Plastic bottles use polyester (PET), polyethylene (PE), polypropylene (PP) as raw materials, after adding the corresponding organic solvents, and after high temperature heating, they are blown, extruded, or injection molded by plastic mold Plastic container. Plastic bottles are not easy to break, low cost, high transparency, and food-grade raw materials.

Special care should be taken when using plastic products. Do not touch
vinegar, cleaning agents, etc., avoid direct sunlight, high temperature, etc.,
so as to avoid chemical reactions. In addition, when you buy plastic tableware,
you should choose plastic products with PE (polyethylene) or PP (polypropylene)
marking, few decorative patterns, colorless, odorless, and smooth surface.

Ningbo RUICHANG Commodity Packaging CO , Ltd . is a   Plastic Bottle
from China. The production of plastic bottles is carefully applied
to the packaging of cosmetics and daily necessities. For product information,
please visit:


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