When the Servlet container starts, it:

  1. reads web.xml;
  2. finds the declared Servlets in the classpath; and
  3. loads and instantiates each Servlet only once.

Roughly, like this:

String urlPattern = parseWebXmlAndRetrieveServletUrlPattern();
String servletClass = parseWebXmlAndRetrieveServletClass();
HttpServlet servlet = (HttpServlet) Class.forName(servletClass).newInstance();
servlets.put(urlPattern, servlet); // Similar to a map interface.

Those Servlets are stored in memory and reused every time the request URL matches the Servlet's associated url-pattern. The servlet container then executes code similar to:  

for (Entry<String, HttpServlet> entry : servlets.entrySet()) {
String urlPattern = entry.getKey();
HttpServlet servlet = entry.getValue();
if (request.getRequestURL().matches(urlPattern)) {
servlet.service(request, response);

The GenericServlet#service() on its turn decides which of the doGet()doPost(), etc.. to invoke based on HttpServletRequest#getMethod().

You see, the servletcontainer reuses the same servlet instance for every request. In other words: the servlets are shared among every request. That's why it's extremely important to write servlet code the threadsafe manner --which is actually simple: just do not assign request or session scoped data as servlet instance variables, but just as method local variables. E.g.

public class MyServlet extends HttpServlet {

    private Object thisIsNOTThreadSafe;

    protected void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException {
Object thisIsThreadSafe; thisIsNOTThreadSafe = request.getParameter("foo"); // BAD!! Shared among all requests!
thisIsThreadSafe = request.getParameter("foo"); // OK, this is thread safe.

(Comments: I will just add that if the same servlet class is mapped to two different urls in web.xml, then two instances are created. But the general principle still holds, one instance serves multiple requests.)

There is only one instance of the servlet which is reused for multiple requests from multiple clients. This leads to two important rules:

  • don't use instance variables in a servlet, except for application-wide values, most often obtained from context parameters.
  • don't make methods synchronized in a servlet

(same goes for servlet filters and jsps)

According to the Java Servlet Specification Version 3.0 (pp. 6-7), there will be one instance per declaration per JVM  



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