
#define DOUBLE(x) x+x ,i = 5*DOUBLE(5); i 是多少?

i 为30。 5 * 5 + 5



// Created by zhangrongxiang on 2018/3/15 11:10
// #include <stdio.h>
union {
int i;
char x[2];
} a; void main() {
a.x[0] = 10;
a.x[1] = 1;
printf("%d", a.i);

266 低位低地址,高位高地址,内存占用情况是Ox010A


// Created by zhangrongxiang on 2018/3/15 11:13
#include <stdio.h> int main() {
union { /*定义一个联合*/
int i;
struct { /*在联合中定义一个结构*/
char first;
char second;
} half;
} number;
number.i = 0x4241; /*联合成员赋值*/
printf("%c%c\n", number.half.first, number.half.second);//AB
number.half.first = 'a'; /*联合中结构成员赋值*/
number.half.second = 'b';
printf("%x\n", number.i);//6261
return 0;


已知strcpy的函数原型:char *strcpy(char *strDest, const char *strSrc)其中strDest 是目的字符串,strSrc 是源字符串。不调用C++/C 的字符串库函数,请编写函数 strcpy。


// Created by zhangrongxiang on 2018/3/15 11:18
// File 4
// /*
char *strcpy(char *strDest, const char *strSrc);
(1)不调用C++/C的字符串库函数,请编写函数 strcpy
(2)strcpy能把strSrc的内容复制到strDest,为什么还要char * 类型的返回值?
答:为了 实现链式表达式。 // 2分
例如 int length = strlen( strcpy( strDest, “hello world”) );
*/ #include <assert.h>
#include <stdio.h> char *Mystrcpy(char *strDest, const char *strSrc) {
assert((strDest != NULL) && (strSrc != NULL));// 2分
char *address = strDest; // 2分
while ((*strDest++ = *strSrc++) != '\0');// 2分
return address; // 2分
} int main() {
char desc[20] = {0};
char src[20] = "Hello World";
Mystrcpy(desc, src);
printf("%s\n", desc);
return 0;


// Created by zhangrongxiang on 2018/3/15 16:17
// File 7
// #include <stdio.h>
#include <assert.h> int Mystrlen(const char *str) { // 输入参数const
assert(str != NULL); // 断言字符串地址非0
int len = 0;
while ((*str++) != '\0') {
return len;
} int main() {
char str[] = "Hello World";
printf("%d\n", Mystrlen(str));//11
printf("%d\n", (int) sizeof(str));//12

There are twoint variables: a and b, don’t use “if”, “? :”, “switch”or other judgementstatements, find out the biggest one of the two numbers.

( ( a + b ) + abs( a - b ) ) / 2


cout << __FILE__ ;
cout << __LINE__ ;


可以,可以用_onexit 注册一个函数,它会在main 之后执行int fn1(void), fn2(void), fn3(void),fn4 (void);

void main( void ){
  String str("zhanglin");
  _onexit( fn1 );
  _onexit( fn2 );
  _onexit( fn3 );
  _onexit( fn4 );
  printf( "This is executed first.\n" );
} int fn1(){
  printf( "next.\n" );
  return 0;
} int fn2(){
  printf( "executed " );
  return 0;
} int fn3(){
  printf( "is " );
  return 0;
} int fn4(){
  printf( "This " );
  return 0;


#ifdef __cplusplus
  cout << "c++";
  cout << "c";


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