本文链接: https://www.cnblogs.com/hchengmx/p/10800855.html

由于工作原因,开bug的时候需要由英文开,刚开的时候比较痛苦,因为有些词汇老师用的不太准确,后来通过多看美国人开的bug,就慢慢掌握开bug的技巧了,慢慢的就比较轻车熟路了。这篇文章就来总结一下我平时开bug的技巧, 其实中文的也比较类似了。

1. 开bug的一些原则

  1. 除非百分之百确定,否则不要用should,不要有你认为是XXXX的句子,尽量用陈述句,因为这样万一是As Designed,会被开发人员骂XX。
  2. 少用定语从句! 外国人真的很少用定语从句,可以考虑简化为前置形容词或者拆分成两个句子,具体可以看这篇文章。https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/32301914
  3. if/after,尽量尽量不要用这两个词,因为阅读顺序是从左往右的,if和after又在后面,不利于阅读, 非要用的话,这两个词前面的句子不要太长;
  4. Repro steps句子也不要太长,长句子分成好几个短句子,尽量短描述清晰, 不重要的步骤不需要放图;
  5. 遇到比较奇怪的bug,需要贴上更多的信息,比如url/哪个资源/浏览器,最好再录个视频(防背锅);

2. 一些重点词汇

经常开bug的话,也是可以找到一些技巧的,常见的情况就那几种,当XXXX,出现了XXXX;不应该出现XXXX;什么功能坏掉了;什么东西会导致XXX结果。常用的句型都可能是类似的。我就总结了以下几个常用的词汇/句型,然后句子示例是搜集的美国人写的句子。由于工作隐私问题: 就删除了一些关键句子,是不影响句子阅读的。


  • The saved list should show the actual report selected.
  • Scroll bar shouldn't be showed up when xxxx;


  • Clicking on the refresh button in saved list blade refreshes the xxxx.
  • clicking on xxxx in xxxx makes it switch to "loading..."
  • split by using Properites fails for "xxxxx"
  • Cohorts are not being used when xxxxxx
  • Adding request filters seems to be broken


  • selected events are deselected when xxxxx
  • xxxxx appear as modified when opening
  • Getting data... is shown when no data is found
  • Wrong chart when splitting by xxxxx

happen:(多用在repro steps)

  • This seems to be happening across all our reports.

There be:

  • There are no xxxxx when just requests are selected
  • there's no selection for "xxxxx"
  • There is no feedback when saving report


  • Adding request filters seems to be broken
  • time range dropdown in notebook is broken
  • Sort by xxxx is broken in the grid control
  • SplitBy for some dimensions is broken


  • Open Users for a resource that only has custom events and requests.
  • Click on one of the Add these filters on any Request clusters.
  • open a report with custom time range
  • The settings popup is hidden behind the new ME chart in Edge


  • Dropdown stuck after closing custom time range window
  • Charts are not refreshed after deleting xxx
  • Queries keep UX stuck if time range changed xxx


  • clicking on xxxxx in filters makes it switch to "loading..."
  • Saved list items don't have tooltips which makes it impossible to read reasonable lenght names

3. 开bug的几个步骤

  1. 确定稳定重现的步骤
  2. 确定bug的几个关键因素 (发生什么页面,严重优先级,先决条件)
  3. 要是有先决条件,确定用什么 副词,when?if?或者什么重要的单词 Fail?Broken?Loading?should?There be?make?show?动名词作主语?
  4. 完成标题,保证动词/特定词汇的准确性,不要出现语法错误,分享两个网址,如何主动积累词汇学习如何积累词汇,批改网避免语法错误;
  5. 描述repro steps, 可参考上面的句子
  6. 可以补充期望是什么样子? 实际是什么样子? 要是不改可能会造成什么影响?
  7. 要是自己能定位问题,可以进行抓包,贴log,贴console,是哪一次PR导致错误;



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