Programming Pearls (2nd Edition): Jon Bentley: 0785342657883: Books

Programming Pearls, Second Edition

  • When programmers list their favorite books, Jon Bentley’s collection of programming pearls is commonly included among the classics. Just as natural pearls grow from grains of sand that irritate oysters, programming pearls have grown from real problems that have irritated real programmers. With origins beyond solid engineering, in the realm of insight and creativity, Bentley’s pearls offer unique and clever solutions to those nagging problems. Illustrated by programs designed as much for fun as for instruction, the book is filled with lucid and witty descriptions of practical programming techniques and fundamental design principles. It is not at all surprising that Programming Pearls has been so highly valued by programmers at every level of experience.
  • In this revision, the first in 14 years, Bentley has substantially updated his essays to reflect current programming methods and environments. In addition, there are three new essays on
    • testing, debugging, and timing
    • set representations
    • string problems
  • All the original programs have been rewritten, and an equal amount of new code has been generated. Implementations of all the programs, in C or C++, are now available on the Web.
  • What remains the same in this new edition is Bentley’s focus on the hard core of programming problems and his delivery of workable solutions to those problems. Whether you are new to Bentley’s classic or are revisiting his work for some fresh insight, the book is sure to make your own list of favorites.



  1. 支付宝AR抢红包?前端轻松就破解~
  2. HTML5 拖动
  3. iOS获取UUID,并使用keychain存储
  4. nlssort函数的用法以及参数
  5. angular_$attrs
  6. WPF绑定方式
  7. makefile中的shell语法
  8. 07_Java8新增的Lambda表达式
  9. 快速幂:quickpow
  10. hadoop+spark+mongodb+mysql+c#
  11. .NET(C#):XmlArrayItem特性和XmlElement特性在序列化数组的差别
  12. TFS的安装
  13. org.hibernate.exception.GenericJDBCException: Could not open connection
  14. .NET 连接SQL Server2012遇到的连接出错问题解析
  15. 上海启动5G试用!104页PPT,为你深度解析5G终端的创新和机遇
  16. Ionic 2 + 手动搭建开发环境教程 【转】
  17. Nginx 测试环境配置,留作笔记使用
  18. 学生管理系统(Java Swing JDBC MySQL)
  19. 给 MSYS2 添加中科大的源
  20. Redis hash结构


  1. [Web] HTML5新特性history pushState/replaceState解决浏览器刷新缓存
  2. nestjs pm2 启动 静态文件404报错
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  4. VUE-012-图表 v-charts 学习(一)饼图展示状态
  5. Ant Design Pro Vue 时间段查询 问题
  6. shell中的shift左移参数命令
  7. 大数据开发工程师面试《一》Shopee虾皮技术面
  8. Gerrit - 初始配置
  9. 卓金武《MATLAB在数学建模中的应用》 第2版
  10. 熟悉javaEE主流框架Spring boot,Spring Cloud,Mybatis,了解Servlet,JDBC