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Issue Tracker

You can find outstanding issues on the GitHub Issue Tracker.

Pull Requests

  • Each pull request should contain only one new feature or improvement.
  • Pull requests should be submitted to the correct version branch ie master

Code Style

All pull requests must use the PSR-2 code style.

  • Code MUST use the PSR-1 code style.
  • Code MUST use 4 spaces for indenting, not tabs.
  • There MUST NOT be a hard limit on line length; the soft limit MUST be 120 characters; lines SHOULD be 80 characters or less.
  • There MUST be one blank line after the namespace declaration, and there MUST be one blank line after the block of use declarations.
  • Opening braces for classes MUST go on the next line, and closing braces MUST go on the next line after the body.
  • Opening braces for methods MUST go on the next line, and closing braces MUST go on the next line after the body.
  • Visibility MUST be declared on all properties and methods; abstract and final MUST be declared before the visibility; static MUST be declared after the visibility.
  • Control structure keywords MUST have one space after them; method and function calls MUST NOT.
  • Opening braces for control structures MUST go on the same line, and closing braces MUST go on the next line after the body.
  • Opening parentheses for control structures MUST NOT have a space after them, and closing parentheses for control structures MUST NOT have a space before.


  1. 全局唯一ID设计
  2. jQuery的几个应例题、JSON基础
  3. NanUI for Winform发布,让Winform界面设计拥有无限可能
  4. UVALive 3027 Corporative Network
  5. Oracle VirtualBox 使用桥接网络完成主机和虚拟机之间的双向通讯
  6. 实现jQuery扩展总结
  7. 2、Android应用程序基本特性
  8. c语言命名规则 [转载]
  9. yii2 控制器里 action 大小写组合造成的路由问题
  10. 命令导入导出oracle库
  11. java中获取所有的请求参数
  12. Zookeeper 快速入门(上)
  13. MyBatis-Plus
  14. IO模型--阻塞IO,非阻塞IO,IO多路复用,异步IO
  15. LeetCode(48):旋转图像
  16. 快速切题 poj1068
  17. webpack/gulp的z-index被改写
  18. PAT——1052. 卖个萌
  19. ubuntu16.04系统上安装CAJViewer方法步骤教程详解
  20. 防止XSS攻击的方式


  1. java jvm学习笔记六(实现写自己的安全管理器)
  2. 转换时间为 “XX分钟之前”
  3. STM32 USB-HID通信移植步骤
  4. 面向对象基础(class0425)字符串与集合
  5. tomcat 7 中的类加载器学习
  6. 异步网页采集利器CasperJs
  7. ALM11需求和测试覆盖率图解1
  8. java正则表达式入门基础
  9. python学习(5)
  10. iOS8 CLLocationManager 、CLGeocoder获取地理位置