* Copyright (c) 1991-1997 Regents of the University of California.
* All rights reserved.
* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
* modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
* are met:
* 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
* notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
* 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
* notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
* documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
* 3. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this software
* must display the following acknowledgement:
* This product includes software developed by the Computer Systems
* Engineering Group at Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory.
* 4. Neither the name of the University nor of the Laboratory may be used
* to endorse or promote products derived from this software without
* specific prior written permission.
* @(#) $Header: /cvsroot/nsnam/ns-2/tcp/tcp.h,v 1.132 2011/08/26 19:29:57 tom_henderson Exp $ (LBL)
#ifndef ns_tcp_h
#define ns_tcp_h #include "agent.h"
#include "packet.h" //class EventTrace; struct hdr_tcp {
#define NSA 3
double ts_; /* time packet generated (at source) */
double ts_echo_; /* the echoed timestamp (originally sent by
the peer) */
int seqno_; /* sequence number */
int reason_; /* reason for a retransmit */
int sack_area_[NSA+][]; /* sack blocks: start, end of block */
int sa_length_; /* Indicate the number of SACKs in this *
* packet. Adds 2+sack_length*8 bytes */
int ackno_; /* ACK number for FullTcp */
int hlen_; /* header len (bytes) for FullTcp */
int tcp_flags_; /* TCP flags for FullTcp */
int last_rtt_; /* more recent RTT measurement in ms, */
/* for statistics only */
// Advertised Window, Shigeyuki Osada 2012/01/08
double wnd_; static int offset_; // offset for this header
inline static int& offset() { return offset_; }
inline static hdr_tcp* access(Packet* p) {
return (hdr_tcp*) p->access(offset_);
} /* per-field member functions */
double& ts() { return (ts_); }
double& ts_echo() { return (ts_echo_); }
int& seqno() { return (seqno_); }
int& reason() { return (reason_); }
int& sa_left(int n) { return (sack_area_[n][]); }
int& sa_right(int n) { return (sack_area_[n][]); }
int& sa_length() { return (sa_length_); }
int& hlen() { return (hlen_); }
int& ackno() { return (ackno_); }
int& flags() { return (tcp_flags_); }
int& last_rtt() { return (last_rtt_); }
double& wnd() {return (wnd_);} // Shigeyuki Osada
}; /* these are used to mark packets as to why we xmitted them */
#define TCP_REASON_DUPACK 0x02
#define TCP_REASON_RBP 0x03 // used only in tcp-rbp.cc
#define TCP_REASON_PARTIALACK 0x04 /* these are reasons we adjusted our congestion window */ #define CWND_ACTION_DUPACK 1 // dup acks/fast retransmit
#define CWND_ACTION_TIMEOUT 2 // retransmission timeout
#define CWND_ACTION_ECN 3 // ECN bit [src quench if supported]
#define CWND_ACTION_EXITED 4 // congestion recovery has ended
// (when previously CWND_ACTION_DUPACK) /* these are bits for how to change the cwnd and ssthresh values */ #define CLOSE_SSTHRESH_HALF 0x00000001
#define CLOSE_CWND_HALF 0x00000002
#define CLOSE_CWND_RESTART 0x00000004
#define CLOSE_CWND_INIT 0x00000008
#define CLOSE_CWND_ONE 0x00000010
#define CLOSE_SSTHRESH_HALVE 0x00000020
#define CLOSE_CWND_HALVE 0x00000040
#define THREE_QUARTER_SSTHRESH 0x00000080
#define CLOSE_CWND_HALF_WAY 0x00000100
#define CWND_HALF_WITH_MIN 0x00000200
#define TCP_IDLE 0x00000400
#define NO_OUTSTANDING_DATA 0x00000800 /*
* tcp_tick_:
* default 0.1,
* 0.3 for 4.3 BSD,
* 0.01 for new window algorithms,
*/ #define NUMDUPACKS 3 /* This is no longer used. The variable */
/* numdupacks_ is used instead. */
#define TCP_MAXSEQ 1073741824 /* Number that curseq_ is set to for */
/* "infinite send" (2^30) */ #define TCP_TIMER_RTX 0
#define TCP_TIMER_Q 4
#define TCP_TIMER_RESET 5 class TcpAgent; class RtxTimer : public TimerHandler {
RtxTimer(TcpAgent *a) : TimerHandler() { a_ = a; }
virtual void expire(Event *e);
TcpAgent *a_;
}; class DelSndTimer : public TimerHandler {
DelSndTimer(TcpAgent *a) : TimerHandler() { a_ = a; }
virtual void expire(Event *e);
TcpAgent *a_;
}; class BurstSndTimer : public TimerHandler {
BurstSndTimer(TcpAgent *a) : TimerHandler() { a_ = a; }
virtual void expire(Event *e);
TcpAgent *a_;
}; /*
* Variables for HighSpeed TCP.
//int *hs_win_; // array of cwnd values
//int *hs_increase_; // array of increase values
//double *hs_decrease_; // array of decrease values
struct hstcp {
double low_p; // low_p
double dec1; // for computing the decrease parameter
double dec2; // for computing the decrease parameter
double p1; // for computing p
double p2; // for computing p
/* The next three parameters are for CPU overhead, for computing */
/* the HighSpeed parameters less frequently. A better solution */
/* might be just to have a look-up array. */
double cwnd_last_; /* last cwnd for computed parameters */
double increase_last_; /* increase param for cwnd_last_ */
hstcp() : low_p(0.0), dec1(0.0), dec2(0.0), p1(0.0), p2(0.0),
cwnd_last_(0.0), increase_last_(0.0) { }
}; class TcpAgent : public Agent {
friend class XcpEndsys;
virtual ~TcpAgent() {free(tss);}
virtual void recv(Packet*, Handler*);
virtual void timeout(int tno);
virtual void timeout_nonrtx(int tno);
int command(int argc, const char*const* argv);
virtual void sendmsg(int nbytes, const char *flags = ); void trace(TracedVar* v);
virtual void advanceby(int delta); virtual void reset(); /* These two functions aid Tmix one-way TCP agents */
int is_closed() {return closed_;}
void clr_closed() {closed_ = ;}
virtual int window();
virtual double windowd();
void print_if_needed(double memb_time);
void traceAll();
virtual void traceVar(TracedVar* v);
virtual int headersize(); // a tcp header virtual void delay_bind_init_all();
virtual int delay_bind_dispatch(const char *varName, const char *localName, TclObject *tracer); double boot_time_; /* where between 'ticks' this sytem came up */
double overhead_;
double wnd_;
double wnd_const_;
double wnd_th_; /* window "threshold" */
double wnd_init_;
double wnd_restart_;
double tcp_tick_; /* clock granularity */
int wnd_option_;
int wnd_init_option_; /* 1 for using wnd_init_ */
/* 2 for using large initial windows */
double decrease_num_; /* factor for multiplicative decrease */
double increase_num_; /* factor for additive increase */
int tcpip_base_hdr_size_; /* size of base TCP/IP header */
int maxcwnd_; /* max # cwnd can ever be */
int numdupacks_; /* dup ACKs before fast retransmit */
int numdupacksFrac_; /* for a larger numdupacks_ with large */
/* windows */ /* connection and packet dynamics */
virtual void output(int seqno, int reason = );
virtual void send_much(int force, int reason, int maxburst = );
virtual void newtimer(Packet*);
virtual void dupack_action(); /* do this on dupacks */
virtual void send_one(); /* do this on 1-2 dupacks */
virtual void opencwnd();
void update_window(Packet*); // Shigeyuki Osada 2012/01/08 void slowdown(int how); /* reduce cwnd/ssthresh */
void ecn(int seqno); /* react to quench */
virtual void set_initial_window(); /* set IW */
double initial_window(); /* what is IW? */
void newack(Packet*);
void finish(); /* called when the connection is terminated */
int network_limited(); /* Sending limited by network? */
double limited_slow_start(double cwnd, int max_ssthresh, double increment);
/* Limited slow-start for high windows */
virtual int numdupacks(double cwnd); /* for getting numdupacks_ */
/* End of section of connection and packet dynamics. */ /* General dynamic state. */
TracedInt t_seqno_; /* sequence number */
TracedInt dupacks_; /* number of duplicate acks */
TracedInt curseq_; /* highest seqno "produced by app" */
TracedInt highest_ack_; /* not frozen during Fast Recovery */
TracedDouble cwnd_; /* current window */
TracedInt ssthresh_; /* slow start threshold */
TracedInt maxseq_; /* used for Karn algorithm */
/* highest seqno sent so far */
int last_ack_; /* largest consecutive ACK, frozen during
* Fast Recovery */
int recover_; /* highest pkt sent before dup acks, */
/* timeout, or source quench/ecn */
int last_cwnd_action_; /* CWND_ACTION_{TIMEOUT,DUPACK,ECN} */
int count_; /* used in window increment algorithms */
int rtt_active_; /* 1 if a rtt sample is pending */
int rtt_seq_; /* seq # of timed seg if rtt_active_ is 1 */
double rtt_ts_; /* time at which rtt_seq_ was sent */
double firstsent_; /* When first packet was sent --Allman */
double lastreset_; /* W.N. Last time connection was reset - for */
/* detecting pkts from previous incarnations */
int closed_; /* whether this connection has closed */
/* End of general dynamic state. */ /*
* State encompassing the round-trip-time estimate.
* srtt and rttvar are stored as fixed point;
* srtt has 3 bits to the right of the binary point, rttvar has 2.
TracedInt t_rtt_; /* round trip time */
TracedInt t_srtt_; /* smoothed round-trip time */
TracedInt t_rttvar_; /* variance in round-trip time */
TracedInt t_backoff_; /* current multiplier of RTO, */
/* 1 if not backed off */
#define T_RTT_BITS 0
int T_SRTT_BITS; /* exponent of weight for updating t_srtt_ */
int srtt_init_; /* initial value for computing t_srtt_ */
int T_RTTVAR_BITS; /* exponent of weight for updating t_rttvar_ */
int rttvar_exp_; /* exponent of multiple for t_rtxcur_ */
int rttvar_init_; /* initial value for computing t_rttvar_ */
double t_rtxcur_; /* current retransmit value */
double rtxcur_init_; /* initial value for t_rtxcur_ */
virtual void rtt_init();
virtual double rtt_timeout(); /* provide RTO based on RTT estimates */
virtual void rtt_update(double tao); /* update RTT estimate */
virtual void rtt_backoff(); /* double multiplier */
/* End of state for the round-trip-time estimate. */ /* RTOs: */
double maxrto_; /* max value of an RTO */
double minrto_; /* min value of an RTO */
int ts_resetRTO_; /* Un-backoff RTO after any valid RTT, */
/* including from a retransmitted pkt? */
/* The old version was "false". */
/* But "true" gives better performance, and */
/* seems conformant with RFC 2988. */
/* End of section for RTOs. */ /* Timestamps. */
double ts_peer_; /* the most recent timestamp the peer sent */
double ts_echo_; /* the most recent timestamp the peer echoed */
int ts_option_size_; // header bytes in a ts option
double *tss; // To store sent timestamps, with bugfix_ts_
int tss_size_; // Current capacity of tss
int ts_option_; /* use RFC1323-like timestamps? */
/* End of timestamps. */ /* Helper functions. Used by tcp-asym */
virtual void output_helper(Packet*) { return; }
virtual void send_helper(int) { return; }
virtual void send_idle_helper() { return; }
virtual void recv_helper(Packet*);
virtual void recv_frto_helper(Packet*);
virtual void recv_newack_helper(Packet*);
virtual void partialnewack_helper(Packet*) {};
/* End of helper functions. */ int force_wnd(int num);
void spurious_timeout(); /* Timers */
RtxTimer rtx_timer_;
DelSndTimer delsnd_timer_;
BurstSndTimer burstsnd_timer_;
virtual void cancel_timers() {
virtual void cancel_rtx_timer() {
virtual void set_rtx_timer();
void reset_rtx_timer(int mild, int backoff = );
int timerfix_; /* set to true to update timer *after* */
/* update the RTT, instead of before */
int rfc2988_; /* Use updated RFC 2988 timers */
/* End of timers. */ /* For modeling SYN and SYN/ACK packets. */
int syn_; /* 1 for modeling SYN/ACK exchange */
int delay_growth_; /* delay opening cwnd until 1st data recv'd */
int max_connects_; /* max number of transmits for syn packet */
/* -1 to allow infinite number of transmits */
/* End of modeling SYN and SYN/ACK packets. */ /* Dynamic state for SYN packet retransmissions. */
int syn_connects_; /* number of transmits of syn packet */
/* End of dynamic state for SYN packet retransmissions. */ /* F-RTO */
int frto_enabled_; /* != 0 to enable F-RTO */
int sfrto_enabled_; /* != 0 to enabled SACK-based F-RTO */
int spurious_response_; /* Response variant to spurious RTO */
/* End of R-RTO */ /* Parameters for backwards compatility with old code. */
int bug_fix_; /* 1 for multiple-fast-retransmit fix */
int less_careful_; /* 1 for Less Careful variant of bug_fix_, */
/* for illustration only */
int exitFastRetrans_; /* True to clean exits of Fast Retransmit */
/* False for buggy old behavior */
int bugfix_ack_; // 1 to enable ACK heuristic, to allow
// multiple-fast-retransmits in special cases.
// From Andrei Gurtov
int bugfix_ts_; // 1 to enable timestamp heuristic, to allow
// multiple-fast-retransmits in special cases.
// From Andrei Gurtov
// Not implemented yet.
int old_ecn_; /* For backwards compatibility with the
* old ECN implementation, which never
* reduced the congestion window below
* one packet. */
int bugfix_ss_; // 1 to use window of one when SYN
// packet is dropped
/* End of parameters for backwards compatility. */ /* Parameters for alternate congestion control mechanisms. */
double k_parameter_; /* k parameter in binomial controls */
double l_parameter_; /* l parameter in binomial controls */
int precision_reduce_; /* non-integer reduction of cwnd */
int maxburst_; /* max # packets can send back-2-back */
int aggressive_maxburst_; /* Send on a non-valid ack? */
/* End of parameters for alternate congestion control mechanisms. */ FILE *plotfile_; /* Dynamic state used for alternate congestion control mechanisms */
double awnd_; /* averaged window */
int first_decrease_; /* First decrease of congestion window. */
/* Used for decrease_num_ != 0.5. */
double fcnt_; /* used in window increment algorithms */
double base_cwnd_; /* base window (for experimental purposes) */
/* End of state for alternate congestion control mechanisms */ /* Dynamic state only used for monitoring */
int trace_all_oneline_; /* TCP tracing vars all in one line or not? */
int nam_tracevar_; /* Output nam's variable trace or just plain
text variable trace? */
TracedInt ndatapack_; /* number of data packets sent */
TracedInt ndatabytes_; /* number of data bytes sent */
TracedInt nackpack_; /* number of ack packets received */
TracedInt nrexmit_; /* number of retransmit timeouts
when there was data outstanding */
TracedInt nrexmitpack_; /* number of retransmited packets */
TracedInt nrexmitbytes_; /* number of retransmited bytes */
TracedInt necnresponses_; /* number of times cwnd was reduced
in response to an ecn packet -- sylvia */
TracedInt ncwndcuts_; /* number of times cwnd was reduced
for any reason -- sylvia */
TracedInt ncwndcuts1_; /* number of times cwnd was reduced
due to congestion (as opposed to idle
periods */
/* end of dynamic state for monitoring */ /* Specifying variants in TCP algorithms. */
int slow_start_restart_; /* boolean: re-init cwnd after connection
goes idle. On by default. */
int restart_bugfix_; /* ssthresh is cut down because of
timeouts during a connection's idle period.
Setting this boolean fixes this problem.
For now, it is off by default. */
TracedInt singledup_; /* Send on a single dup ack. */
int LimTransmitFix_; /* To fix a bug in Limited Transmit. */
int noFastRetrans_; /* No Fast Retransmit option. */
int oldCode_; /* Use old code. */
int useHeaders_; /* boolean: Add TCP/IP header sizes */
/* end of specifying variants */ /* Used for ECN */
int ecn_; /* Explicit Congestion Notification */
int cong_action_; /* Congestion Action. True to indicate
that the sender responded to congestion. */
int ecn_burst_; /* True when the previous ACK packet
* carried ECN-Echo. */
int ecn_backoff_; /* True when retransmit timer should begin
to be backed off. */
int ect_; /* turn on ect bit now? */
int SetCWRonRetransmit_; /* True to allow setting CWR on */
/* retransmitted packets. Affects */
/* performance for Reno with ECN. */
int use_rtt_; /* Use RTT for timeout for ECN-marked SYN-ACK */
/* end of ECN */ /* used for Explicit Loss Notification */
void tcp_eln(Packet *pkt); /* reaction to ELN (usually wireless) */
int eln_; /* Explicit Loss Notification (wireless) */
int eln_rxmit_thresh_; /* Threshold for ELN-triggered rxmissions */
int eln_last_rxmit_; /* Last packet rxmitted due to ELN info */
/* end of Explicit Loss Notification */ /* for High-Speed TCP, RFC 3649 */
double linear(double x, double x_1, double y_1, double x_2, double y_2);
/* the "linear" function is for experimental highspeed TCP */
/* These four parameters define the HighSpeed response function. */
int low_window_; /* window for turning on high-speed TCP */
int high_window_; /* target window for new response function */
double high_p_; /* target drop rate for new response function */
double high_decrease_; /* decrease rate at target window */
/* The next parameter is for Limited Slow-Start. */
int max_ssthresh_; /* max value for ssthresh_ */ /* These two functions are just an easy structuring of the code. */
double increase_param(); /* get increase parameter for current cwnd */
double decrease_param(); /* get decrease parameter for current cwnd */
int cwnd_range_; /* for determining when to recompute params. */
hstcp hstcp_; /* HighSpeed TCP variables */
/* end of section for experimental high-speed TCP */ /* for Quick-Start, RFC 4782 */
virtual void processQuickStart(Packet *pkt);
virtual void endQuickStart();
int lossQuickStart();
int rate_request_; /* Rate request in KBps, for QuickStart. */
int qs_enabled_; /* to enable QuickStart. */
int qs_requested_;
int qs_approved_;
int qs_window_; /* >0: there are outstanding non-acked segments
from QS window */
int qs_cwnd_; /* Initial window for Quick-Start */
int tcp_qs_recovery_; /* != 0 if we apply slow start on packet
losses during QS window */
int qs_request_mode_; /* 1 = Try to avoid unnecessary QS requests
for short flows. Use qs_rtt_ as the RTT
used in window calculation.
Other: Always request 'rate_request_' bytes,
regardless of flow size */
int qs_thresh_; /* Do not use QS if there are less data to send
than this. Applies only if
qs_request_mode_ == 1 */
int qs_rtt_; /* QS needs some assumption of the RTT in
in order to be able to determine how much
it needs for rate request with given amount
of data to send. milliseconds. */
int print_request_; /* true to print Quick-Start request */
int ttl_diff_;
/* end of section for Quick-Start. */ /* F-RTO: !=0 when F-RTO recovery is underway, N:th round-trip
* since RTO. Can have values between 0-2 */
int frto_;
int pipe_prev_; /* window size when timeout last occurred */ /* support for event-tracing */
//EventTrace *et_;
void trace_event(char *eventtype); /* these function are now obsolete, see other above */
void closecwnd(int how);
void quench(int how); /* TCP quiescence, reducing cwnd after an idle period */
void process_qoption_after_send() ;
void process_qoption_after_ack(int seqno) ;
void reset_qoption(); /* for QOption with EnblRTTCtr_ */
void rtt_counting(); /* for QOption with EnblRTTCtr_ */
int QOption_ ; /* TCP quiescence option */
int EnblRTTCtr_ ; /* are we using a corase grained timer? */
int T_full ; /* last time the window was full */
int T_last ;
int T_prev ;
int T_start ;
int RTT_count ;
int RTT_prev ;
int RTT_goodcount ;
int F_counting ;
int W_used ;
int W_timed ;
int F_full ;
int Backoffs ;
int control_increase_ ; /* If true, don't increase cwnd if sender */
/* is not window-limited. */
int prev_highest_ack_ ; /* Used to determine if sender is */
/* window-limited. */
/* end of TCP quiescence */
}; /* TCP Reno */
class RenoTcpAgent : public virtual TcpAgent {
virtual int window();
virtual double windowd();
virtual void recv(Packet *pkt, Handler*);
virtual void timeout(int tno);
virtual void dupack_action();
int allow_fast_retransmit(int last_cwnd_action_);
unsigned int dupwnd_;
}; /* TCP New Reno */
class NewRenoTcpAgent : public virtual RenoTcpAgent {
virtual void recv(Packet *pkt, Handler*);
virtual void partialnewack_helper(Packet* pkt);
virtual void dupack_action();
int newreno_changes_; /* 0 for fixing unnecessary fast retransmits */
/* 1 for additional code from Allman, */
/* to implement other algorithms from */
/* Hoe's paper, including sending a new */
/* packet for every two duplicate ACKs. */
/* The default is set to 0. */
int newreno_changes1_; /* Newreno_changes1_ set to 0 gives the */
/* Slow-but-Steady variant of NewReno from */
/* RFC 2582, with the retransmit timer reset */
/* after each partial new ack. */
/* Newreno_changes1_ set to 1 gives the */
/* Impatient variant of NewReno from */
/* RFC 2582, with the retransmit timer reset */
/* only for the first partial new ack. */
/* The default is set to 0 */
void partialnewack(Packet *pkt);
int allow_fast_retransmit(int last_cwnd_action_);
int acked_, new_ssthresh_; /* used if newreno_changes_ == 1 */
double ack2_, ack3_, basertt_; /* used if newreno_changes_ == 1 */
int firstpartial_; /* For the first partial ACK. */
int partial_window_deflation_; /* 0 if set cwnd to ssthresh upon */
/* partial new ack (default) */
/* 1 if deflate (cwnd + dupwnd) by */
/* amount of data acked */
/* "Partial window deflation" is */
/* discussed in RFC 2582. */
int exit_recovery_fix_; /* 0 for setting cwnd to ssthresh upon */
/* leaving fast recovery (default) */
/* 1 for setting cwnd to min(ssthresh, */
/* amnt. of data in network) when leaving */
}; /* TCP vegas (VegasTcpAgent) */
class VegasTcpAgent : public virtual TcpAgent {
virtual void recv(Packet *pkt, Handler *);
virtual void timeout(int tno);
double vegastime() {
return(Scheduler::instance().clock() - firstsent_);
virtual void output(int seqno, int reason = );
virtual void recv_newack_helper(Packet*);
int vegas_expire(Packet*);
void reset();
void vegas_inflate_cwnd(int win, double current_time); virtual void delay_bind_init_all();
virtual int delay_bind_dispatch(const char *varName, const char *localName, TclObject *tracer); double t_cwnd_changed_; // last time cwnd changed
double firstrecv_; // time recv the 1st ack int v_alpha_; // vegas thruput thresholds in pkts
int v_beta_; int v_gamma_; // threshold to change from slow-start to
// congestion avoidance, in pkts int v_slowstart_; // # of pkts to send after slow-start, deflt(2)
int v_worried_; // # of pkts to chk after dup ack (1 or 2) double v_timeout_; // based on fine-grained timer
double v_rtt_;
double v_sa_;
double v_sd_; int v_cntRTT_; // # of rtt measured within one rtt
double v_sumRTT_; // sum of rtt measured within one rtt double v_begtime_; // tagged pkt sent
int v_begseq_; // tagged pkt seqno double* v_sendtime_; // each unacked pkt's sendtime is recorded.
int* v_transmits_; // # of retx for an unacked pkt int v_maxwnd_; // maxwnd size for v_sendtime_[]
double v_newcwnd_; // record un-inflated cwnd double v_baseRTT_; // min of all rtt double v_incr_; // amount cwnd is increased in the next rtt
int v_inc_flag_; // if cwnd is allowed to incr for this rtt double v_actual_; // actual send rate (pkt/s; needed for tcp-rbp) int ns_vegas_fix_level_; // see comment at end of tcp-vegas.cc for details of fixes
}; // Local Variables:
// mode:c++
// c-basic-offset: 8
// End: #endif


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