只要你有大学有些 后缀是 .edu的  如:@buaa.edu.cn,用你的邮箱注册,就可以免费试用 JetBrains了


Hello everyone,

If you’re on social media, you may have noticed that we have our ears to the ground, always listening and looking for new ideas.

Who could have guessed that this tweet would become a reality one week later!

@jetbrains should offer free clients to highschool students 

— Seth (@Fane) September 16, 2014

Everything starts with learning. And what we learn when we’re young defines what we become and quite often what we are able to achieve in our lives. So, how do we make sure today’s students learn from the best? We at JetBrains believe we can do something about this.

JetBrains has a proud tradition of supporting students and academia with discounted Academic Licenses. But today we are going a step further and announcing free licenses for eligible students and teachers around the world! JetBrains Student License makes our entire product line of IDEs AND .NET Tools (while TeamCity and YouTrack already have free versions or plans) freely available to anybody who meets our simple criteria.

Getting Started with a Student License

The free JetBrains Student License replaces the discounted Academic License for all IDEs and .NET Tools products. All current Academic License owners (that are not organizations) will be able to upgrade/renew to Personal Licenses. If you are still a student or teacher, you can verify your status and start using our products for free.

To get started, you will need to have or register for your free JetBrains Account and either anInternational Student Identity Card (ISIC) or a unique .edu email address for verification.

Initially, these are the only ways to validate your eligibility, however we’ll be adding more in the coming weeks. Stay tuned for further updates.

[UPDATE September 24th, 19:30 CEST] We’ve just updated our student verification system with many new university domains supported! If yours isn’t already there, add it for approval.

Visit jetbrains.com/student to apply now and you will be up and running in a matter of minutes! Student Licenses are valid for one year and then you will need to re-apply.


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