2014-03-18 02:32

题目:给定两个由单链表表示的数字,返回它们的和。比如(9->9) + (1->2) = 0->2->1,99 + 21 = 120。



 // 2.5 Given two numbers represented by two lists, write a function that returns sum list. The sum list is list representation of addition of two input numbers.
// Example First List: 5->6->3 // represents number 365
// Second List: 8->4->2 // represents number 248
// Resultant list: 3->1->6 //
// Note :Any Carry forward should also be added as the new node . Any Comments on the code below
#include <cstdio>
using namespace std; struct ListNode {
int val;
ListNode *next;
ListNode(int x): val(x), next(nullptr) {};
}; class Solution {
ListNode* listAddition(ListNode *head1, ListNode *head2) {
if (head1 == nullptr) {
return head2;
} else if (head2 == nullptr) {
return head1;
} int carry = ;
int val;
ListNode *p1, *p2;
ListNode *head, *tail; p1 = head1;
p2 = head2;
head = tail = nullptr;
while (p1 != nullptr && p2 != nullptr) {
val = p1->val + p2->val + carry;
carry = val / ;
val %= ;
if (head == nullptr) {
head = tail = new ListNode(val);
} else {
tail->next = new ListNode(val);
tail = tail->next;
p1 = p1->next;
p2 = p2->next;
while (p1 != nullptr) {
val = p1->val + carry;
carry = val / ;
val %= ;
tail->next = new ListNode(val);
tail = tail->next;
p1 = p1->next;
while (p2 != nullptr) {
val = p2->val + carry;
carry = val / ;
val %= ;
tail->next = new ListNode(val);
tail = tail->next;
p2 = p2->next;
if (carry) {
tail->next = new ListNode(carry);
tail = tail->next;
} return head;
}; int main()
int i;
int n1, n2;
int val;
struct ListNode *head, *head1, *head2, *ptr;
Solution sol; while (scanf("%d%d", &n1, &n2) == && n1 > && n2 > ) {
// create two linked lists
ptr = head1 = nullptr;
for (i = ; i < n1; ++i) {
scanf("%d", &val);
if (head1 == nullptr) {
head1 = ptr = new ListNode(val);
} else {
ptr->next = new ListNode(val);
ptr = ptr->next;
ptr = head2 = nullptr;
for (i = ; i < n2; ++i) {
scanf("%d", &val);
if (head2 == nullptr) {
head2 = ptr = new ListNode(val);
} else {
ptr->next = new ListNode(val);
ptr = ptr->next;
} // add up the two lists
head = sol.listAddition(head1, head2); // print the list
printf("%d", head->val);
ptr = head->next;
while (ptr != nullptr) {
printf("->%d", ptr->val);
ptr = ptr->next;
printf("\n"); // delete the list
while (head != nullptr) {
ptr = head->next;
delete head;
head = ptr;
while (head1 != nullptr) {
ptr = head1->next;
delete head1;
head1 = ptr;
while (head2 != nullptr) {
ptr = head2->next;
delete head2;
head2 = ptr;
} return ;


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