包头48bit 数据98464 。。。如此循环:

piece_size = 48
piece_size1 = 98464 with open("C:\\Users\\Administrator\\Desktop\\bins\\234.bin", "rb") as in_file, open("C:\\Users\\Administrator\\Desktop\\bins\\234_deal.bin", "ab+") as out_file:
while True:
piece = in_file.read(piece_size)
piece1= in_file.read(piece_size1)
if not piece:
if not piece1:
out_file.close() # f = open("C:\\Users\\Administrator\\Desktop\\bins\\OUT4.TXT", 'rb')
# while True:
# block = f.read(1024)
# print(block)
# if not block:
# break
# f.close()


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