Knowledge is long, life is short.


I often feel that I have a lot of things to learn, nevertheless, it seems I always don't enough time to learn.

Actually, I often waste my time and energy on some meaningless things.

So, stop making useless efforts.

Give some time to think about my life and analyze where the real problem lies, distinguish between important things and minor things, spend my time and energy on those things that can really result in important changes.

Success is achieved and maintained by those who try and keep trying.


I try and keep trying, but it seems I am getting farther and farther away from success.

Others think I should be more powerful and be capable of achieving more things.

However, the results may be so disappointed and sometimes I was throughly demoralized by those setbacks.

The deadline is coming, and I am about to be fully swallowed by the panic inside my heart.


  1. Android应用开发-数据存储和界面展现(二)(重制版)
  2. Win 8.1 下 安装 SQL2005
  3. Tempdb的并发阻塞
  4. 学习jquery mobile
  5. 通过HP Loadrunner VuGen来录制安卓的应用
  6. weinre 手机端页面调试
  7. pt-online-schema-change使用说明、限制与比较
  8. gdb调试多线程程序总结
  9. smarty实现缓存
  10. linux是实时系统还是分时操作系统
  11. winform 禁用鼠标滚轮
  12. c++大数模版
  13. ASP.NET页面传值方式
  14. php fsockopen
  15. 对js原型对象的拓展和原型对象的重指向的区别的研究
  16. passat product list
  17. sql*loader以及oracle外部表加载Date类型列
  18. 存储过程中调用webservice
  19. NET(C#)接入Dubbo服务,Zookeeper作为Dubbo服务的注册中心,实现thrift协议访问接口(3)
  20. js判断PC端还是移动端


  1. sencha touch 手势识别左右滑动
  2. android 模块化
  3. MySql的视图
  4. html中使用滚动条
  5. solr6.6教程-基础环境搭建(一)
  6. Nginx - 简易图片服务器
  7. mybatis学习之高级映射
  8. java——程序的导出与导入
  9. 一、快速构建Springboot应用
  10. C Primer Plus note9