
  This command allows you to apply stimulus interactively to VHDL signals(not variables), Verilog nets and registers, and SystemC boundary types. It is possible to create a complex sequence of stimuli when the force command is included in a DO file.

Syntax  Forcing values, driver type, repetition time or stop time on an object  

force {<object_name> <value> [[@]<time_info>][, <value> [@]<time_info>]...
[-deposit | -drive | -drive] [-cancel [@]<time_info>] [-repeat [@]<time_info>]


1) <object_name>  - specifies the name of the HDL object to be forced.

2) <value>


3) -cancel [@]<time_info>  - (optional) cancel the force command at the time specified by <time_info>

4) -drive

  - (optional) attach a driver to the object and drives the specified <value> until the object is forced again or until it is unforced

5) -deposit

  - (optional) set the object to the specified <value>. The <value> remains until the object is forced again,or it is unforced

6) -freeze

  - (optional) freeze the object at the specified <value> until it is forced again or until it is unforced with the noforce command.

  - If the -freeze, -drive, or -deposit options are not used, then -freeze is the default for unresolved objects, and -drive is the default for resolved objects.

7) -repeat [@]<time_info>  - (optional) repeat a series of forced values and times at the time specified.

8) [@]<time_info>


-cancel {520 ns}      \\ Relative Time
-cancel {@ 520 ns} \\ Absolute Time

  <tim_info> = <time_value> <time_unit>

10 ns
{10 ns}
“10 ns” 


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