
9:08:14 PM [Apache] Error: Apache shutdown unexpectedly.
9:08:14 PM [Apache] This may be due to a blocked port, missing dependencies,
9:08:14 PM [Apache] improper privileges, a crash, or a shutdown by another method.
9:08:14 PM [Apache] Press the Logs button to view error logs and check
9:08:14 PM [Apache] the Windows Event Viewer for more clues
9:08:14 PM [Apache] If you need more help, copy and post this
9:08:14 PM [Apache] entire log window on the forums
9:13:44 PM [Apache] Problem detected!
9:13:44 PM [Apache] Port 80 in use by "Unable to open process" with PID 4!
9:13:44 PM [Apache] Apache WILL NOT start without the configured ports free!
9:13:44 PM [Apache] You need to uninstall/disable/reconfigure the blocking application
9:13:44 PM [Apache] or reconfigure Apache and the Control Panel to listen on a different port

寓意为80端口被占用,只需用编辑器打开XAMPP安装目录中xampp\apache\conf下的httpd.conf,将58行Listen 80改为Listen 88,220行ServerName localhost:80改为ServerName localhost:88保存即可成功启动(这里的XAMPP版本为v3.2.2)。



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