Given a string S and a string T, find the minimum window in S which will contain all the characters in T in complexity O(n).


Output: "BANC"


  • If there is no such window in S that covers all characters in T, return the empty string "".
  • If there is such window, you are guaranteed that there will always be only one unique minimum window in S.


给定字符串S 和 T, 求S中可以cover T所有元素的子集的最小长度。

Solution1: Two Pointers(sliding window)

1.  scan String T,  using a map to record each char's frequency

2.  use [leftMost to i] to maintain a sliding window, making sure that each char's frequency in such sliding window == that in T

3.  if mapS [S.charAt(start)]  >  mapT [S.charAt(start)] ,  it signs we can move sliding window

4.  how to find the next sliding window?  move leftMost, meanwhile,  decrement mapS [S.charAt(start)]  until we find each frequency in  [start to i] == that in T


 class Solution {
public String minWindow(String S, String T) {
String result = "";
if (S == null || S.length() == 0) return result;
int[] mapT = new int[256];
int[] mapS = new int[256];
int count = 0;
int leftMost = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < T.length(); i++){
mapT[T.charAt(i)] ++;
} for(int i = 0; i < S.length(); i++){
char s = S.charAt(i);
if(mapT[s] >= mapS[s]){
count ++;
} if(count == T.length()){
while(mapS[S.charAt(leftMost)] > mapT[S.charAt(leftMost)]){
if(mapS[S.charAt(leftMost)] > mapT[S.charAt(leftMost)]){
leftMost ++;
if(result.equals("") || i - leftMost + 1 < result.length()){
result = S.substring(leftMost, i+1);
return result;


对于出现在S但不出现在T的那些“配角” character的处理,


这样,在判断 while(mapS[S.charAt(leftMost)] > mapT[S.charAt(leftMost)]) 这个逻辑的时候,



 class Solution {
public String minWindow(String s, String t) {
String result = "";
if(s == null || s.length() == 0 || s.length() < t.length()) return result; int [] mapT = new int [128];
for(Character c : t.toCharArray()){
} int left = 0;
int count = t.length();
int[] mapS = new int[128];
for(int i = 0; i < s.length(); i++){
char c = s.charAt(i);
mapS[c] ++ ;
if(mapT[c] >= mapS[c]){
count --;
if(count == 0){
while(mapS[s.charAt(left)] > mapT[s.charAt(left)]){
mapS[s.charAt(left)] --;
if (result.equals("") || i - start + 1 < result.length()) {
result = s.substring(start, i + 1);
return result;


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