
使用$可持久化Trie 区间查找第k大,然后首先把每个数异或之后的最小丢进小根堆中,然后一个一个取出,取出后就再丢次小,一共取k次$


本来的考虑是 先找出第k大,然后在$Trie上DFS把小于这个数的全丢进vector  然后发现会有很多无用状态会搜索到,T掉$

 #include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std; #define N 100010
int n, k, arr[N], kth;
struct node
int base, num, pos, l, r;
node () {}
node (int base, int num, int pos, int l, int r) : base(base), num(num), pos(pos), l(l), r(r) {}
bool operator < (const node &r) const { return num > r.num; }
priority_queue <node> q; namespace TRIE
int rt[N], cnt;
struct node
int son[], cnt;
}a[N * ];
void init()
a[].son[] = a[].son[] = a[].cnt = ;
cnt = ;
void insert(int &now, int pre, int x)
now = ++cnt;
a[now] = a[pre];
int root = now; ++a[root].cnt;
for (int i = ; i >= ; --i)
int id = (x >> i) & ;
a[++cnt] = a[a[root].son[id]];
a[root].son[id] = cnt;
root = cnt;
int find_kth(int x, int k, int l, int r)
int res = ;
int tl = rt[l], tr = rt[r];
for (int s = ; s >= ; --s)
int id = (x >> s) & ;
int sum = a[a[tr].son[id]].cnt - a[a[tl].son[id]].cnt;
if (sum < k)
k -= sum;
res |= << s;
tr = a[tr].son[id ^ ];
tl = a[tl].son[id ^ ];
tr = a[tr].son[id];
tl = a[tl].son[id];
return res;
} int main()
while (scanf("%d%d", &n, &k) != EOF)
for (int i = ; i <= n; ++i) scanf("%d", arr + i);
for (int i = ; i <= n; ++i) TRIE::insert(TRIE::rt[i], TRIE::rt[i - ], arr[i]);
for (int i = ; i < n; ++i) q.push(node(arr[i], TRIE::find_kth(arr[i], , i, n), , i, n));
for (int i = ; i <= k; ++i)
node top = q.top(); q.pop();
printf("%d%c", top.num, " \n"[i == k]);
q.push(node(top.base, TRIE::find_kth(top.base, top.pos, top.l, top.r), top.pos + , top.l, top.r));
return ;


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