Wow Slider
 WOW Slider是一款小巧易用的网页滑块设计。该软件内置大量的模版和工具,让你轻松设计出完美的视觉效果。他还可以帮助用户在短时间内创造出梦幻般的滑块,而无需编码和图像编辑,是很不错的图像滑块设计工具。

Nivo Slider

Nivo Slider是一款出色的jQuery幻灯片插件,支持多种切换效果,可定制性强.

Simple Multi-Item Slider
一款基于jQuery插件的多项目滚动条,Simple Multi-Item Slider Category slider with CSS

Fullscreen Slit Slider with CSS3 and jQuery
The Fullscreen Slit Slider from Codrops is a unique slider with some
interesting transition effects. Instead of simply sliding, it slices
open the slide as it transitions to the next slide.

Parallax Content Slider with CSS3 and jQuery
If you’re looking for a slider that will allow you to include content as
well as images, the Parallax Content Slider could be a good choice. It
uses CSS3 animations with each single element, so you have a lot of

Rotating Image Slider with jQuery
If you’re looking for a unique slider that will help your site to stand
out, this is a great option. Instead of simply slider images in and out
it gives theme a slight rotation, which creates a really interesting
slider that visitors will love.

Parallax Slider with jQuery

Slider Gallery with jQuery
This slider displays thumbnails in a horizontal slider. As is shown in
the demo, it is great for photography websites to display photos in
different categories.

Unslider 是一款非常轻量的 jQuery 插件(压缩后只有 1KB),能够用于任何 HTML 内容的滑动。可以响应容器的大小变化,自动排布不用大小的滑块。可以通过整合 jQuery.event.swipe 来让其支持触屏设备的滑动功能。




ResponsiveSlides.js 是一个微型的 jQuery 插件用来创建响应式的幻灯展示效果,对 <ul> 标签中的图片进行自动幻灯展示,支持几乎所有浏览器包括 IE6。也可设置 max-width 属性并对 IE6 有效。

Camera is a responsive slider using jQuery mobile so users can mobile
users can scroll through slides easily on a touchscreen. The are plenty
of options for customizations and it supports HTML and video in addition
to just images.


Slides – 是一个简单的,容易定制和风格化,的jQuery幻灯片插件。




bxSlider 是一个 jQuery 的插件,它可以实现 Slider 和滚动效果。这个插件使用非常简单,并且大小只有 8kb,非常轻量级,所以非常适合在站点和博客中使用。

Basic jQuery Slider

Basic jQuery Slider 是一个轻量级的很简洁的 jQuery
内容滑动插件,经压缩后也仅有4.6kb大小。它能用来展示文字、图片等任意的 HTML
内容。此插件并没有太多花哨的功能,仅包含一些基础的功能,实现了 fade 和 slide




  RSlider 是一个全屏的响应式图像和内容滑块,外观设计简洁大方,会根据浏览器的窗口宽度自动调整尺寸。



Slider Revolution
Slider Revolution is a premium WordPress plugin ($15) that allows you to
easily create and customize responsive sliders. It comes with 20
different transitions, it’s touch enabled, and you can include just
about any content you want within your slider.

SlideDeck is a premium WordPress plugin ($49 for a single site license).
It’s extremely popular because it offers a ton of useful features and
because it is easy to set up beautiful responsive sliders from within
the WordPress dashboard without any coding. For designers/developers who
prefer to code their own slider, or to customize the code of an
existing slider, SlideDeck may not be the ideal option. But for end
users who want to be able to create sliders without the need to mess
with code, it can be a great choice.


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