matrix4.prototype.frustum = function(left, right, bottom, top, near, far) {
  return this.concat(new Matrix4().setFrustum(left, right, bottom, top, near, far));

 * Set the perspective projection matrix by fovy and aspect.
 * @param fovy The angle between the upper and lower sides of the frustum.
 * @param aspect The aspect ratio of the frustum. (width/height)
 * @param near The distances to the nearer depth clipping plane. This value must be plus value.
 * @param far The distances to the farther depth clipping plane. This value must be plus value.
 * @return this
Matrix4.prototype.setPerspective = function(fovy, aspect, near, far) {
  var e, rd, s, ct;

if (near === far || aspect === 0) {
    throw 'null frustum';
  if (near <= 0) {
    throw 'near <= 0';
  if (far <= 0) {
    throw 'far <= 0';

fovy = Math.PI * fovy / 180 / 2;
  s = Math.sin(fovy);
  if (s === 0) {
    throw 'null frustum';

rd = 1 / (far - near);
  ct = Math.cos(fovy) / s;

e = this.elements;

e[0]  = ct / aspect;
  e[1]  = 0;
  e[2]  = 0;
  e[3]  = 0;

e[4]  = 0;
  e[5]  = ct;
  e[6]  = 0;
  e[7]  = 0;

e[8]  = 0;
  e[9]  = 0;
  e[10] = -(far + near) * rd;
  e[11] = -1;

e[12] = 0;
  e[13] = 0;
  e[14] = -2 * near * far * rd;
  e[15] = 0;

return this;

 * Multiply the perspective projection matrix from the right.
 * @param fovy The angle between the upper and lower sides of the frustum.
 * @param aspect The aspect ratio of the frustum. (width/height)
 * @param near The distances to the nearer depth clipping plane. This value must be plus value.
 * @param far The distances to the farther depth clipping plane. This value must be plus value.
 * @return this
Matrix4.prototype.perspective = function(fovy, aspect, near, far) {
  return this.concat(new Matrix4().setPerspective(fovy, aspect, near, far));

 * Set the matrix for scaling.
 * @param x The scale factor along the X axis
 * @param y The scale factor along the Y axis
 * @param z The scale factor along the Z axis
 * @return this
Matrix4.prototype.setScale = function(x, y, z) {
  var e = this.elements;
  e[0] = x;  e[4] = 0;  e[8]  = 0;  e[12] = 0;
  e[1] = 0;  e[5] = y;  e[9]  = 0;  e[13] = 0;
  e[2] = 0;  e[6] = 0;  e[10] = z;  e[14] = 0;
  e[3] = 0;  e[7] = 0;  e[11] = 0;  e[15] = 1;
  return this;

 * Multiply the matrix for scaling from the right.
 * @param x The scale factor along the X axis
 * @param y The scale factor along the Y axis
 * @param z The scale factor along the Z axis
 * @return this
Matrix4.prototype.scale = function(x, y, z) {
  var e = this.elements;
  e[0] *= x;  e[4] *= y;  e[8]  *= z;
  e[1] *= x;  e[5] *= y;  e[9]  *= z;
  e[2] *= x;  e[6] *= y;  e[10] *= z;
  e[3] *= x;  e[7] *= y;  e[11] *= z;
  return this;

 * Set the matrix for translation.
 * @param x The X value of a translation.
 * @param y The Y value of a translation.
 * @param z The Z value of a translation.
 * @return this
Matrix4.prototype.setTranslate = function(x, y, z) {
  var e = this.elements;
  e[0] = 1;  e[4] = 0;  e[8]  = 0;  e[12] = x;
  e[1] = 0;  e[5] = 1;  e[9]  = 0;  e[13] = y;
  e[2] = 0;  e[6] = 0;  e[10] = 1;  e[14] = z;
  e[3] = 0;  e[7] = 0;  e[11] = 0;  e[15] = 1;
  return this;

 * Multiply the matrix for translation from the right.
 * @param x The X value of a translation.
 * @param y The Y value of a translation.
 * @param z The Z value of a translation.
 * @return this
Matrix4.prototype.translate = function(x, y, z) {
  var e = this.elements;
  e[12] += e[0] * x + e[4] * y + e[8]  * z;
  e[13] += e[1] * x + e[5] * y + e[9]  * z;
  e[14] += e[2] * x + e[6] * y + e[10] * z;
  e[15] += e[3] * x + e[7] * y + e[11] * z;
  return this;

 * Set the matrix for rotation.
 * The vector of rotation axis may not be normalized.
 * @param angle The angle of rotation (degrees)
 * @param x The X coordinate of vector of rotation axis.
 * @param y The Y coordinate of vector of rotation axis.
 * @param z The Z coordinate of vector of rotation axis.
 * @return this
Matrix4.prototype.setRotate = function(angle, x, y, z) {
  var e, s, c, len, rlen, nc, xy, yz, zx, xs, ys, zs;

angle = Math.PI * angle / 180;
  e = this.elements;

s = Math.sin(angle);
  c = Math.cos(angle);

if (0 !== x && 0 === y && 0 === z) {
    // Rotation around X axis
    if (x < 0) {
      s = -s;
    e[0] = 1;  e[4] = 0;  e[ 8] = 0;  e[12] = 0;
    e[1] = 0;  e[5] = c;  e[ 9] =-s;  e[13] = 0;
    e[2] = 0;  e[6] = s;  e[10] = c;  e[14] = 0;
    e[3] = 0;  e[7] = 0;  e[11] = 0;  e[15] = 1;
  } else if (0 === x && 0 !== y && 0 === z) {
    // Rotation around Y axis
    if (y < 0) {
      s = -s;
    e[0] = c;  e[4] = 0;  e[ 8] = s;  e[12] = 0;
    e[1] = 0;  e[5] = 1;  e[ 9] = 0;  e[13] = 0;
    e[2] =-s;  e[6] = 0;  e[10] = c;  e[14] = 0;
    e[3] = 0;  e[7] = 0;  e[11] = 0;  e[15] = 1;
  } else if (0 === x && 0 === y && 0 !== z) {
    // Rotation around Z axis
    if (z < 0) {
      s = -s;
    e[0] = c;  e[4] =-s;  e[ 8] = 0;  e[12] = 0;
    e[1] = s;  e[5] = c;  e[ 9] = 0;  e[13] = 0;
    e[2] = 0;  e[6] = 0;  e[10] = 1;  e[14] = 0;
    e[3] = 0;  e[7] = 0;  e[11] = 0;  e[15] = 1;
  } else {
    // Rotation around another axis
    len = Math.sqrt(x*x + y*y + z*z);
    if (len !== 1) {
      rlen = 1 / len;
      x *= rlen;
      y *= rlen;
      z *= rlen;
    nc = 1 - c;
    xy = x * y;
    yz = y * z;
    zx = z * x;
    xs = x * s;
    ys = y * s;
    zs = z * s;

e[ 0] = x*x*nc +  c;
    e[ 1] = xy *nc + zs;
    e[ 2] = zx *nc - ys;
    e[ 3] = 0;

e[ 4] = xy *nc - zs;
    e[ 5] = y*y*nc +  c;
    e[ 6] = yz *nc + xs;
    e[ 7] = 0;

e[ 8] = zx *nc + ys;
    e[ 9] = yz *nc - xs;
    e[10] = z*z*nc +  c;
    e[11] = 0;

e[12] = 0;
    e[13] = 0;
    e[14] = 0;
    e[15] = 1;

return this;

 * Multiply the matrix for rotation from the right.
 * The vector of rotation axis may not be normalized.
 * @param angle The angle of rotation (degrees)
 * @param x The X coordinate of vector of rotation axis.
 * @param y The Y coordinate of vector of rotation axis.
 * @param z The Z coordinate of vector of rotation axis.
 * @return this
Matrix4.prototype.rotate = function(angle, x, y, z) {
  return this.concat(new Matrix4().setRotate(angle, x, y, z));

 * Set the viewing matrix.
 * @param eyeX, eyeY, eyeZ The position of the eye point.
 * @param centerX, centerY, centerZ The position of the reference point.
 * @param upX, upY, upZ The direction of the up vector.
 * @return this
Matrix4.prototype.setLookAt = function(eyeX, eyeY, eyeZ, centerX, centerY, centerZ, upX, upY, upZ) {
  var e, fx, fy, fz, rlf, sx, sy, sz, rls, ux, uy, uz;

fx = centerX - eyeX;
  fy = centerY - eyeY;
  fz = centerZ - eyeZ;

// Normalize f.
  rlf = 1 / Math.sqrt(fx*fx + fy*fy + fz*fz);
  fx *= rlf;
  fy *= rlf;
  fz *= rlf;

// Calculate cross product of f and up.
  sx = fy * upZ - fz * upY;
  sy = fz * upX - fx * upZ;
  sz = fx * upY - fy * upX;

// Normalize s.
  rls = 1 / Math.sqrt(sx*sx + sy*sy + sz*sz);
  sx *= rls;
  sy *= rls;
  sz *= rls;

// Calculate cross product of s and f.
  ux = sy * fz - sz * fy;
  uy = sz * fx - sx * fz;
  uz = sx * fy - sy * fx;

// Set to this.
  e = this.elements;
  e[0] = sx;
  e[1] = ux;
  e[2] = -fx;
  e[3] = 0;

e[4] = sy;
  e[5] = uy;
  e[6] = -fy;
  e[7] = 0;

e[8] = sz;
  e[9] = uz;
  e[10] = -fz;
  e[11] = 0;

e[12] = 0;
  e[13] = 0;
  e[14] = 0;
  e[15] = 1;

// Translate.
  return this.translate(-eyeX, -eyeY, -eyeZ);

 * Multiply the viewing matrix from the right.
 * @param eyeX, eyeY, eyeZ The position of the eye point.
 * @param centerX, centerY, centerZ The position of the reference point.
 * @param upX, upY, upZ The direction of the up vector.
 * @return this
Matrix4.prototype.lookAt = function(eyeX, eyeY, eyeZ, centerX, centerY, centerZ, upX, upY, upZ) {
  return this.concat(new Matrix4().setLookAt(eyeX, eyeY, eyeZ, centerX, centerY, centerZ, upX, upY, upZ));

 * Multiply the matrix for project vertex to plane from the right.
 * @param plane The array[A, B, C, D] of the equation of plane "Ax + By + Cz + D = 0".
 * @param light The array which stored coordinates of the light. if light[3]=0, treated as parallel light.
 * @return this
Matrix4.prototype.dropShadow = function(plane, light) {
  var mat = new Matrix4();
  var e = mat.elements;

var dot = plane[0] * light[0] + plane[1] * light[1] + plane[2] * light[2] + plane[3] * light[3];

e[ 0] = dot - light[0] * plane[0];
  e[ 1] =     - light[1] * plane[0];
  e[ 2] =     - light[2] * plane[0];
  e[ 3] =     - light[3] * plane[0];

e[ 4] =     - light[0] * plane[1];
  e[ 5] = dot - light[1] * plane[1];
  e[ 6] =     - light[2] * plane[1];
  e[ 7] =     - light[3] * plane[1];

e[ 8] =     - light[0] * plane[2];
  e[ 9] =     - light[1] * plane[2];
  e[10] = dot - light[2] * plane[2];
  e[11] =     - light[3] * plane[2];

e[12] =     - light[0] * plane[3];
  e[13] =     - light[1] * plane[3];
  e[14] =     - light[2] * plane[3];
  e[15] = dot - light[3] * plane[3];

return this.concat(mat);

 * Multiply the matrix for project vertex to plane from the right.(Projected by parallel light.)
 * @param normX, normY, normZ The normal vector of the plane.(Not necessary to be normalized.)
 * @param planeX, planeY, planeZ The coordinate of arbitrary points on a plane.
 * @param lightX, lightY, lightZ The vector of the direction of light.(Not necessary to be normalized.)
 * @return this
Matrix4.prototype.dropShadowDirectionally = function(normX, normY, normZ, planeX, planeY, planeZ, lightX, lightY, lightZ) {
  var a = planeX * normX + planeY * normY + planeZ * normZ;
  return this.dropShadow([normX, normY, normZ, -a], [lightX, lightY, lightZ, 0]);

 * Constructor of Vector3
 * If opt_src is specified, new vector is initialized by opt_src.
 * @param opt_src source vector(option)
var Vector3 = function(opt_src) {
  var v = new Float32Array(3);
  if (opt_src && typeof opt_src === 'object') {
    v[0] = opt_src[0]; v[1] = opt_src[1]; v[2] = opt_src[2];
  this.elements = v;

  * Normalize.
  * @return this
Vector3.prototype.normalize = function() {
  var v = this.elements;
  var c = v[0], d = v[1], e = v[2], g = Math.sqrt(c*c+d*d+e*e);
    if(g == 1)
        return this;
   } else {
     v[0] = 0; v[1] = 0; v[2] = 0;
     return this;
   g = 1/g;
   v[0] = c*g; v[1] = d*g; v[2] = e*g;
   return this;

 * Constructor of Vector4
 * If opt_src is specified, new vector is initialized by opt_src.
 * @param opt_src source vector(option)
var Vector4 = function(opt_src) {
  var v = new Float32Array(4);
  if (opt_src && typeof opt_src === 'object') {
    v[0] = opt_src[0]; v[1] = opt_src[1]; v[2] = opt_src[2]; v[3] = opt_src[3];
  this.elements = v;

// cuon-utils.js (c) 2012 kanda and matsuda
 * Create a program object and make current
 * @param gl GL context
 * @param vshader a vertex shader program (string)
 * @param fshader a fragment shader program (string)
 * @return true, if the program object was created and successfully made current
function initShaders(gl, vshader, fshader) {
  var program = createProgram(gl, vshader, fshader);
  if (!program) {
    console.log('Failed to create program');
    return false;

  gl.program = program;

return true;

 * Create the linked program object
 * @param gl GL context
 * @param vshader a vertex shader program (string)
 * @param fshader a fragment shader program (string)
 * @return created program object, or null if the creation has failed
function createProgram(gl, vshader, fshader) {
  // Create shader object
  var vertexShader = loadShader(gl, gl.VERTEX_SHADER, vshader);
  var fragmentShader = loadShader(gl, gl.FRAGMENT_SHADER, fshader);
  if (!vertexShader || !fragmentShader) {
    return null;

// Create a program object
  var program = gl.createProgram();
  if (!program) {
    return null;

// Attach the shader objects
  gl.attachShader(program, vertexShader);
  gl.attachShader(program, fragmentShader);

// Link the program object

// Check the result of linking
  var linked = gl.getProgramParameter(program, gl.LINK_STATUS);
  if (!linked) {
    var error = gl.getProgramInfoLog(program);
    console.log('Failed to link program: ' + error);
    return null;
  return program;

 * Create a shader object
 * @param gl GL context
 * @param type the type of the shader object to be created
 * @param source shader program (string)
 * @return created shader object, or null if the creation has failed.
function loadShader(gl, type, source) {
  // Create shader object
  var shader = gl.createShader(type);
  if (shader == null) {
    console.log('unable to create shader');
    return null;

// Set the shader program
  gl.shaderSource(shader, source);

// Compile the shader

// Check the result of compilation
  var compiled = gl.getShaderParameter(shader, gl.COMPILE_STATUS);
  if (!compiled) {
    var error = gl.getShaderInfoLog(shader);
    console.log('Failed to compile shader: ' + error);
    return null;

return shader;

 * Initialize and get the rendering for WebGL
 * @param canvas <cavnas> element
 * @param opt_debug flag to initialize the context for debugging
 * @return the rendering context for WebGL
function getWebGLContext(canvas, opt_debug) {
  // Get the rendering context for WebGL
  var gl = WebGLUtils.setupWebGL(canvas);
  if (!gl) return null;

// if opt_debug is explicitly false, create the context for debugging
  if (arguments.length < 2 || opt_debug) {
    gl = WebGLDebugUtils.makeDebugContext(gl);

return gl;

//Copyright (c) 2009 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
//Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
//found in the LICENSE file.

// Various functions for helping debug WebGL apps.

WebGLDebugUtils = function() {

 * Wrapped logging function.
 * @param {string} msg Message to log.
var log = function(msg) {
  if (window.console && window.console.log) {

 * Which arguements are enums.
 * @type {!Object.<number, string>}
var glValidEnumContexts = {

// Generic setters and getters

'enable': { 0:true },
  'disable': { 0:true },
  'getParameter': { 0:true },

// Rendering

'drawArrays': { 0:true },
  'drawElements': { 0:true, 2:true },

// Shaders

'createShader': { 0:true },
  'getShaderParameter': { 1:true },
  'getProgramParameter': { 1:true },

// Vertex attributes

'getVertexAttrib': { 1:true },
  'vertexAttribPointer': { 2:true },

// Textures

'bindTexture': { 0:true },
  'activeTexture': { 0:true },
  'getTexParameter': { 0:true, 1:true },
  'texParameterf': { 0:true, 1:true },
  'texParameteri': { 0:true, 1:true, 2:true },
  'texImage2D': { 0:true, 2:true, 6:true, 7:true },
  'texSubImage2D': { 0:true, 6:true, 7:true },
  'copyTexImage2D': { 0:true, 2:true },
  'copyTexSubImage2D': { 0:true },
  'generateMipmap': { 0:true },

// Buffer objects

'bindBuffer': { 0:true },
  'bufferData': { 0:true, 2:true },
  'bufferSubData': { 0:true },
  'getBufferParameter': { 0:true, 1:true },

// Renderbuffers and framebuffers

'pixelStorei': { 0:true, 1:true },
  'readPixels': { 4:true, 5:true },
  'bindRenderbuffer': { 0:true },
  'bindFramebuffer': { 0:true },
  'checkFramebufferStatus': { 0:true },
  'framebufferRenderbuffer': { 0:true, 1:true, 2:true },
  'framebufferTexture2D': { 0:true, 1:true, 2:true },
  'getFramebufferAttachmentParameter': { 0:true, 1:true, 2:true },
  'getRenderbufferParameter': { 0:true, 1:true },
  'renderbufferStorage': { 0:true, 1:true },

// Frame buffer operations (clear, blend, depth test, stencil)

'clear': { 0:true },
  'depthFunc': { 0:true },
  'blendFunc': { 0:true, 1:true },
  'blendFuncSeparate': { 0:true, 1:true, 2:true, 3:true },
  'blendEquation': { 0:true },
  'blendEquationSeparate': { 0:true, 1:true },
  'stencilFunc': { 0:true },
  'stencilFuncSeparate': { 0:true, 1:true },
  'stencilMaskSeparate': { 0:true },
  'stencilOp': { 0:true, 1:true, 2:true },
  'stencilOpSeparate': { 0:true, 1:true, 2:true, 3:true },

// Culling

'cullFace': { 0:true },
  'frontFace': { 0:true },

 * Map of numbers to names.
 * @type {Object}
var glEnums = null;

 * Initializes this module. Safe to call more than once.
 * @param {!WebGLRenderingContext} ctx A WebGL context. If
 *    you have more than one context it doesn't matter which one
 *    you pass in, it is only used to pull out constants.
function init(ctx) {
  if (glEnums == null) {
    glEnums = { };
    for (var propertyName in ctx) {
      if (typeof ctx[propertyName] == 'number') {
        glEnums[ctx[propertyName]] = propertyName;

 * Checks the utils have been initialized.
function checkInit() {
  if (glEnums == null) {
    throw 'WebGLDebugUtils.init(ctx) not called';

 * Returns true or false if value matches any WebGL enum
 * @param {*} value Value to check if it might be an enum.
 * @return {boolean} True if value matches one of the WebGL defined enums
function mightBeEnum(value) {
  return (glEnums[value] !== undefined);

 * Gets an string version of an WebGL enum.
 * Example:
 *   var str = WebGLDebugUtil.glEnumToString(ctx.getError());
 * @param {number} value Value to return an enum for
 * @return {string} The string version of the enum.
function glEnumToString(value) {
  var name = glEnums[value];
  return (name !== undefined) ? name :
      ("*UNKNOWN WebGL ENUM (0x" + value.toString(16) + ")");

 * Returns the string version of a WebGL argument.
 * Attempts to convert enum arguments to strings.
 * @param {string} functionName the name of the WebGL function.
 * @param {number} argumentIndx the index of the argument.
 * @param {*} value The value of the argument.
 * @return {string} The value as a string.
function glFunctionArgToString(functionName, argumentIndex, value) {
  var funcInfo = glValidEnumContexts[functionName];
  if (funcInfo !== undefined) {
    if (funcInfo[argumentIndex]) {
      return glEnumToString(value);
  return value.toString();

 * Given a WebGL context returns a wrapped context that calls
 * gl.getError after every command and calls a function if the
 * result is not gl.NO_ERROR.
 * @param {!WebGLRenderingContext} ctx The webgl context to
 *        wrap.
 * @param {!function(err, funcName, args): void} opt_onErrorFunc
 *        The function to call when gl.getError returns an
 *        error. If not specified the default function calls
 *        console.log with a message.
function makeDebugContext(ctx, opt_onErrorFunc) {
  opt_onErrorFunc = opt_onErrorFunc || function(err, functionName, args) {
        // apparently we can't do args.join(",");
        var argStr = "";
        for (var ii = 0; ii < args.length; ++ii) {
          argStr += ((ii == 0) ? '' : ', ') +
              glFunctionArgToString(functionName, ii, args[ii]);
        log("WebGL error "+ glEnumToString(err) + " in "+ functionName +
            "(" + argStr + ")");

// Holds booleans for each GL error so after we get the error ourselves
  // we can still return it to the client app.
  var glErrorShadow = { };

// Makes a function that calls a WebGL function and then calls getError.
  function makeErrorWrapper(ctx, functionName) {
    return function() {
      var result = ctx[functionName].apply(ctx, arguments);
      var err = ctx.getError();
      if (err != 0) {
        glErrorShadow[err] = true;
        opt_onErrorFunc(err, functionName, arguments);
      return result;

// Make a an object that has a copy of every property of the WebGL context
  // but wraps all functions.
  var wrapper = {};
  for (var propertyName in ctx) {
    if (typeof ctx[propertyName] == 'function') {
       wrapper[propertyName] = makeErrorWrapper(ctx, propertyName);
     } else {
       wrapper[propertyName] = ctx[propertyName];

// Override the getError function with one that returns our saved results.
  wrapper.getError = function() {
    for (var err in glErrorShadow) {
      if (glErrorShadow[err]) {
        glErrorShadow[err] = false;
        return err;
    return ctx.NO_ERROR;

return wrapper;

function resetToInitialState(ctx) {
  var numAttribs = ctx.getParameter(ctx.MAX_VERTEX_ATTRIBS);
  var tmp = ctx.createBuffer();
  ctx.bindBuffer(ctx.ARRAY_BUFFER, tmp);
  for (var ii = 0; ii < numAttribs; ++ii) {
    ctx.vertexAttribPointer(ii, 4, ctx.FLOAT, false, 0, 0);
    ctx.vertexAttrib1f(ii, 0);

var numTextureUnits = ctx.getParameter(ctx.MAX_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS);
  for (var ii = 0; ii < numTextureUnits; ++ii) {
    ctx.activeTexture(ctx.TEXTURE0 + ii);
    ctx.bindTexture(ctx.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP, null);
    ctx.bindTexture(ctx.TEXTURE_2D, null);

  ctx.bindBuffer(ctx.ARRAY_BUFFER, null);
  ctx.bindBuffer(ctx.ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, null);
  ctx.bindFramebuffer(ctx.FRAMEBUFFER, null);
  ctx.bindRenderbuffer(ctx.RENDERBUFFER, null);
  ctx.blendColor(0, 0, 0, 0);
  ctx.blendFunc(ctx.ONE, ctx.ZERO);
  ctx.clearColor(0, 0, 0, 0);
  ctx.colorMask(true, true, true, true);
  ctx.depthRange(0, 1);
  ctx.hint(ctx.GENERATE_MIPMAP_HINT, ctx.DONT_CARE);
  ctx.pixelStorei(ctx.PACK_ALIGNMENT, 4);
  ctx.pixelStorei(ctx.UNPACK_ALIGNMENT, 4);
  ctx.pixelStorei(ctx.UNPACK_FLIP_Y_WEBGL, false);
  ctx.pixelStorei(ctx.UNPACK_PREMULTIPLY_ALPHA_WEBGL, false);
  // TODO: Delete this IF.
  ctx.polygonOffset(0, 0);
  ctx.sampleCoverage(1, false);
  ctx.scissor(0, 0, ctx.canvas.width, ctx.canvas.height);
  ctx.stencilFunc(ctx.ALWAYS, 0, 0xFFFFFFFF);
  ctx.stencilOp(ctx.KEEP, ctx.KEEP, ctx.KEEP);
  ctx.viewport(0, 0, ctx.canvas.clientWidth, ctx.canvas.clientHeight);

// TODO: This should NOT be needed but Firefox fails with 'hint'

function makeLostContextSimulatingContext(ctx) {
  var wrapper_ = {};
  var contextId_ = 1;
  var contextLost_ = false;
  var resourceId_ = 0;
  var resourceDb_ = [];
  var onLost_ = undefined;
  var onRestored_ = undefined;
  var nextOnRestored_ = undefined;

// Holds booleans for each GL error so can simulate errors.
  var glErrorShadow_ = { };

function isWebGLObject(obj) {
    //return false;
    return (obj instanceof WebGLBuffer ||
            obj instanceof WebGLFramebuffer ||
            obj instanceof WebGLProgram ||
            obj instanceof WebGLRenderbuffer ||
            obj instanceof WebGLShader ||
            obj instanceof WebGLTexture);

function checkResources(args) {
    for (var ii = 0; ii < args.length; ++ii) {
      var arg = args[ii];
      if (isWebGLObject(arg)) {
        return arg.__webglDebugContextLostId__ == contextId_;
    return true;

function clearErrors() {
    var k = Object.keys(glErrorShadow_);
    for (var ii = 0; ii < k.length; ++ii) {
      delete glErrorShdow_[k];

// Makes a function that simulates WebGL when out of context.
  function makeLostContextWrapper(ctx, functionName) {
    var f = ctx[functionName];
    return function() {
      // Only call the functions if the context is not lost.
      if (!contextLost_) {
        if (!checkResources(arguments)) {
          glErrorShadow_[ctx.INVALID_OPERATION] = true;
        var result = f.apply(ctx, arguments);
        return result;

for (var propertyName in ctx) {
    if (typeof ctx[propertyName] == 'function') {
       wrapper_[propertyName] = makeLostContextWrapper(ctx, propertyName);
     } else {
       wrapper_[propertyName] = ctx[propertyName];

function makeWebGLContextEvent(statusMessage) {
    return {statusMessage: statusMessage};

function freeResources() {
    for (var ii = 0; ii < resourceDb_.length; ++ii) {
      var resource = resourceDb_[ii];
      if (resource instanceof WebGLBuffer) {
      } else if (resource instanceof WebctxFramebuffer) {
      } else if (resource instanceof WebctxProgram) {
      } else if (resource instanceof WebctxRenderbuffer) {
      } else if (resource instanceof WebctxShader) {
      } else if (resource instanceof WebctxTexture) {

wrapper_.loseContext = function() {
    if (!contextLost_) {
      contextLost_ = true;
      while (ctx.getError());
      glErrorShadow_[ctx.CONTEXT_LOST_WEBGL] = true;
      setTimeout(function() {
          if (onLost_) {
            onLost_(makeWebGLContextEvent("context lost"));
        }, 0);

wrapper_.restoreContext = function() {
    if (contextLost_) {
      if (onRestored_) {
        setTimeout(function() {
            contextLost_ = false;
            if (onRestored_) {
              var callback = onRestored_;
              onRestored_ = nextOnRestored_;
              nextOnRestored_ = undefined;
              callback(makeWebGLContextEvent("context restored"));
          }, 0);
      } else {
        throw "You can not restore the context without a listener"

// Wrap a few functions specially.
  wrapper_.getError = function() {
    if (!contextLost_) {
      var err;
      while (err = ctx.getError()) {
        glErrorShadow_[err] = true;
    for (var err in glErrorShadow_) {
      if (glErrorShadow_[err]) {
        delete glErrorShadow_[err];
        return err;
    return ctx.NO_ERROR;

var creationFunctions = [
  for (var ii = 0; ii < creationFunctions.length; ++ii) {
    var functionName = creationFunctions[ii];
    wrapper_[functionName] = function(f) {
      return function() {
        if (contextLost_) {
          return null;
        var obj = f.apply(ctx, arguments);
        obj.__webglDebugContextLostId__ = contextId_;
        return obj;

var functionsThatShouldReturnNull = [
  for (var ii = 0; ii < functionsThatShouldReturnNull.length; ++ii) {
    var functionName = functionsThatShouldReturnNull[ii];
    wrapper_[functionName] = function(f) {
      return function() {
        if (contextLost_) {
          return null;
        return f.apply(ctx, arguments);

var isFunctions = [
  for (var ii = 0; ii < isFunctions.length; ++ii) {
    var functionName = isFunctions[ii];
    wrapper_[functionName] = function(f) {
      return function() {
        if (contextLost_) {
          return false;
        return f.apply(ctx, arguments);

wrapper_.checkFramebufferStatus = function(f) {
    return function() {
      if (contextLost_) {
      return f.apply(ctx, arguments);

wrapper_.getAttribLocation = function(f) {
    return function() {
      if (contextLost_) {
        return -1;
      return f.apply(ctx, arguments);

wrapper_.getVertexAttribOffset = function(f) {
    return function() {
      if (contextLost_) {
        return 0;
      return f.apply(ctx, arguments);

wrapper_.isContextLost = function() {
    return contextLost_;

function wrapEvent(listener) {
    if (typeof(listener) == "function") {
      return listener;
    } else {
      return function(info) {

wrapper_.registerOnContextLostListener = function(listener) {
    onLost_ = wrapEvent(listener);

wrapper_.registerOnContextRestoredListener = function(listener) {
    if (contextLost_) {
      nextOnRestored_ = wrapEvent(listener);
    } else {
      onRestored_ = wrapEvent(listener);

return wrapper_;

return {
   * Initializes this module. Safe to call more than once.
   * @param {!WebGLRenderingContext} ctx A WebGL context. If
   *    you have more than one context it doesn't matter which one
   *    you pass in, it is only used to pull out constants.
  'init': init,

   * Returns true or false if value matches any WebGL enum
   * @param {*} value Value to check if it might be an enum.
   * @return {boolean} True if value matches one of the WebGL defined enums
  'mightBeEnum': mightBeEnum,

   * Gets an string version of an WebGL enum.
   * Example:
   *   WebGLDebugUtil.init(ctx);
   *   var str = WebGLDebugUtil.glEnumToString(ctx.getError());
   * @param {number} value Value to return an enum for
   * @return {string} The string version of the enum.
  'glEnumToString': glEnumToString,

   * Converts the argument of a WebGL function to a string.
   * Attempts to convert enum arguments to strings.
   * Example:
   *   WebGLDebugUtil.init(ctx);
   *   var str = WebGLDebugUtil.glFunctionArgToString('bindTexture', 0, gl.TEXTURE_2D);
   * would return 'TEXTURE_2D'
   * @param {string} functionName the name of the WebGL function.
   * @param {number} argumentIndx the index of the argument.
   * @param {*} value The value of the argument.
   * @return {string} The value as a string.
  'glFunctionArgToString': glFunctionArgToString,

   * Given a WebGL context returns a wrapped context that calls
   * gl.getError after every command and calls a function if the
   * result is not NO_ERROR.
   * You can supply your own function if you want. For example, if you'd like
   * an exception thrown on any GL error you could do this
   *    function throwOnGLError(err, funcName, args) {
   *      throw WebGLDebugUtils.glEnumToString(err) + " was caused by call to" +
   *            funcName;
   *    };
   *    ctx = WebGLDebugUtils.makeDebugContext(
   *        canvas.getContext("webgl"), throwOnGLError);
   * @param {!WebGLRenderingContext} ctx The webgl context to wrap.
   * @param {!function(err, funcName, args): void} opt_onErrorFunc The function
   *     to call when gl.getError returns an error. If not specified the default
   *     function calls console.log with a message.
  'makeDebugContext': makeDebugContext,

   * Given a WebGL context returns a wrapped context that adds 4
   * functions.
   * ctx.loseContext:
   *   simulates a lost context event.
   * ctx.restoreContext:
   *   simulates the context being restored.
   * ctx.registerOnContextLostListener(listener):
   *   lets you register a listener for context lost. Use instead
   *   of addEventListener('webglcontextlostevent', listener);
   * ctx.registerOnContextRestoredListener(listener):
   *   lets you register a listener for context restored. Use
   *   instead of addEventListener('webglcontextrestored',
   *   listener);
   * @param {!WebGLRenderingContext} ctx The webgl context to wrap.
  'makeLostContextSimulatingContext': makeLostContextSimulatingContext,

   * Resets a context to the initial state.
   * @param {!WebGLRenderingContext} ctx The webgl context to
   *     reset.
  'resetToInitialState': resetToInitialState


 * Copyright 2010, Google Inc.
 * All rights reserved.
 * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
 * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
 * met:
 *     * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
 * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
 *     * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
 * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer
 * in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the
 * distribution.
 *     * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its
 * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
 * this software without specific prior written permission.

 * @fileoverview This file contains functions every webgl program will need
 * a version of one way or another.
 * Instead of setting up a context manually it is recommended to
 * use. This will check for success or failure. On failure it
 * will attempt to present an approriate message to the user.
 *       gl = WebGLUtils.setupWebGL(canvas);
 * For animated WebGL apps use of setTimeout or setInterval are
 * discouraged. It is recommended you structure your rendering
 * loop like this.
 *       function render() {
 *         window.requestAnimationFrame(render, canvas);
 *         // do rendering
 *         ...
 *       }
 *       render();
 * This will call your rendering function up to the refresh rate
 * of your display but will stop rendering if your app is not
 * visible.

WebGLUtils = function() {

 * Creates the HTLM for a failure message
 * @param {string} canvasContainerId id of container of th
 *        canvas.
 * @return {string} The html.
var makeFailHTML = function(msg) {
  return '' +
        '<div style="margin: auto; width:500px;z-index:10000;margin-top:20em;text-align:center;">' + msg + '</div>';
  return '' +
    '<table style="background-color: #8CE; width: 100%; height: 100%;"><tr>' +
    '<td align="center">' +
    '<div style="display: table-cell; vertical-align: middle;">' +
    '<div>' + msg + '</div>' +
    '</div>' +

 * Mesasge for getting a webgl browser
 * @type {string}
  'This page requires a browser that supports WebGL.<br/>' +
  '<a href="http://get.webgl.org">Click here to upgrade your browser.</a>';

 * Mesasge for need better hardware
 * @type {string}
var OTHER_PROBLEM = '' +
  "It doesn't appear your computer can support WebGL.<br/>" +
  '<a href="http://get.webgl.org">Click here for more information.</a>';

 * Creates a webgl context. If creation fails it will
 * change the contents of the container of the <canvas>
 * tag to an error message with the correct links for WebGL.
 * @param {Element} canvas. The canvas element to create a
 *     context from.
 * @param {WebGLContextCreationAttirbutes} opt_attribs Any
 *     creation attributes you want to pass in.
 * @param {function:(msg)} opt_onError An function to call
 *     if there is an error during creation.
 * @return {WebGLRenderingContext} The created context.
var setupWebGL = function(canvas, opt_attribs, opt_onError) {
  function handleCreationError(msg) {
      var container = document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0];
    //var container = canvas.parentNode;
    if (container) {
      var str = window.WebGLRenderingContext ?
           OTHER_PROBLEM :
      if (msg) {
        str += "<br/><br/>Status: " + msg;
      container.innerHTML = makeFailHTML(str);

opt_onError = opt_onError || handleCreationError;

if (canvas.addEventListener) {
    canvas.addEventListener("webglcontextcreationerror", function(event) {
        }, false);
  var context = create3DContext(canvas, opt_attribs);
  if (!context) {
    if (!window.WebGLRenderingContext) {
    } else {

return context;

 * Creates a webgl context.
 * @param {!Canvas} canvas The canvas tag to get context
 *     from. If one is not passed in one will be created.
 * @return {!WebGLContext} The created context.
var create3DContext = function(canvas, opt_attribs) {
  var names = ["webgl", "experimental-webgl", "webkit-3d", "moz-webgl"];
  var context = null;
  for (var ii = 0; ii < names.length; ++ii) {
    try {
      context = canvas.getContext(names[ii], opt_attribs);
    } catch(e) {}
    if (context) {
  return context;

return {
  create3DContext: create3DContext,
  setupWebGL: setupWebGL

 * Provides requestAnimationFrame in a cross browser
 * way.
if (!window.requestAnimationFrame) {
  window.requestAnimationFrame = (function() {
    return window.requestAnimationFrame ||
           window.webkitRequestAnimationFrame ||
           window.mozRequestAnimationFrame ||
           window.oRequestAnimationFrame ||
           window.msRequestAnimationFrame ||
           function(/* function FrameRequestCallback */ callback, /* DOMElement Element */ element) {
             window.setTimeout(callback, 1000/60);

/** * ERRATA: 'cancelRequestAnimationFrame' renamed to 'cancelAnimationFrame' to reflect an update to the W3C Animation-Timing Spec.
 * Cancels an animation frame request.
 * Checks for cross-browser support, falls back to clearTimeout.
 * @param {number}  Animation frame request. */
if (!window.cancelAnimationFrame) {
  window.cancelAnimationFrame = (window.cancelRequestAnimationFrame ||
                                 window.webkitCancelAnimationFrame || window.webkitCancelRequestAnimationFrame ||
                                 window.mozCancelAnimationFrame || window.mozCancelRequestAnimationFrame ||
                                 window.msCancelAnimationFrame || window.msCancelRequestAnimationFrame ||
                                 window.oCancelAnimationFrame || window.oCancelRequestAnimationFrame ||


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