查找 Ctrl + F    替换 Ctrl + R

注释 Ctrl + /    去掉注释 Ctrl + /


  Shortcut Use this shortcut to...
Close Active Tab Ctrl+Shift+F4 Close an active tab in a tool window (for example, Find tool window).
Close Editor Ctrl+F4 Close an active editor.
Edit Source F4 Open an editor for the selected item or items and give focus to the last opened file.
Escape Escape Depending on the context:

  • In the editor: close pop-up windows, terminate search, or remove highlighting.
  • In a tool window: return focus to the editor.
Export to Text File Alt+O Export contents of a tool window to a text file. This feature applies to the Version Control Tool Window, Messages Tool Window, and other tool windows that provide the export button on the window toolbar.
New... Alt+Insert Create a new class, file or directory. See Populating Modules.
Save All Ctrl+S Save all files and settings.
Select Next Tab Alt+Right When several tabs are open in the editor or a view, open the next tab to the right (or first tab if the current one is the last).
Select Previous Tab Alt+Left When several tabs are open in the editor or a view, open the next tab to the left (or last tab if the current one is the first).
Show Intention Action Alt+Enter Display intention actions (if any) for the code where the caret is currently located, or the selected GUI component in a form.
Synchronize Ctrl+Alt+Y Detect all externally changed files and reload them from disk.
View Source Ctrl+Enter Depending on the context:

  • In Tool Windows: Open an Editor tab or tabs for the selected item or items, respectively.
  • In the editor: Intelligently split the current line into 2 lines, shifting quotes, etc. as necessary.


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  11. Hessian 使用例子
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  1. Redis-基本数据类型与内部存储结构
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