There are certain differences in products, of which cosmetics are the most obvious. In addition to the differences in the nature of the product itself, cosmetics have different grades. In order to distinguish the grade of cosmetics, people often use different packaging materials and methods to reflect. With the intensification of competition in the cosmetics market and the development trend of the packaging design industry, people have different requirements for the design requirements of packaging materials, packaging containers and cosmetic packaging. We summarize the six main features of cosmetic packaging design.

1. Diversification of cosmetic packaging

Due to the intensified competition in the cosmetics market,
various manufacturers' investment in cosmetic packaging is also growing. For
medium and low-end cosmetics, in order to meet different needs, the capacity of
packaging containers is diversified, which is convenient for consumers to
choose. For high-end products, small-capacity packaging is used to meet the
needs of low-income people, especially young girls. Consumer psychology caused
by curiosity. Therefore, different packaging containers are used to meet
different consumption levels.

2. Serialization of cosmetic packaging design.

The so-called serialized packaging design refers to the same
type of product packaging design based on uniform trademark patterns and text
fonts, with different colors, water lines or shapes. The requirements are the
same and the same is different. It is both diverse and holistic. In the
practical application of cosmetic packaging, there are usually two

First, the same brand and different functional cosmetics are
packaged in series to facilitate consumer purchase, while making the overall
price lower than the total price of the individual purchase. For example, a
series of branded cosmetics maintains the overall design style, and then uses a
larger container to package and package various cosmetics as a sales unit for
overall sales;

The second is a series of cosmetics with the same brand, the
same main function but different auxiliary functions in the packaging design, or
a series of cosmetics with the same brand, the same function but different
formulations. For example, a brand of various moisturizers, the main function is
skin care, but the auxiliary functions are different, just like a brand of
various moisturizers, its function is clean, but the manufacturing formula is
different. For this series of cosmetics, in the packaging design, it should meet
the characteristics of the series packaging design, not only to achieve the role
of series packaging, but also to facilitate consumer choice.

3. The application of plastic materials and composite materials
in cosmetic packaging is increasing, and the design of packaging containers,
especially plastic bottles, tends to be diversified.

4. The use of glass bottles is limited.

Due to the inherent disadvantages of glass bottles (eg bulky,
fragile, etc.), for general cosmetics, if plastic or composite materials can be
used instead of glass containers for packaging, they are usually packaged in
plastic or composite containers, and high-end cosmetics. Or volatile, audible
cosmetics (such as perfume) are usually packaged in glass bottles.

5. Some cosmetics, such as mousses, perfumes and other products,
use spray packaging and other packaging forms to facilitate consumer use.
Cosmetic packaging is increasingly focused on the structural design and
accessory design of the container, which makes the consumer easy to grasp, easy
to use and easy to quantify in a variety of environments.

6, the packaging of cosmetics should be more and more developed
according to individual needs.

The packaging of cosmetics must correctly convey the cosmetic
characteristics required by different personal consumption needs, and express
the aesthetic taste of different people in order to successfully realize the
sales of cosmetics.

Commodity Packaging CO , Ltd.
  s a professional Chinese manufacturer and
supplier of      Cosmetic Bottles   specializing in
the production of lotion pumps, airless bottles, acrylic emulsion cans, cosmetic
cans, etc. Click on our website to view a wide range of cosmetic bottle product
images and information for your choice:


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