view命令主要用于显示program information, path information, LU information, HBA port information, CHA port
information, and corresponding information about an HDLM device, sd or ssd device, and LDEV.

1. 显示HDLM程序信息


dlnkmgr view -sys [ -sfunc | -msrv | -adrv | -pdrv | -lic | -audlog | -lbpathusetimes | -expathusetimes ] [-t]

-t: 不显示标题

程序信息表-sfunc (HDLM功能设置)

Item Description
HDLM Version HDLM版本号
Service Pack Version Service Pack版本号, 空表示没Service Pack
Load Balance 状态: on - Enabled;  off - Disabled

算法: rr - Round Robin; extended rr - Extended Round Robin; lio - Least I/Os; extended lio - Extended Least I/Os; lbk - Least Blocks; extended lbk - Extended Least Blocks
Support Cluster Blank#
Elog Level 0 - Collects no error information; 1 - Collects error information at the Error level or higher; 2 - Collects error information at the Warning level or higher; 3 - Collects error information at the Information or higher; 4 - Collects error information at the Information level or higher (including maintenance information).
Elog File Size (KB) Error log 文件大小 (KB)
Number Of Elog Files Error log文件个数
Trace Level 0 - Does not output any trace; 1 - Only outputs error information; 2 - Outputs a summary of program operation; 3 - Outputs details of program operation; 4 - Outputs all information
Trace File Size (KB) Trace文件大小 (KB)
Number Of Trace Files Trace文件个数
Path Health Checking 状态:  on - Enabled;  off - Disabled 
interval:  (分钟)
Auto Failback 状态:  on - Enabled;  off - Disabled 
check interval:  (分钟)
Intermittent Error Monitor 状态:  on - Enabled;  off - Disabled 
Auto Failback - off => Intermittent Error Monitor - disabled (但状态可能显示为on)

Auto Failback - on => Intermittent Error Monitor - enabled

number-of-timeserror-is-to-occur/monitoring-interval (分钟)


-bash-3.2# dlnkmgr view -sys -sfunc
HDLM Version : 7.3.1
Service Pack Version :
Load Balance : on(extended lio)
Support Cluster :
Elog Level : 3
Elog File Size (KB) : 9900
Number Of Elog Files : 2
Trace Level : 0
Trace File Size (KB) : 1000
Number Of Trace Files : 4
Path Health Checking : on(30)
Auto Failback : on(1)
Intermittent Error Monitor : off
Dynamic I/O Path Control : off(10)
KAPL01001-I The HDLM command completed normally. Operation name = view, completion time = 2014/04/10 15:05:56

程序信息表-msrv (HDLM manager信息)

Item Description
HDLM Manager 状态:  Alive - 正常;  Dead - 停止
Ver 版本
WakeupTime 启动时间


-bash-3.2# dlnkmgr view -sys -msrv
HDLM Manager Ver WakeupTime
Alive 7.3.1-00 2014/04/10 11:07:33
KAPL01001-I The HDLM command completed normally. Operation name = view, completion time = 2014/04/10 15:51:01

程序信息表-adrv (HDLM alert driver信息)

Item Description
HDLM Alert Driver 状态:  Alive - 正常;  Dead - 停止
Ver 版本
WakeupTime 启动时间
ElogMem Size Error log memory大小 (KB)


-bash-3.2# dlnkmgr view -sys -adrv

HDLM Alert Driver Ver        WakeupTime          ElogMem Size

Alive             7.3.1-00   2014/04/10 11:07:00 4096

KAPL01001-I The HDLM command completed normally. Operation name = view, completion time = 2014/04/10 15:54:48

程序信息表-pdrv (HDLM driver信息)

Item Description
HDLM Driver 状态:  Alive - 正常;  Dead - 停止
Ver 版本
WakeupTime 启动时间


-bash-3.2# dlnkmgr view -sys -pdrv

HDLM Driver Ver        WakeupTime

Alive       7.3.1-00   2014/04/10 11:07:00

KAPL01001-I The HDLM command completed normally. Operation name = view, completion time = 2014/04/10 15:57:22

程序信息表-lic (HDLM license信息)

Item Description
License Type 状态: Permanent; Temporary; Emergency
Expiration 过期时间


-bash-3.2# dlnkmgr view -sys -lic

License Type Expiration

Permanent    -

KAPL01001-I The HDLM command completed normally. Operation name = view, completion time = 2014/04/10 15:58:34

程序信息表-audlog (HDLM审计配置信息)

Item Description
Audit Log 状态: on - Enabled;  off - Disabled 
级别: 0 - 7
Audit Log Category 类别: ss – StartStop; a – Authentication; ca – ConfigurationAccess; all - 上述所有
Audit Log Facility

The name of the audit log facility is displayed. user, local0, local1, local2, local3, local4, local5,local6, or local7 is displayed.


-bash-3.2# dlnkmgr view -sys -audlog

Audit Log                    : off

Audit Log Category           : -

Audit Log Facility           : -

KAPL01001-I The HDLM command completed normally. Operation name = view, completion time = 2014/04/10 16:01:40

2. 显示path信息

命令格式 (三种)

不选择显示列 (显示所有列)
dlnkmgr view -path [ -hdev HostDeviceName ] [-stname] [-iem]
[-srt {pn | lu | cp}] [-hbaportwwn] [-t] 使用-item选择显示列
dlnkmgr view -path
-item [pn] [dn] [lu] [cp] [type] [ic] [ie] [dnu]
[hd] [iep] [hbaportwwn]
[ -hdev HostDeviceName ] [-stname] [-srt {pn | lu | cp}] [-t] 显示汇总信息
dlnkmgr view -path -c [-stname] [-srt {lu | cp}] [-t]


Item Description
-hdev HostDeviceName 只显示指定设备的路径信息,以cXtYdZ方式指定
-stname 在DskName列中显示存储的model ID
-srt {pn|lu|cp} 指定排序键. pn - Path name; lu - LUN; cp - Port number of the CHA

规则: first sorting key->DskName; second sorting key-> -srt参数; third sorting key->AutoPATH_ID
-iem 显示intermittent errors
-hbaportwwn 显示hba卡port wwn
-t 不显示标题


Item Abbr
PathName pn
HBAPortWWN hbaportwwn
DskName dn
iLU lu
ChaPort cp
Status# NONE
Type type
IO-Count ic
IO-Errors ie
DNum dnu
HDevName hd
IEP iep


-bash-3.2# dlnkmgr view -path -stname -iem -hbaportwwn
Paths:000002 OnlinePaths:000002
PathStatus IO-Count IO-Errors
Online 14242 0 PathID PathName HBAPortWWN DskName iLU ChaPort Status Type IO-Count IO-Errors DNum HDevName IEP
000000 0000.0000.0000000000020100.0000 210000E08B9CA09F HITACHI .AMS .75040975 0049 0A Online Own 14242 0 - c4t50060E80102A00F0d0 -
000001 0001.0000.0000000000020100.0000 210000E08B9CA977 HITACHI .AMS .75040975 0049 1A Online Non 0 0 - c4t50060E80102A00F0d0 -
KAPL01001-I The HDLM command completed normally. Operation name = view, completion time = 2014/04/10 16:31:00 显示指定设备路径信息
-bash-3.2# dlnkmgr view -path -hdev c4t50060E80102A00F0d0
Paths:000002 OnlinePaths:000002
PathStatus IO-Count IO-Errors
Online 14374 0 PathID PathName DskName iLU ChaPort Status Type IO-Count IO-Errors DNum HDevName
000000 0000.0000.0000000000020100.0000 HITACHI .DF600F .75040975 0049 0A Online Own 14374 0 - c4t50060E80102A00F0d0
000001 0001.0000.0000000000020100.0000 HITACHI .DF600F .75040975 0049 1A Online Non 0 0 - c4t50060E80102A00F0d0
KAPL01001-I The HDLM command completed normally. Operation name = view, completion time = 2014/04/10 16:32:34 显示指定item信息
-bash-3.2# dlnkmgr view -path -item pn dn lu hd hbaportwwn -stname
Paths:000002 OnlinePaths:000002
PathStatus IO-Count IO-Errors
Online 14784 0 PathID PathName HBAPortWWN DskName iLU Status HDevName
000000 0000.0000.0000000000020100.0000 210000E08B9CA09F HITACHI .AMS .75040975 0049 Online c4t50060E80102A00F0d0
000001 0001.0000.0000000000020100.0000 210000E08B9CA977 HITACHI .AMS .75040975 0049 Online c4t50060E80102A00F0d0
KAPL01001-I The HDLM command completed normally. Operation name = view, completion time = 2014/04/10 16:36:37 显示概要信息
-bash-3.2# dlnkmgr view -path -c -stname
Paths:000002 OnlinePaths:000002
PathStatus IO-Count IO-Errors
Online 14884 0 PathID DskName iLU CP Status Type
000000 HITACHI .AMS .75040975 0049 0A Online Own
000001 HITACHI .AMS .75040975 0049 1A Online Non
KAPL01001-I The HDLM command completed normally. Operation name = view, completion time = 2014/04/10 16:37:35

3. 显示LUN信息

命令格式 (四种)

dlnkmgr view -lu [ -hdev HostDeviceName | -pathid AutoPATH_ID ] [-t] 显示指定列信息
dlnkmgr view -lu
-item [ [slpr] [pn] [cp] [clpr] [type]
[ic] [ie] [dnu] [iep] [pd] [dpc] | all ]
[ -hdev HostDeviceName | -pathid AutoPATH_ID ] [-t] 显示概要信息
dlnkmgr view -lu -c [-t] 显示概要信息, 多个slpr分区信息
dlnkmgr view -lu -c -item [slpr] [-t]


Item Description
-hdev HostDeviceName 只显示指定设备信息,以cXtYdZ方式指定
-pathid AutoPATH_ID 只显示指定pathid的设备信息 (dlnkmgr view -path包括pathid信息)
-t 不显示标题


Item Abbr
SLPR slpr
PathName pn
ChaPort cp
CLPR clpr
Type type
IO-Count ic
IO-Errors ie
DNum dnu
IEP iep
Physical Device pd
all items are displayed all


-bash-3.2# dlnkmgr view -lu
Product : AMS
SerialNumber : 75040975
LUs : 1 iLU HDevName Device PathID Status
0049 c4t50060E80102A00F0d0 ssd0 000000 Online
ssd1 000001 Online
KAPL01001-I The HDLM command completed normally. Operation name = view, completion time = 2014/04/10 16:58:38 显示所有item
-bash-3.2# dlnkmgr view -lu -item all
Product : AMS
SerialNumber : 75040975
LUs : 1 iLU SLPR HDevName Device PathID PathName ChaPort CLPR Status Type IO-Count IO-Errors DNum IEP Physical Device
0049 - c4t50060E80102A00F0d0 ssd0 000000 0000.0000.0000000000020100.0000 0A 0 Online Own 17005 0 - - /devices/pci@0/pci@0/pci@8/pci@0/pci@1/QLGC,qlc@0/fp@0,0/ssd@w50060e80102a00f0,0
ssd1 000001 0001.0000.0000000000020100.0000 1A 0 Online Non 0 0 - - /devices/pci@0/pci@0/pci@9/QLGC,qlc@0/fp@0,0/ssd@w50060e80102a00f2,0
KAPL01001-I The HDLM command completed normally. Operation name = view, completion time = 2014/04/10 16:58:47 显示概要信息
-bash-3.2# dlnkmgr view -lu -c
Product S/N LUs iLU HDevName Paths OnlinePaths
AMS 75040975 1 0049 c4t50060E80102A00F0d0 2 2
KAPL01001-I The HDLM command completed normally. Operation name = view, completion time = 2014/04/10 16:59:14 显示概要信息及slpr
-bash-3.2# dlnkmgr view -lu -c -item slpr
Product S/N LUs iLU SLPR HDevName Paths OnlinePaths
AMS 75040975 1 0049 - c4t50060E80102A00F0d0 2 2
KAPL01001-I The HDLM command completed normally. Operation name = view, completion time = 2014/04/10 17:00:16

4. 显示device信息


dlnkmgr view -drv [-t]


-bash-3.2# dlnkmgr view -drv
PathID HDevName Device LDEV
000000 c4t50060E80102A00F0d0 ssd0 AMS.75040975.0049
000001 c4t50060E80102A00F0d0 ssd1 AMS.75040975.0049
KAPL01001-I The HDLM command completed normally. Operation name = view, completion time = 2014/04/10 17:11:53

5. 显示HBA卡信息


dlnkmgr view -hba [-srt pb] [-c | -portwwn] [-t]


-bash-3.2# dlnkmgr view -hba
HbaID Port.Bus IO-Count IO-Errors Paths OnlinePaths Physical Device
00000 0000.0000 20398 0 1 1 /devices/pci@0/pci@0/pci@8/pci@0/pci@1/QLGC,qlc@0/fp@0,0/ssd@w50060e80102a00f0,0
00001 0001.0000 0 0 1 1 /devices/pci@0/pci@0/pci@9/QLGC,qlc@0/fp@0,0/ssd@w50060e80102a00f2,0
KAPL01001-I The HDLM command completed normally. Operation name = view, completion time = 2014/04/10 17:12:31 显示概要信息
-bash-3.2# dlnkmgr view -hba -c
HbaID Port.Bus IO-Count IO-Errors Paths OnlinePaths
00000 0000.0000 20402 0 1 1
00001 0001.0000 0 0 1 1
KAPL01001-I The HDLM command completed normally. Operation name = view, completion time = 2014/04/10 17:12:36 显示wwn号
-bash-3.2# dlnkmgr view -hba -portwwn
HbaID Port.Bus HBAPortWWN IO-Count IO-Errors Paths OnlinePaths Physical Device
00000 0000.0000 210000E08B9CA09F 20418 0 1 1 /devices/pci@0/pci@0/pci@8/pci@0/pci@1/QLGC,qlc@0/fp@0,0/ssd@w50060e80102a00f0,0
00001 0001.0000 210000E08B9CA977 0 0 1 1 /devices/pci@0/pci@0/pci@9/QLGC,qlc@0/fp@0,0/ssd@w50060e80102a00f2,0
KAPL01001-I The HDLM command completed normally. Operation name = view, completion time = 2014/04/10 17:12:48

6. 显示存储端口信息


dlnkmgr view -cha [-srt cp] [-t]


-bash-3.2# dlnkmgr view -cha
ChaID Product SerialNumber ChaPort IO-Count IO-Errors Paths OnlinePaths
00000 AMS 75040975 0A 20380 0 1 1
00001 AMS 75040975 1A 0 0 1 1
KAPL01001-I The HDLM command completed normally. Operation name = view, completion time = 2014/04/10 17:12:20


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