Doll killing event

           The movie was developed around a series of doll murders. Barthes and others investigated the incident and found that a small girl had created a series of events in order to be rescued.  An evil tech company injected the soul of children into the dolls to obtain better performance.
        The boundaries between people and dolls in the movie are thought-provoking. What is the difference between a human who replaces the body with a mechanical body, and a doll with a child's soul? Does a pure robot doll made by a technology company have a soul?
        Today, with the rapid development of artificial intelligence, no one can determine when the singularity will come. Maybe 50 years, 30 years, or even 10 years? How then should humans face the new species they have created - robots with intelligence?
         God imitates himself and creates mankind. Mankind imitates himself to create a robot.


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