
Environment variable: "PATH" - This test checks whether the length of the environment variable "PATH" does not exceed the recommended length.
 : 1023
 : 1332
PRVF-3929 : Adding the Oracle binary location to the PATH environment variable will exceed the OS length limit of [ "1023" ] for the variable on the node "cyq-PC"  - Cause:  The installer needs to update the PATH environment variable to include the value "%ORACLE_HOME%/bin;". However, doing so will cause PATH to exceed the maximum allowable length that this operating system allows.  - Action:  Ensure that the sum of the lengths of your current PATH environment variable and that of "%ORACLE_HOME%/bin;" does not exceed the operating system limit. Restart the installer after correcting the setting for environment variable. 

Oracle: 输入的ADMIN 口令不符合Oracle建议的标准

安装oracle 11g 发行版2时,会出现如下提示:

管理口令(P):[INS-30011] 输入的 ADMIN 口令不符合 Oracle 建议的标准。

这是怎么会事儿呢?其实很简单,这个是Oracle为了安全起见,要求密码强度比较高,你输入的密码Oracle认为不够复制(我试过了,即使简单的数字字母组合Oracle也认为是不符合Oracle建议的标准),后来又重试了下,密码组合为:小写字母+数字+大写字母,这回就合格了,当然字符长度还必须保持着Oracle 11g数据库要求的范围之内。


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