Option Explicit
'[Class name]: clsTxtFile
'[Description]: Read Or Write Txt File
'-------------------------------------------------------- Private mFileNumber As Integer
Private mIsOpen As Boolean
Private mEncoding As String
Private mStream As Object
Private mFilePath As String '--------------------------------------------------------
'[Function name]: OpenFile
'[Description]: Open file
'[Parameter]: (1) file path (2)encoding (eg:utf-8)
Public Sub OpenFile(path As String, encoding As String) mEncoding = encoding
mFilePath = path
If mEncoding <> "" Then
Set mStream = CreateObject("Adodb.Stream")
With mStream
.Type = '1:binary 2:text
.Mode = '1:Read 2:Write 3:ReadWrite
.LoadFromFile path
.Charset = encoding
.Position = 'encoding's position
End With
mFileNumber = FreeFile
Open path For Input As #mFileNumber
End If
mIsOpen = True
End Sub '--------------------------------------------------------
'[Function name]: CreateFile
'[Description]: Create file
'[Parameter]: (1) file path (2)encoding
Public Sub CreateFile(path As String, encoding As String) mEncoding = encoding
mFilePath = path CreateFileCore (path) If mEncoding <> "" Then
Set mStream = CreateObject("Adodb.Stream")
With mStream
.Type = '1:binary 2:text
.Mode = '1:Read 2:Write 3:ReadWrite
.Charset = encoding
End With
mFileNumber = FreeFile
Open path For Binary Access Write As #mFileNumber
End If
mIsOpen = True
End Sub '--------------------------------------------------------
'[Function name]: CreateFileCore
'[Description]: cretae file
'[Parameter]: (1) file path
Private Sub CreateFileCore(path As String) Dim fso As Object
Dim folderName As String Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
If fso.FileExists(path) Then
'file exists,delete
fso.DeleteFile path, True
'file not exists,create
folderName = fso.GetParentFolderName(path)
If Not fso.FolderExists(folderName) Then
fso.CreateFolder (folderName)
End If
End If fso.CreateTextFile path, True
End Sub '--------------------------------------------------------
'[Function name]: ReadLine
'[Description]: read a line
'[Return Value]: line string
Public Function ReadLine() As String Dim strLine As String
If mEncoding <> "" Then
strLine = mStream.ReadText(-) '-1:adReadAll -2:adReadLine
Line Input #mFileNumber, strLine
End If ReadLine = strLine
End Function '--------------------------------------------------------
'[Function name]: WriteLine
'[Description]: Write line
'[Parameter]: (1) line
Public Sub WriteLine(strLine As String) If mEncoding <> "" Then
Call mStream.WriteText(strLine, ) '0:adWriteChar 1:adWriteLine
strLine = strLine & vbCrLf
Put #mFileNumber, , strLine
End If
End Sub '--------------------------------------------------------
'[Function name]: IsEndOfFile
'[Description]: if is the end of the file
'[Return Value]: true:end of the file false:not end of the file
Public Function IsEndOfFile() As Boolean If mEncoding <> "" Then
IsEndOfFile = mStream.EOS
IsEndOfFile = EOF(mFileNumber)
End If
End Function '--------------------------------------------------------
'[Function name]: CloseFile
'[Description]: close file
Public Sub CloseFile() If mIsOpen Then
If mEncoding <> "" Then
mStream.SaveToFile mFilePath, 'adSaveCreateNotExist =1 adSaveCreateOverWrite = 2
Set mStream = Nothing
Close mFileNumber
End If
End If
End Sub


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