

<canvas id="myCanvas" width="500" height="500"></canvas>


 toCanvas(arr) {
let canvas = document.getElementById('myCanvas');//获取canvas
let ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');//通过getContext获取画图的环境
let cont = 0; //总数
let start = 0; //起始弧度
let x = 250,
y = 250; //圆点坐标
let startCoordinate = {
start: 200,
end: 100
}; //绘制起点坐标
arr.forEach((item) => {
cont += item.number;
}); //获取number之和
arr.forEach((item) => {
ctx.beginPath(); //初始化路径
let prop = item.number / cont; //计算比例
let radian = prop * (Math.PI * 2); //计算弧度
ctx.arc(x, y, 100, start, start + radian, false);//根据比例和弧度画圆
ctx.lineTo(x, y); //连接圆心画线
ctx.fillStyle = item.color; //设置圆弧颜色
ctx.fill(); //填充样式
let x1 = x + Math.cos(radian / 2 + start) * 100;//获取圆弧中间点X坐标
let y1 = y + Math.sin(radian / 2 + start) * 100;//获取圆弧中间点y坐标
ctx.moveTo(x1, y1);//画笔移动到圆弧中点
ctx.lineTo(x1 + 30 * Math.cos(radian / 2 + start), y1 + 30 * Math.sin(radian / 2 + start));//在圆弧中点和圆心的连线上画30单位长度的线
let proNumber = null;
if (Math.cos(radian / 2 + start) > 0) {
proNumber = 1
} else {
proNumber = -1
ctx.lineTo(x1 + 30 * Math.cos(radian / 2 + start) + proNumber * 30, y1 + 30 * Math.sin(radian / 2 + start));//在之前线的基础上画一条30单位长度的水平线
ctx.fillText(item.name, x1 + 30 * Math.cos(radian / 2 + start) + proNumber * 20, y1 + 30 * Math.sin(radian / 2 + start) - 5, 30);//在线上填充字体,设置字体的坐标,最大长度
ctx.strokeStyle = item.color;//设置线条和字体的颜色
ctx.font = "bold 10px consolas";//设置字体的样式
start += radian;//每次圆弧渲染完成将弧度累加作为下个圆弧的初始弧度
let small = new Path2D(ctx);//创建新的一个路径
small.arc(x, y, 60, 0, Math.PI * 2, false);//画圆
ctx.fillStyle = "#fff";//设置圆的颜色
 let arrs = [{
name: '1号',
color: '#CD853F',
number: 500
name: '2号',
color: '#FFA500',
number: 500
name: '3号',
color: '#FF4500',
number: 200
name: '4号',
color: '#8B0000',
number: 300
name: '5号',
color: '#DAA520',
number: 50



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