
Let's go fly a kite...in the snow

Your snowkiting checklist

To snowkite safely,you'll need a little more hear than just your kite and board or skis.Ice is extremely hard,so your head will need the protection of a helmet,and knee and elbow pads wouldn't hurt either.You'll also need to stay warm,but don't wear too many layers.Keep in mind that snowkiting is a workout that will get you sweating.A harness will also help you maintain control of your kite without too much extra effort.

The best conditions

Weather and location are everything with snowkiting,so choose your time and place wisely.It's good to start off in light winds with a little snow,not just ice,on the ground for cushion.A large,open space without obstacles is also vital as you don't want your kite pulling you into trouble.Frozen lakes covered with snow and flat or rolling fields are usually the best options.Whether you're near home or away on vacation,snowkiting is sure to deliever a great experience.


gear 装备(不可数) 汽车档位(可数)

Thomas spent a lot of money on fishing gear.

The girl wore the lastest gear to the party.

My car has five gears.

harness 系带

The instructor checked all the harness on our parachutes(降落伞)before taking off.

The stroller's(婴儿车) harness is too loose(宽松的)for the baby.

cushion 缓存物  垫子,靠垫

The sponge(海绵垫)on the ground provides a cushion for the kids playing on the slide.

The colorful cushions on the sofa brightened up the living room.

vital 不可或缺的,重要的,活力的

It's vital for these refugees(难民)to get medical care.

Nutritious diets are vital to children's growth.

Edward still leads a vital lifestyle even though he's over 75.


Would you mind doing sth?

Do you mind doing sth?

都是婉转要求某人做某事,would you mind更礼貌,可以直接回答 sure, no problem.

...and... are everthing

...wouldn't hurt  ...是有用的,有利的

practice wouldn't hurt.


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