This lesson shows you how to implement a Runnable class, which runs the code in its method on a separate thread. You can also pass a Runnable to another object that can then attach it to a thread and run it. One or more Runnable objects that perform a particular operation are sometimes called a task.


Thread and Runnable are basic classes that, on their own, have only limited power. Instead, they're the basis of powerful Android classes such as HandlerThread, AsyncTask, and IntentService. Thread and Runnable are also the basis of the class ThreadPoolExecutor. This class automatically manages threads and task queues, and can even run multiple threads in parallel.

Thread和Runnable都是基类,也就是说它们只有有限的功能。而且,它们还是安卓当中一些比较牛逼的类,比如HandlerThread, AsyncTask, and IntentService它们的基类。Thread和Runnable也是ThreadPoolExecutor的基类。ThreadPoolExecutor自动管理线程和任务队列,甚至可以并行运行多个线程。

Define a Class that Implements Runnable

Implementing a class that implements Runnable is straightforward. For example:


public class PhotoDecodeRunnable implements Runnable
public void run() {
/* * Code you want to run on the thread goes here */


Implement the run() Method

In the class, the method contains the code that's executed. Usually, anything is allowable in a Runnable. Remember, though, that the Runnable won't be running on the UI thread, so it can't directly modify UI objects such as View objects. To communicate with the UI thread, you have to use the techniques described in the lesson Communicate with the UI Thread.方法包含要被执行的代码。通常,Runnable中任何东西都是允许的。记住,虽然Runnable不会再主线程中运行,它不会直接修改UI对象,比如view对象。为了与UI线程通信,你必须要使用在Communicate with the UI Thread中谈到的技术。

At the beginning of the run() method, set the thread to use background priority by calling Process.setThreadPriority() with THREAD_PRIORITY_BACKGROUND. This approach reduces resource competition between the Runnable object's thread and the UI thread.



You should also store a reference to the Runnable object's Thread in the Runnable itself, by calling Thread.currentThread().

你也应该在runnable中存储一个使用它的线程的引用,存储的方法就是调用 Thread.currentThread()

The following snippet shows how to set up the run() method:


class PhotoDecodeRunnable implements Runnable {
* Defines the code to run for this task.
public void run() {
// Moves the current Thread into the background
* Stores the current Thread in the the PhotoTask instance,
* so that the instance
* can interrupt the Thread.



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