#topics h2 { background: rgba(43, 102, 149, 1); border-radius: 6px; box-shadow: 0 0 1px rgba(95, 90, 75, 1), 1px 1px 6px 1px rgba(10, 10, 0, 0.5); color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 1); font-family: "微软雅黑", "宋体", "黑体", Arial; font-size: 15px; font-weight: bold; height: 24px; line-height: 23px; margin: 12px 0 !important; padding: 5px 0 5px 10px; text-shadow: 2px 2px 3px rgba(34, 34, 34, 1) }
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  我们已经从BMP图中拿到了需要压缩RGB的数据,我们需要对原数据从RGB域转变YCbCr域,之后对YCbCr数据进行下采样(down sampling)。对于不需要看文章的同学,这边直接给出源代码。https://github.com/Cheemion/JPEG_COMPRESS



Y   =  0.299   * red + 0.587  *  green + 0.114  *  blue;
Cb = -0.1687 * red - 0.3313 * green + 0.5    *    blue + 128;
Cr  =  0.5       * red - 0.4187 * green -  0.0813 * blue + 128;


Cb是B分量和亮度的差值, 称为Chrominance(Cb)


以下代码将RGB转为YCbCr。为什么将RGB转为YCbCr? 因为人眼对亮度(Y)的变化更敏感,所以我可以对Cr和Cb进行下采样(压缩,比如本来1个字节代表一个pixel的数据,压缩后用1个字节代表4个pixels的数据),尽可能保留完整的Y分量。通过这样子我们可以进一步的压缩数据。

void JPG::convertToYCbCr() {
for(uint i = 0; i < height; i++) {
for(uint j = 0; j < width; j++) {
YCbCr temp = BMPData[i * width + j];
BMPData[i * width + j].Y = 0.299 * temp.red + 0.587 * temp.green + 0.114 * temp.blue;
BMPData[i * width + j].Cb = -0.1687 * temp.red - 0.3313 * temp.green + 0.5 * temp.blue + 128;
BMPData[i * width + j].Cr = 0.5 * temp.red - 0.4187 * temp.green - 0.0813 * temp.blue + 128;


采样通常是对连续信号进行采样,比如下图蓝色是连续信号x(t),红色是对信号进行采样后得到的信号x[n]=x(T*n), T是采样间隔,1/T是采样频率。







JPEG规定所有的数据都是以8*8的一个block(data unit)的形式进行离散余弦变化和存储的.可以把这8*8的block看成是最小存储单元。



若Y,Cb,Cr的水平和垂直的采样频率都为1,则原图由4个mcu(4种颜色分别代表一个MCU)组成(每个mcu包含1个y的block,一个cb的block,一个cr的block, 每个mcu的大小为8*8),边缘空白的地方可用0替代,也可以重复边缘的值。


pixel[0,0] = y[0,0] + cb[0,0] + cr[0,0]

pixel[0,1] = y[0,1] + cb[0,1] + cr[0,1]

pixel[1,0] = y[1,0] + cb[1,0] + cr[1,0]

pixel[1,1] = y[1,1] + cb[1,1] + cr[1,1]

若Y的水平和垂直采样频率为2, cb和cr的采样频率为1, 则原图由1个mcu组成(大小为16*16)。mcu中包含4个y的block(2*2),一个cb,一个cr。总共6个block,大小只占原来block的一半。


pixel[0,0] = y[0,0] + cb[0,0] + cr[0,0]

pixel[0,1] = y[0,1] + cb[0,0] + cr[0,0]

pixel[1,0] = y[1,0] + cb[0,0] + cr[0,0]

pixel[1,1] = y[1,1] + cb[0,0] + cr[0,0]

总结:mcu大小= 垂直最大采样值 * 水平最大采样值, 一个mcu包含y的水平采样值*y的垂直采样值个的y个block(y的水平采样为2,垂直为2,则一个muc有4个yblock)。其他分量同理

1.3定义JPG class代码

using Block = int[64];
struct YCbCr {
double Y;
double red;
double Cb;
double green;
union {
double Cr;
double blue;

struct MCU {
Block* y;
Block* cb;
Block* cr;

class JPG
void convertToYCbCr();
void subsampling();
void discreteCosineTransform();
void quantization();
void huffmanCoding();
void output(std::string path);
MCU* data;
Block* blocks;
YCbCr* BMPData;
uint blockNum; //原图的像素
uint width;
uint height; //mcu 有多少个 长度是多少
uint mcuWidth;
uint mcuHeight; //一个完整的muc的水平和垂直像素个数
uint mcuVerticalPixelNum;
uint mcuHorizontalPixelNum; //用于subsampling
// only support 1 or 2
byte YVerticalSamplingFrequency;
byte YHorizontalSamplingFrequency;
byte CbVerticalSamplingFrequency;
byte CbHorizontalSamplingFrequency;
byte CrVerticalSamplingFrequency;
byte CrHorizontalSamplingFrequency;
byte maxVerticalSamplingFrequency;
byte maxHorizontalSamplingFrequency;

JPG(uint width, uint height,const RGB* const rgbs,
byte YVerticalSamplingFrequency, byte YHorizontalSamplingFrequency,
byte CbVerticalSamplingFrequency, byte CbHorizontalSamplingFrequency,
byte CrVerticalSamplingFrequency, byte CrHorizontalSamplingFrequency
:width(width), height(height),
YVerticalSamplingFrequency(YVerticalSamplingFrequency), YHorizontalSamplingFrequency(YHorizontalSamplingFrequency),
CbVerticalSamplingFrequency(CbVerticalSamplingFrequency), CbHorizontalSamplingFrequency(CbHorizontalSamplingFrequency),
CrVerticalSamplingFrequency(CrVerticalSamplingFrequency), CrHorizontalSamplingFrequency(CrHorizontalSamplingFrequency)
maxHorizontalSamplingFrequency = std::max({YHorizontalSamplingFrequency, CbHorizontalSamplingFrequency, CrHorizontalSamplingFrequency});
maxVerticalSamplingFrequency = std::max({YVerticalSamplingFrequency, CbVerticalSamplingFrequency, CrVerticalSamplingFrequency});
mcuWidth = (width + (maxHorizontalSamplingFrequency * 8 - 1)) / (maxHorizontalSamplingFrequency * 8);
mcuHeight = (height + (maxVerticalSamplingFrequency * 8 - 1)) / (maxVerticalSamplingFrequency * 8); mcuVerticalPixelNum = maxVerticalSamplingFrequency * 8;
mcuHorizontalPixelNum = maxHorizontalSamplingFrequency * 8;
data = new MCU[mcuWidth * mcuHeight];
blockNum = (YVerticalSamplingFrequency * YHorizontalSamplingFrequency + CbVerticalSamplingFrequency * CbHorizontalSamplingFrequency + CrHorizontalSamplingFrequency * CrVerticalSamplingFrequency); //分配block内存空间
blocks = new Block[mcuHeight * mcuHeight * blockNum]; //把内存映射到对于的结构中
for (uint i = 0; i < mcuHeight; i++) {
for (uint j = 0; j < mcuWidth; j++) {

data[i * mcuWidth + j].y = &blocks[(i * mcuWidth + j) * blockNum];
data[i * mcuWidth + j].cb = data[i * mcuWidth + j].y + YVerticalSamplingFrequency * YHorizontalSamplingFrequency;
data[i * mcuWidth + j].cr = data[i * mcuWidth + j].cb + CbVerticalSamplingFrequency * CbHorizontalSamplingFrequency;
BMPData = new YCbCr[width * height];
for(uint i = 0; i < height; i++) {
for(uint j = 0; j < width; j++) {
BMPData[i * width + j].red = static_cast<double>(rgbs[i * width + j].red);
BMPData[i * width + j].blue = static_cast<double>(rgbs[i * width + j].blue);
BMPData[i * width + j].green = static_cast<double>(rgbs[i * width + j].green);
~JPG() {
delete[] data;
delete[] blocks;
delete[] BMPData;
} };


//这里直接把左上的点 当作subsampling的点了
void JPG::subsampling() {
for (uint i = 0; i < mcuHeight; i++) {
for (uint j = 0; j < mcuWidth; j++) {
MCU& currentMCU = data[i * mcuWidth + j];
uint heightOffset = i * maxVerticalSamplingFrequency * 8;
uint widthOffset = j * maxHorizontalSamplingFrequency * 8;
//iterate over 每一个component Y, cb cr
for (uint componentID = 1; componentID <= 3; componentID++) {
//遍历block, 从muc中拿block
for(uint ii = 0, yOffSet = heightOffset; ii < getVerticalSamplingFrequency(componentID); ii++, yOffSet = yOffSet + 8) {
for(uint jj = 0, xOffset = widthOffset; jj < getHorizontalSamplingFrequency(componentID); jj++, xOffset = xOffset + 8) {
Block& currentBlock = currentMCU[componentID][ii * getHorizontalSamplingFrequency(componentID) + jj];
//遍历Block every pixels 像素, 并且采样赋值
for(uint y = 0; y < 8; y++) {
for(uint x = 0; x < 8; x++) {
uint sampledY = yOffSet + y * maxVerticalSamplingFrequency / getVerticalSamplingFrequency(componentID);
uint sampledX = xOffset + x * maxHorizontalSamplingFrequency / getHorizontalSamplingFrequency(componentID);
//cannot find in original pictures;
if(sampledX >= width || sampledY >= height) {
currentBlock[y * 8 + x] = 0;
} else {
currentBlock[y * 8 + x] = BMPData[sampledY * width + sampledX][componentID];

完整代码  https://github.com/Cheemion/JPEG_COMPRESS/tree/main/Day2




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