Great minds have purpose, others only have wishes.


Are you clear about the difference between purposes and wishes?

Frankly speaking, I am not very clear about their difference either.

Thinking about it for just one minute, maybe the difference lies in whether we have maken enough efforts to realize them.

Initially, purposes can be seen as wishes. If we make enough efforts to make them true, then our wishes can be called as purposes.

But if we just say I wish I can..., without pressing on to them, or we give up on the halfway, then even the best wishes may be nonsence.

I wish I can change the current direction to a somewhat positive trend, yes, I have to do something to realize some small goals first.

All you need is the plan, the road map, and the courage to press on to your destination.


The plan, the road map, the courage, it seems that all these things are all I am lack of.

So it is nothing surprising that I am just like headless chickens running with no direction and no results to show.

Set a small goal today, just to finish the code of setting and showing the coordinate system.


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