
原文: http://www.tuicool.com/articles/vy2Ajyu

本文翻译自 Drawing Graphs using Dot and Graphviz

1. 许可

Copyright (C) 2013, 2014 Tony Ballantyne. Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.3 or any later version published by the Free Software Foundation; with no Invariant Sections, no Front-Cover Texts, and no Back-Cover Texts.

Code in this document is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

2. 介绍

2.1 什么是DOT?


2.2 什么是Graphviz?


2.3 谁适合看这篇文章?


2.4 相关材料

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3. 安装

如果你要顺着这个教程继续下去,那你可能就需要要装Graphviz套件了。Graphviz可以在 官网 免费下载。

4. 基础例子

4.1 简单图例

graph graphname {
a -- b;
b -- c;
b -- d;
d -- a;

4.2 一样的图,不一样的布局

graph graphname {
rankdir=LR; //Rank Direction Left to Right
a -- b;
b -- c;
b -- d;
d -- a;

4.3 简单有向图

digraph graphname{
a -> b;
b -> c;
a -> c;

4.4 带标签的简单有向图

digraph graphname{

    T [label="Teacher"]      // node T
P [label="Pupil"] // node P T->P [label="Instructions", fontcolor=darkgreen] // edge T->P

4.5 同样的图,不同的形状和颜色

digraph graphname {
T [label="Teacher" color=Blue, fontcolor=Red, fontsize=24, shape=box] // node T
P [label="Pupil" color=Blue, fontcolor=Red, fontsize=24, shape=box] // node P T->P [label="Instructions", fontcolor=darkgreen] // edge T->P

这儿你可以选择的形状有: box , polygon , ellipse , oval , circle , point , egg , triangle , plaintext , diamond , trapezium , parallelogram , house , pentagon , hexagon , septagon , octagon , doublecircle , doubleoctagon , tripleoctagon 更多的形状看 这里

4.6  总结

digraph summary{
start [label="Start with a Node"]
next [label="Choose your shape", shape=box]
warning [label="Don't go overboard", color=Blue, fontcolor=Red,fontsize=24,style=filled, fillcolor=green,shape=octagon]
end [label="Draw your graph!", shape=box, style=filled, fillcolor=yellow] start->next
next->end [label="Getting Better...", fontcolor=darkblue]

5. 高级

5.1 节省时间的技巧


digraph hierarchy {

    nodesep=1.0 // increases the separation between nodes

    node [color=Red,fontname=Courier,shape=box] //All nodes will this shape and colour
edge [color=Blue, style=dashed] //All the lines look like this Headteacher->{Deputy1 Deputy2 BusinessManager}
Deputy1->{Teacher1 Teacher2}
{rank=same;ITManager Teacher1 Teacher2} // Put them on the same level

5.2 记录

你现在可以用HTML来定义这一类节点了, 这里 有更多相关信息。

digraph structs {
struct1 [label="<f0> left|<f1> mid\ dle|<f2> right"];
struct2 [label="{<f0> one|<f1> two\n\n\n}" shape=Mrecord];
struct3 [label="hello\nworld |{ b |{c|<here> d|e}| f}| g | h"];
struct1:f1 -> struct2:f0;
struct1:f0 -> struct3:f1;

6. 例子

6.1 有限状态机

digraph finite_state_machine {
node [shape = circle];
S0 -> S1 [ label = "Lift Nozzle" ]
S1 -> S0 [ label = "Replace Nozzle" ]
S1 -> S2 [ label = "Authorize Pump" ]
S2 -> S0 [ label = "Replace Nozzle" ]
S2 -> S3 [ label = "Pull Trigger" ]
S3 -> S2 [ label = "Release Trigger" ]

6.2 数据流示意图

digraph dfd{
store1 [label="<f0> left|<f1> Some data store"];
proc1 [label="{<f0> 1.0|<f1> Some process here\n\n\n}" shape=Mrecord];
enti1 [label="Customer" shape=box];
store1:f1 -> proc1:f0;
enti1-> proc1:f0;

6.3 数据流示意图2

digraph dfd2{
subgraph level0{
enti1 [label="Customer" shape=box];
enti2 [label="Manager" shape=box];
subgraph cluster_level1{
label ="Level 1";
proc1 [label="{<f0> 1.0|<f1> One process here\n\n\n}" shape=Mrecord];
proc2 [label="{<f0> 2.0|<f1> Other process here\n\n\n}" shape=Mrecord];
store1 [label="<f0> |<f1> Data store one"];
store2 [label="<f0> |<f1> Data store two"];
{rank=same; store1, store2} }
enti1 -> proc1
enti2 -> proc2
store1 -> proc1
store2 -> proc2
proc1 -> store2
store2 -> proc1

6.4 对象继承

digraph obj{
rankdir="BT"; teacher [label = "{<f0> Teacher|<f1> \n |<f2> \n }"];
course [label = "{<f0> Course|<f1> \n |<f2> \n }"];
student [label = "{<f0> Student|<f1> \n |<f2> \n }"];
lesson [label = "{<f0> Lesson |<f1> \n |<f2> \n }"];
tutorial [label = "{<f0> Tutorial|<f1> \n |<f2> \n }"];
assessment[label = "{<f0> Assessment|<f1> \n |<f2> \n }"];
coursework [label = "{<f0> Coursework|<f1> \n |<f2> \n }"];
exam [label = "{<f0> Exam|<f1> \n |<f2> \n }"]; {rank=same; teacher course student} teacher->course [dir="forward",arrowhead="none",arrowtail="normal",headlabel="1",taillabel="1.."];
student->course [dir="forward",arrowhead="none",arrowtail="normal",headlabel="1",taillabel="1.."];
lesson->course [dir="forward",arrowhead="diamond",arrowtail="normal"];
tutorial->course [dir="forward",arrowhead="diamond",arrowtail="normal"];
assessment->course [dir="forward",arrowhead="diamond",arrowtail="normal"];

6.5 关系型实体

digraph ER{

7. 参考

以下可能是你在画图时候最有用的一些属性,完整的列表可以在 这里 看。

7.1 图像属性

label="My Graph";       # 给图像设置标签

    rankdir=LR;             # 将图片由原来的从上到下布局变成从左到右布局

    {rank=same; a, b, c }   # 将一组元素放到同一个level

    splines="line";         # 让边框变为直线,没有曲线和锐角

    K=0.6;                  # 用来在布局中影响spring属性,spring属性可以用于将节点往外推,这个在twopi和sfdp布局中很有用。


7.2 交点属性

[label="Some Label"]    # 给交点打标签

    [color="red"]           # 给交点上色

    [fillcolor="blue"]      # 设置交点的填充色

7.3 边的属性

[label="Some Label"]    # 给边设置标签 (设置路径权重的时候很有用)

    [color="red"]           # 给交点上色 (标示路径的时候很有用)

    [penwidth=2.0]          # 给边适配厚度,标示路径的时候很有用。

7.4 尺寸, 背景颜色

bgcolor="#C6CFD532"; # 不是我偷懒不翻译哦,原文就没有解释。

8. 附录

8.1 拓展阅读

An Introduction to GraphViz and dot

Graphviz Examples and Tutorial

8.2 使用Emacs的Org Mode

Emacs的Org Mode不管对于写作,还是执行和导出DOT图片都是个很理想的工作环境。

8.2.1 配置



(quote org-babel-load-languages)
(emacs-lisp . t)
(java . t)
(dot . t)
(ditaa . t)
(R . t)
(python . t)
(ruby . t)
(gnuplot . t)
(clojure . t)
(sh . t)
(ledger . t)
(org . t)
(plantuml . t)
(latex . t)

8.2.2 将Dot嵌入Emacs

Org Mode通过使用Library of Babel来解析各种语言。要想这么做的话,就用 begin_srcend_src 标签把你的dot代码想下面这样包含进去。你也需要在包裹的时候像下面那样添加一些命令行参数。

<s[TAB] 快捷键可以快速生成一个 begin_src 代码块。

#+begin_src dot :file ./img/example1.png :cmdline -Kdot -Tpng
graph graphname {
a -- b;
b -- c;
b -- d;
d -- a;

8.2.3 命令行相关

#+begin_ src dot :file ./img/example1.png :cmdline -Kdot -Tpng 里的 :cmdline -Kdot -Tpng 就是命令行参数. 他们告诉dot如何渲染和展示。

  • -Kdot 使用 dot 布局方式. 你也可以尝试其他的布局方式,比如 Kneato , Kcirco , Ktwopi , Kfdp , Ksfdp
  • -Tpng 渲染成png格式

完整的命令行参数可以看 这里

Date: <2013-10-21 Mon>

Author: Tony Ballantyne

Translator: Casa Taloyum

Created: 2014-04-12 Sat 10:13

Emacs 23.3.1 (Org mode 8.0.2)


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