解题报告 之 HDU5305 Friends


There are  people
and  pairs
of friends. For every pair of friends, they can choose to become online friends (communicating using online applications) or offline friends (mostly using face-to-face communication). However, everyone in these 

rev=2.4-beta-2" alt="" style=""> people
wants to have the same number of online and offline friends (i.e. If one person has  onine
friends, he or she must have  offline
friends too, but different people can have different number of online or offline friends). Please determine how many ways there are to satisfy their requirements. 



The first line of the input is a single integer 

rev=2.4-beta-2" alt="" style="">,
indicating the number of testcases. 

For each testcase, the first line contains two integers 

rev=2.4-beta-2" alt="" style="">

rev=2.4-beta-2" alt="" style="">

rev=2.4-beta-2" alt="" style="">

rev=2.4-beta-2" alt="" style=""> and 

rev=2.4-beta-2" alt="" style="">

rev=2.4-beta-2" alt="" style="">

rev=2.4-beta-2" alt="" style="">

rev=2.4-beta-2" alt="" style="">,
indicating the number of people and the number of pairs of friends, respectively. Each of the next  lines
contains two numbers  and 

rev=2.4-beta-2" alt="" style="">,
which mean  and  are
friends. It is guaranteed that 

rev=2.4-beta-2" alt="" style="">

rev=2.4-beta-2" alt="" style=""> and
every friend relationship will appear at most once. 



For each testcase, print one number indicating the answer.

Sample Input

3 3
1 2
2 3
3 1
4 4
1 2
2 3
3 4
4 1

Sample Output




#include<cstring> using namespace std;
typedef long long ll; int de[10];
int in[100], out[100];
int on[10], off[10];
int ans, m, n; void dfs( int u )
if(u == m + 1)
for(int i = 1; i <= n; i++)
if(on[i] != off[i]) return;
} if(on[in[u]] < de[in[u]] / 2 && on[out[u]] < de[out[u]]/2)
on[in[u]]++; on[out[u]]++;
dfs( u + 1 );
on[in[u]]--; on[out[u]]--;
} if(off[in[u]] < de[in[u]] / 2 && off[out[u]] < de[out[u]]/2)
off[in[u]]++; off[out[u]]++;
dfs( u + 1 );
off[in[u]]--; off[out[u]]--;
} int main()
int kase; scanf( "%d", &kase );
memset( de, 0, sizeof de );
memset( on, 0, sizeof on );
memset( off, 0, sizeof off );
ans = 0; scanf( "%d%d", &n, &m );
for(int i = 1; i <= m; i++)
scanf( "%d%d", &in[i], &out[i] );
de[in[i]]++; de[out[i]]++;
} int flag = true;
for(int i = 1; i <= n; i++)
if(de[i] % 2 == 1)
printf( "0\n" );
flag = false;
} if(!flag) continue; dfs( 1 );
printf( "%d\n", ans );
return 0;


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