1.Which is true about Bootstrap?
A. Bootstrap is the most popular and powerful front-end (HTML, CSS, and JavaScript) framework for faster and easier responsive web development.
B. Bootstrap is a powerful front-end framework for faster and easier web development
C. It includes HTML and CSS based design templates for creating common user interface components like forms, buttons, navigations, dropdowns and so on.
D. All of them
2.Which is not a feature of Bootstrap?
A. Mobile first approach
B. Browser support
C. Easy to get started
D. Irresponsive design
3.What is not true about responsive design?
A. Bootstrap's responsive CSS adjusts to Desktops, Tablets and Mobiles
B. The end user need not worry about the device being used to access the web site
C. The end user continues to get the different experience across.
D. All of them
4.The following files do not belong to the bootstrap template?
A. jquery.js
B. bootstrap.min.js
C. bootstrap.min.css
D. bootstrap.java
5.In the statement <meta name="viewport" content="width-device-width, initial-scale=1">
A- The width-device-width part sets the width of the page to follow the screen-width of the device (which will vary depending on the device).
B- The initial-scale=1 part sets the initial zoom level when the page is first loaded by the browser
A. Both are true
B. Both are false
C. A is false
D. B is false
6.A- The .container class provides a responsive full width container
B-The.container-fluid class provides a fixed width container, spanning the entire width of the viewport)
A. Both are true
B. Both are false
C. A is true
D. B is true
7.Which is/ are the correct rule of Bootstrap grid system?
A. Rows must be placed within the .container class in order to get proper alignment and padding(padding).
B. Use rows to create horizontal groups of columns.
C. The content should be placed within a column, and only the column can be a direct child ele ment of a row
D. All of them
8.Which example will result in a 25%/75% split on small devices and a 50%/50% split on medium (and large) devices?
9.Which class is used to increase the left margin of a column to the column?
A. Col-md-*
B. Col-md-offset-*
C. Col-md-push-*
D. Col- md-pull-*
10.Which elements defines the style of the element as a dashed border that appears at the bottom of the text, and displays the full text when th e mouse hovers over it?
A. <Emphasize>
B. <abbr>
C. <lead>
D. <abbreviation>
11.Which is not a list style in bootstrap?
A. List-unstyled
B. List-inlined
C. List-ordered
D. DI-horizontal
12.Which class is used for for tablets - screens equal to or greater than 768px wide?
A. Col-sm
B. Col-md
C. Col-lg
D. Col-xs
13.Which class is used to set text alignment and wrap text in a paragraph that is out of part of the screen?
A. Text-inline
B. Text-justify
C. Text-nowrap
D. Text-overcase
14.Which class is used add stripes in the form of zebra lines in BS tables?()
A. Table-bordered
B. Table-hover
C. Table-striped
D. Table-responsive
15.Which class is used to apply a hover color to a particular row or cell?
A. Active B. Danger C. Info D. Warning
16.Which is not type of form layout in BS?
A. Vertical form B. Horizontal form C. Inline form D. Diagonal form
17.Which class is used of optimum spacing on webpage?
A. Form-inline
B. Form -horizontal
C. Form-group
D. Form-control
18.With which form type, we need to use class "form-group" ?
A. Vertical form B. Horizontal form C. Inline form D. All of them
19.Which type of input is accepted in input box?
A. Color B. Search C. Password D. All of them
20.Which is not a correct class for Background in BS?
A. Bg-danger B. Bq-success C. Bg-black D. Bg-primary
21.In which type of form, we need to Add class .control-label to all <label> elements?
A. Inline form
B. Horizontal form
C. Vertical form
D. All of them
22.A- The .input-group class is a container to enhance an input by adding an icon, text or a button in front or behind it as a "help text".
B-The .input-group-addon class attaches an icon or help text next to the input field.
A. Both are true.
B. Both are false.
C. A is false
D.B is false
23.Which attribute is used to prevent user input to an input?
A. Disabled B. Inactive C. Readonly D. None of them
24.Which is not a class to set the size of a button?
A. Btn-lg
B. Btn-md
C. Btn-sm
D. Btn-xs
25.Which of the following CSS classes scan set the picture fillet?
A. img-rounded
B. img-circle
C. img-thumbnail
D. img-responsive
26.Which of the following bootstrap style of button creates a default/ standard button?
27.Which creates a block-level button that spans the full width of the parent element?
A. Btn-xs. B. Btn-lg C. Btn-block D. Btn-md
28.Which one of them is not a validation style class?
A. Has-error B. Has-success C. Has-warning D. Has-feedback
29.Which of the following bootstrap style of button creates a default/ standard table?
A .table
B .table-striped
C. table-bordered
D .table-hover
30.Which tag is used to add a description or summary of the contents of the table's storage?
A. <thead> B.<tbody> C.<caption> D.< str>
31.Which tag is used to set text to italics?
A. <strong> B. <small> C. <em>D. <None of them>
32.The .container-fluid class provides ().
A. Table format
B. To create a form
C. Full width container
D. Fixed width container
33.Bootstrap' s grid allows up to
A. 6 columns across the page
B. 12 columns across the page
C. 3 columns across the page
D. 1 column across the page
34.Which is the default form in Bootstrap?
A. Horizontal form B. Vertical form C. Inline form D. None of them
35.input-lg provides ()
A. To make width size.
B. To make height sizeo
C. To make width and height size
D. To make character entry size
36.In the initial-scale=1 part sets
A. To make zoom in mobile only
B. To make zoom in desktop only
C. Initial zoom level when the page is first loaded by browser
D. None of them
37.Which class is used to create a button as a link in bootstrap?()
B.btn-link (correct)
38.Which of the following class makes circle image?
A.img-circle-corner B. img-crl C. img-circle D. .img-rounded
39.Change the order of the grid columns with
A.col-md-front-* and .col-md-back-*
B.col-md-riaht-* and .col-md-left-*
C.col-.md-push-* and .col-md-pull-*
D. None of them
40.Which class is used to the inner padding of the row is cut in half to make the table look more Compact?
B. table-condensed
D. None of them
1.Which of the following button group classes can be applied to the resizing of a button group without having to resize each button?
2.Which of the following CSS classes is used to create a encapsulated navigation menu?
3.Which of the following CSS classes is used to display pagination on a page?
4.Which of the following is not provided by Bootstrap for warning?
5.Which of the following does not belong to the class Bootstrap provides for the progress bar?
a. progress
c. progress-bar-success
d. progress-bar-faile
6.Which of the following is not an advantage of Bootstrap
A. Mobile devices are preferred.
B. Browser support
C. Responsive design
D. use javascript
7.What is wrong with the following description of the Bootstrap package?
A. Bootstrap provides a basic structure with a grid system, link style, and background
B. Bootstrap contains more than a dozen reusable components for creating images, drop-down menus, navigation, warning boxes, pop-up boxes, and more
C. Bootstrap does not include jQuery plug-ins
D. Bootstrap comes with the following features: global CSS Settings, defining basic HTML element styles, and extensible classes
8. Which of the following is not a compiled version of Bootstrap?
A. Compiled CSS and Js (bootstrap.*)
B. Compiled and compressed CSS and Js (bootstrap.min.*)
C. The font from Glyphicons
D.Jquery source
9.What is the following incorrect description of the Bootstrap source code?
A. dist/folder contains uncompiled code
B. less /, is/ and fonts/ Files source code for Bootstrap CSS, Js, and icon fonts respectively
C.dist/folder contains precompiled code
D. docs-assets /, examples/ and all *.html files are Bootstrap documents
10.The following files are not bootstrap templates?
a. jquery.js
b. bootstrap.min.js.
d. bootstrap.java
11.What is wrong about how the Bootstrap Grid System works?
A. The row must be placed inside the. Container class
B. Use rows to create horizontal groups of columns
C. Create space between column contents using padding
D. A grid system is created by specifying twelve vertical columns that are available
12.Which of the following CSS classes enables mouse hover on any line within <tbody>?
13.Which of the following CSS classes represents a button operation for a dangerous action?
14.Which of the following CSS classes can set the rounded corners of an image?
15.Which of the following is not part of the bootstrap form?
A. Vertical form (default)
B. Inline forms
C. Horizontal form
D. Circular forms
答案:关注微信公众号 people on way ,回复 bootstrap 即可,有问题亦可留言


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