-ma full memory dump, always do this on 2003 as 4gb is not much and it is good to have the heap

-mp miniplus, 2007 – 2010 grabs the essential linked heap memory

-n 3 Typical hang dump to get 3 dumps - We typically want 3 dumps, so we can see what changes, or what DOESN'T change, in memory (i.e., is the same thread waiting in all 3 dumps?). A single dump file is typcially not that useful.

-accepteula self explanatory

-e create a dump file only when an UNHANDLED exception occurs. We're typically not interested in HANDLED exceptions, because those types of exceptions get HANDLED and your program will continue to run.

And last but not least, we need a place to store the dump file

So, an example of a dump of a typical Exchange store.exe hang would be something like this:

Procdump -e –mp store.exe –n 3 –accepteula  d:\dumps\store_issue.dmp

This will set up procdump to monitor store.exe and when/if an unhandled exception occurs, it will create 3 dump files and store them in the specified location.


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