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  C++ Prime确实有点难啊!看了好久都没弄清楚,一点点慢慢来。

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <cstdio> template <class Type> class Queue; //function template declaration must precede friend declaration in QueueItem
template <class T>
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream&,const Queue<T>&); template <class Type> class QueueItem{
friend class Queue<Type>;
// needs access to item and next
friend std::ostream&
operator<< <Type> (std::ostream&,const Queue<Type>&);
// private class: no public section
QueueItem(const Type &t):item(t),next(0){}
Type item; // value stored in this element
QueueItem *next; // pointer to next element in the Queue
}; template <class Type> class Queue{
// needs access to head
friend std::ostream&
operator << <Type> (std::ostream&,const Queue<Type>&);
// empty Queue
// construct a Queue from a pair of iterators on some sequence
template <class It>
Queue(It beg,It end):
head(0),tail(0){ copy_elems(beg,end); }
// copy control to manage pointers to QueueItems in the Queue
Queue(const Queue &Q)
:head(0),tail(0){ copy_elems(Q); }
Queue& operator=(const Queue&); // left as exercise for the reader
~Queue() { destroy(); }
// replace current Queue by contents delimited by a pair of iterators
template <class Iter> void assign(Iter,Iter);
// return element from head of Queue
// unchecked operation:front on an empty Queue is undefined
Type& front() {return head->item; }
const Type &front() const {return head->item;}
void push(const Type &);
void pop();
bool empty()const{ //true if no elements in the Queue
return head == 0;
QueueItem<Type> *head;
QueueItem<Type> *tail;
void destroy();
void copy_elems(const Queue&);
// version of copyto be used by assign to copy elements from iterator range
template <class Iter> void copy_elems(Iter,Iter);
}; // push 函数
// push 成员将新项放在队列末尾 template <class Type> void Queue<Type>::push(const Type &val)
// allocate a new QueueItem object
QueueItem<Type> *pt = new QueueItem<Type>(val);
// put item onto existing(眼下) queue
head = tail = pt; // the queue now has only one element
else {
tail->next = pt; // add new element to end of the queue
tail = pt;
} //copy_element 函数
template <class Type>
void Queue<Type>::copy_elems(const Queue &orig)
// copy elements from orig into this Queue
// loop stops when to pt == 0, which happens when we reach orig.tail
for (QueueItem<Type> *pt = orig.head; pt; pt = pt->next)
push(pt->item); // copy element
} // destroy 函数
template <class Type> void Queue<Type>::destroy()
while (!empty())
} //pop函数
template <class Type> void Queue<Type>::pop()
// pop is unchecked: Popping off an empty Queue is undefined
QueueItem<Type>* p = head;
head = head->next;
delete p;
} int main()
int n,val;
Queue<int> IntQ;
/*Queue<double> DouQ;
Queue<string> StrQ;*/
printf("Please enter you want total number: ");
return 0;


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