Liferay ext project在install war包之后需要重启服务器,重启服务器中会执行ExtHotDeployListener中的逻辑,这里有一个坑,如果是第二次以后install ext war包,会发现新修改的文件不起作用,原因如下

protected void doInvokeDeploy(HotDeployEvent hotDeployEvent)
throws Exception { ServletContext servletContext = hotDeployEvent.getServletContext(); String servletContextName = servletContext.getServletContextName(); if (_log.isDebugEnabled()) {
_log.debug("Invoking deploy for " + servletContextName);
} String xml = HttpUtil.URLtoString(
"/WEB-INF/ext-" + servletContextName + ".xml")); if (xml == null) {
} if (_log.isInfoEnabled()) {
"Registering extension environment for " + servletContextName);
} /*
* Ext 项目在重启tomcat的时候会checkd liferay-portal/tomcat-xxx/webapps/ROOT/WEB-INF/ext-project-***-ext.xml是否存在
* 如果存在,就不执行后面的逻辑,也就不会执行installExt(***),那么也不会重新拷贝替换的文件
if (ExtRegistry.isRegistered(servletContextName)) {
if (_log.isInfoEnabled()) {
"Extension environment for " + servletContextName +
" has been applied.");
} return;
} Map<String, Set<String>> conflicts = ExtRegistry.getConflicts(
servletContext); if (!conflicts.isEmpty()) {
StringBundler sb = new StringBundler(); sb.append(
"Extension environment for " + servletContextName +
" cannot be applied because of detected conflicts:"); for (Map.Entry<String, Set<String>> entry : conflicts.entrySet()) {
String conflictServletContextName = entry.getKey();
Set<String> conflictFiles = entry.getValue(); sb.append("\n\t");
sb.append(":"); for (String conflictFile : conflictFiles) {
} _log.error(sb.toString()); return;
} installExt(servletContext, hotDeployEvent.getContextClassLoader()); FileAvailabilityUtil.reset(); if (_log.isInfoEnabled()) {
"Extension environment for " + servletContextName +
" has been applied. You must reboot the server and " +
"redeploy all other plugins.");




1>. 去除掉doInvokeDeploy中这段逻辑,不管是否包含ext-project-***-ext.xml都执行install

if (ExtRegistry.isRegistered(servletContextName)) {
if (_log.isInfoEnabled()) {
"Extension environment for " + servletContextName +
" has been applied.");
} return;

2>. 在第二次install ext project war包之后需要删除liferay-portal/tomcat-xxx/webapps/ROOT/WEB-INF/ext-project-***-ext.xml,然后重启tomcat


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