# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Created on: 2014-09-01 22:00:00.00000
# Description:
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- import os
import json
import arcpy jsonFile='E:/New Text Document.txt'
arcpy.env.workspace = "E:/output"
outpath = "E:/output"
outname = os.path.split(jsonFile)[1].split('.')[0] + ".shp"
print outname
fileObject = open(jsonFile, 'r')
jsonText = fileObject.read()
featureSet = json.loads(jsonText)
geometryType = featureSet["geometryType"] #
geometry_type = "POINT"
if geometryType == "esriGeometryPolygon":
geometry_type = "POLYGON"
elif geometryType == "esriGeometryPolyline":
geometry_type = "POLYLINE"
elif geometryType == "esriGeometryPoint":
geometry_type = "POINT"
elif geometryType == "esriGeometryMultiPoint":
geometry_type = "MULTIPOINT" # Execute CreateFeatureclass
arcpy.CreateFeatureclass_management(outpath, outname, geometry_type)
featureShape = outpath + "/" + outname
fields = featureSet["fields"]
fieldValid = [] #原属性名称
fieldValidLayer = ["SHAPE@"] #新属性名称
for field in fields:
fieldName = field["name"]
fieldType = field["type"]
if fieldName.lower() != 'objectid' and fieldName.lower() != 'shape_length' and fieldName.lower() != 'shape_area' and fieldName.lower() != 'fid':
if len(fieldName)>10:
fieldName = fieldName[0:9]
if fieldType=="esriFieldTypeInteger":
arcpy.AddField_management(featureShape, fieldName, "LONG")
elif fieldType=="esriFieldTypeSmallInteger":
arcpy.AddField_management(featureShape, fieldName, "LONG")
elif fieldType=="esriFieldTypeDouble":
arcpy.AddField_management(featureShape, fieldName, "DOUBLE")
elif fieldType=="esriFieldTypeSingle":
arcpy.AddField_management(featureShape, fieldName, "DOUBLE")
arcpy.AddField_management(featureShape, fieldName, "TEXT", 50)
features = featureSet["features"]
cur = arcpy.da.InsertCursor(featureShape, fieldValidLayer)
for feature in features:
attributes = feature["attributes"]
geometry = feature["geometry"]
valueList = []
geojson = {}
if geometryType == "esriGeometryPolygon":
rings = geometry["rings"]
geojson = {
"type": "Polygon",
"coordinates": rings}
elif geometryType == "esriGeometryPolyline":
paths = geometry["paths"]
geojson = {
"type": "MultiLineString",
"coordinates": paths}
elif geometryType == "esriGeometryPoint":
geojson = {
"type": "Point",
"coordinates": [geometry["x"], geometry["y"]]} polygon = arcpy.AsShape(geojson)
valueList.append(polygon) # (arcpy.Polygon(rings)) for field in fieldValid:
cur.insertRow(valueList) del cur print "finish !"


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