Both sequence diagrams and communication diagrams are kinds of interaction diagrams. An
interaction diagram
shows an interaction, consisting of a set of objects or roles, including the messages that may be dispatched among them. Interaction diagrams address the dynamic view of a system.
A sequence diagram
is an interaction diagram that emphasizes the time-ordering of messages; a
communication diagram is an interaction diagram that emphasizes the structural organization
of the objects or roles that send and receive messages. Sequence diagrams and communication diagrams represent similar basic concepts, but each diagram emphasizes a different view of the concepts. Sequence diagrams emphasize temporal ordering, and communication
diagrams emphasize the data structure through which messages flow. A timing diagram (not
covered in this book) shows the actual times at which messages are exchanged.


state diagram shows a state machine, consisting of states, transitions, events, and activities.
A state diagrams shows the dynamic view of an object. They are especially important in modeling the behavior of an interface, class, or collaboration and emphasize the event-ordered behavior of an object, which is especially useful in modeling reactive systems.


activity diagram shows the structure of a process or other computation as the flow of control
and data from step to step within the computation. Activity diagrams address the dynamic view of a system. They are especially important in modeling the function of a system and emphasize the flow of control among objects.


deployment diagram shows the configuration of run-time processing nodes and the components
that live on them. Deployment diagrams address the static deployment view of an architecture. A node typically hosts one or more artifacts.



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